More thoughts on the election from the Manosphere. These are from the comments section of Chateau Heartiste, in response to that little manifesto from Mark Minter we talked about the other day, and which Minter also posted at the Chateau.
Here John Salt suggests that “force” works better than voting. And, oh yeah, he’s also as racist as Hitler.
Here Sidewinder offers some “optimism” for the future:
You’ll notice that no one there voices opposition to any of these sentiments.
thenatfantastic now has thehairfantastic.
That story out of Ireland made me so sad/angry. Sangry.
I DEFENDED MY THESIS TODAY AND I PASSED. Ahem. Didn’t mean to shout.
And this is for Nepenthe:
My kitty being a hidey kitty.
Thanks, but that wasn’t the question. The question was: How many Indian Muslims are there and how many Hindu Pakistanis? Since y’all brought it up.
There are about 160 million Muslims in India and about 3 million Hindu people in Pakistan.
Buster and Hazel as kitties. I kept telling my friends I wasn’t ready to adopt any more cats because I was still sad about my last two dying kind of one right after another, and then my friend sent me this picture and I believe my verbatim response was “Where do I go to pick them up?”
“And your point is wrong. Lots of people are monotheists and also believe in religious freedom. Case in point: Me and Pecunium. Disproof by counterexample. Further proof by counterexample: Polytheistic societies and non-theistic societies where other beliefs are suppressed.
Better explanation: People like to oppress other people. Religion can be a powerful tool. Ergo, where there is religion and there are people, people will use religion to oppress other people.”
Katz, I appreciate your comments but you are missing the forest for the trees. I’m not talking about individuals here. I’m taking about the foundational premise of monotheism; one god pitted against other gods and the resultant loss of religions and cultures because of that.
What was wrong with the way the ancient tribes of the Middle East were worshipping? Why was worshipping a plethora of gods and goddesses seen as problematic by Moses?
Ugh, thank you. Have a hedgehog video:
Huh, where did that https come from?
Here’s Mimi in a briefcase
Mimi commandeering the work laptop
Here’s Nilla telling me I’m not allowed to take my shorts with me on vacation this summer.
Yay, cloudiah! Congratulations! Not that we doubted you for a minute.
YAY, CLOUDIAH!!! I knew you’d do it!
Nilla looks very adamant about you not taking your shorts.
Joined the conversation later re: the political compass, but I like to think of myself as a Chaotic Good.
That Irish forced birth (is it a stretch to call it manslaughter? Negligent homicide?) is so horrible. Thank you everyone for the wonderful furry critter pics.
Here’s Miss Maddie testing my Walmart bag. Because it wouldn’t be safe to use an overnight bag that hadn’t been kitty tested.
If any of y’alls cats go missing, I wasn’t there and I don’t know what happened to them. Now excuse me, I gotta load all this kitten chow in my trunk.
@cloudiah: Congrats! I guess it’s DOCTOR cloudiah now.
Just make sure there’s indoor food for Maddie the Rotund, y’hear? 😉
Congratulations on your thesis, Cloudiah.
Manboobzers have the cutest kitties! And thanks all, it’s quite a relief — but just a Masters, no PhD.
Yay for furry purr-machines!
The world sucks significantly less. Imma go to bed and see if it sucks even more less in the morning.
Also, that second otter is doing some intense contact juggling. I’m impressed.
A friend just posted this on Facebook:
The recovery of CHEETO!
Patak, you’re overgeneralizing and being absurdly reductivist in your pedantic ramblings about monotheism and religious oppression, linking the two based on little more than your Wikipedia-level understanding of the issues and willfully ignoring the realities of history of both monotheistic cultures and polytheistic cultures. And you’re the one who cited Freud as if it proved anything, so don’t whine about how you weren’t citing Freud.