advocacy of violence evo psych arglebargle grandiosity hate heartiste it's science! men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men paranoia patriarchy politics racism reactionary bullshit

“As men, Force is the greatest weapon we have … We must use it,” says racist manosphere asshat.

More thoughts on the election from the Manosphere. These are from the comments section of Chateau Heartiste, in response to that little manifesto from Mark Minter we talked about the other day, and which Minter also posted at the Chateau.

Here John Salt suggests that โ€œforceโ€ works better than voting. ย And, oh yeah, heโ€™s also as racist as Hitler.

Here Sidewinder offers some โ€œoptimismโ€ for the future:

Youโ€™ll notice that no one there voices opposition to any of these sentiments.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Hugs and cheers for Cheeto and his rescuer and his rescuer’s mum!

12 years ago

Yay cloudiah!

12 years ago

Also I like the replacement of Stuff On My Cat with the more traditional Cat On My Stuff.

12 years ago

kitty is having a hard time settling in


12 years ago

and well done Cloudiah, shout all you like! now i have an excuse for a glass of fizzy wine this evening

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago


12 years ago

W.F. Price tries his hand at writing a steamy romance novel, set “hundreds of feet under polar ice in a multi-billion dollar, reactor-powered vessel loaded with nuclear ballistic missiles” because as we all know wimmenz wouldn’t be able to resist “a high-ranking officer on the hard edge of American imperial power.”

The silence was deafening. [Good idea, always start with a cliched phrase. Extra points for choosing one that makes absolutely no sense!] Jessica stood, frozen, on the dark missile deck, surrounded by pillars of awesome power [Price says, while typing with one hand.], capable of wiping out entire civilizations. She could hear, ever so slightly, footsteps and the soft rustling of blue cloth heading purposefully closer.[It was dark, but Jessica could tell it was blue cloth by its soft rustling. And its sense of purpose.] Panic rose within her heaving breast [So, only one breast was heaving?] as a muscular, square-shouldered figure filled the narrow walkway, blocking what light remained, coming nearer, and nearer still. [And then even nearer!] A strong hand grasped her shoulder, and another her waist. The panic instantly gave way to a flood of desire [Shouldn’t Jessica first moan, “What’s your rank?” or demand to see proof of his status? Or can she just tell, even with no light, by the purpose-driven cloth rustling and the way she’s being grasped?]; a desire so strong it burst over the levee of regulations and codes of conductโ€ฆ [Women’s sexuality, just like a storm surge.]

12 years ago

Woo hoo Cloudiah!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

12 years ago

All these kitties are causing a desire to squee so strong it burst over the levee of regulations and codes of conduct.

Nope, it still doesn’t really work even when you include kitties. That proves it’s bad writing.

12 years ago

Ah…I’m so sad- I could never foster animals because MY HOME WOULD BECOME THEIR FOREVER HOME. I couldn’t give up my fuzzy babies any more than I could give up my human babies. Sadly….we only live in a small apartment, so it would be patently unfair to keep more than one kitty here. But if we get a house….I’m thinking two dogs and two cats… Does that make me a “crazy animal person”? XD

12 years ago

Given infinite resources in terms of space and money my house would look like Hemingway’s – completely overrun with cats. But with added Huskies and Newfies.

12 years ago

@duality heart,

speaking as someone that has owned 4 cats in the past all at the same time, now has 2 cats, 3 guinea pigs, 2 daughters (and a Mr Big Momma) and is thinking about getting chickens, your 2 dogs and 2 cats sound perfectly reasonable

12 years ago

Price should never write anything more complicated than a shopping list again. That was painful to read.

12 years ago

Dualityheart, we have four cats, I don’t care if we’re “those people.”

12 years ago

I always read Price’s name as “W.T.F. Price.” It fits.

12 years ago

I always read Priceโ€™s name as โ€œW.T.F. Price.โ€ It fits.

It’s not? You live, you learn.

12 years ago

Late to the party, as usual. But hurray for Cloudiah!

Hurray to having multiple animals (if I didn’t have the mister to keep me in line, there would be many, many dogs here; he insists I limit it to one, though ๐Ÿ™ ).

And boo to W.F. Price’s fiction.

12 years ago

Patak’s Mango: What gives?

Your wrong, that’s what gives.

You seem to have some issues, and projecting them into the past (and really, Freud, as expert on religion? Just So Stories to shore up his pet theories in other areas).

But you demonstrate your wrongness in your own words.

Compare and contrast:

Your statement one: The nature of monotheism, as its come out of the middle east and starting with Judaism, is that it does have the concept of religious freedom and when it is confronted with it, does not respect it.

And your statement two:

At least Jews donโ€™t seek to convert others, normally at least.

So the Ur-religion, on which your entire case is rests, doesn’t try to convert. Seems to be a religion that’s willing to live and let live. The internal evidence of it’s sacred writings gives the lie to it. There are specific rules about how to treat those who aren’t Jews (neither shall the stranger in your midst work on the sabbath; one forgives debts to them in the Jubilee, etc.). You are citing Freudian fantasy novels to justify your opinions…

Wait… Freud isn’t your authority? Then what are you doing using him as your go to guy to explain the “reasons”. He’s an authority, or he isn’t.

Then again, it’s possible you are just bailing like mad, trying to bulldoze your way through the contrary evidence; figuring you can invoke a famous name and we’ll all bow before the power of it’s talismanic might.

You are contradicting yourself (see above) and oversimplifying to the point of inanity.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I know it’s not blue cloth but surely this must be the sort of officer that woeful fiction is about? ๐Ÿ˜›

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago


I was merely saying you shouldn’t use Ronnie James Dio’s name in vain.

12 years ago

“Mistress” please, not Doctor or Master. I am a Mistress of Information! ๐Ÿ˜€

SRSLY, you guyz are so sweet. And the kitties are the SWEETEST.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I now have an image of a dominatrix spouting interesting factoids in between whipping a client (or maybe thumping ’em with an encyclopaedia). ๐Ÿ™‚

12 years ago

Um, Kittehs’, have you ever attended one of the annual meetings of the American Library Association? Because that dominatrix thing… I’m not saying anything more.

So I have all this adrenaline in my system from my presentation today, but no energy to actually work on the things my committee suggested. I may be here all night.