advocacy of violence evo psych arglebargle grandiosity hate heartiste it's science! men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men paranoia patriarchy politics racism reactionary bullshit

“As men, Force is the greatest weapon we have … We must use it,” says racist manosphere asshat.

More thoughts on the election from the Manosphere. These are from the comments section of Chateau Heartiste, in response to that little manifesto from Mark Minter we talked about the other day, and which Minter also posted at the Chateau.

Here John Salt suggests that “force” works better than voting.  And, oh yeah, he’s also as racist as Hitler.

Here Sidewinder offers some “optimism” for the future:

You’ll notice that no one there voices opposition to any of these sentiments.

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12 years ago

I for one was thrilled at all the wimmin Senators. Anything that gives the feminists less to complain about is A-OK in my book.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

Birds can be pretty adorable too:

Lame. That was a poor choice of music.

12 years ago

Sgt Grumbles, that raven sounds just like the guy who narrated all of those film strips I watched back in elementary school.

12 years ago

@ Nepenthe
That video made me laugh.

And I agree that cat names change. My kitten started as Luna. And now we all call her looney tunes or luna tuna.

12 years ago

Every kitten starts out with one name: you’resocu-u-u-ute! Its name changes through time, however. My king tom was born with a black cap- he was otherwise pure white and blue-eyed- and was called “Chickadee”. His spot faded away and his ears grew enormous, so he was “Bat Boy”. Then he went through a pudgy, fuzzy, mitty-pawed stage, and although I named him “Christmas”, I never called him anything but “Creampuff”. Then he reached his full stature and stateliness, and he is now “The Great Phoenix”.

Creative Writing Student


My (then) three-year-old cousin’s suggestion for cat names: Animal Eater.

Roland is an awesome name, as is Raphael (for a queen, maybe Raphaelle?). Bastet, for obvious reasons. Or Morrigan.

12 years ago

@Sgt Grumbles

I’m curious as to what Poe would have written had the raven said waka waka waka waka instead of nevermore.

12 years ago

drst and hellkell – I hope your weeks get much better!! 🙂


About 10 years ago I saw a woman with a flat tire on the highway. I got out to help her change it, and her immediate reaction was to jump in her disabled car and lock the doors. This is why I hate MRAs. This poor woman was terrified of me because I am a man and for no other reason. Shit like “force is the greatest weapon we have” makes me sick. Force is a last resort you imbecile.

Thank you!!!! I remember one time as a young teen, after being raised with the constant “it’s good and ok for men to attack females, it’s biology, all men are like this and they can’t help it and there’s no reason for them to try not to do it, because it’s good and just the way things are” – my father looking at me and yelling at me “you hate men!” I couldn’t say anything back, but I was thinking “well, duh! I’m supposed to LIKE them and NOT be terrified of them?????”

Once I got into the outside world, I’m finding things are different, and there’s three guys I trust – although it took them a few years to gain that trust. That’s one of the great things about the internet. You’re male, and I can read what you write and learn from you, and write back and I’m safe – you can’t kill me or rape me or beat me up or whatever. (Freitag235, I’m VERY confident, based on what you’ve written, that you would never do those things. Period. But the ability to be both open and yet protected at the same time is something seriously cool about the internet. And this site.)

And not sure how on or off-topic this is, but it was posted on one of my FB groups and I love it:

12 years ago

May the Force (to beat the shit out of anyone who points out that they don’t actually agree with you being in charge) be with you!

Um, no. No thank you. Please take your deranged self and your “will to power” to a nice little desert island where you can’t hurt anyone except yourselves. Maybe the Reddit Island people will be willing to sublet you some space.

12 years ago

@ Nat

Funny thing is that I don’t consider myself an anarchist at all, but I’m barely a couple of squares off of the very bottom left point of that chart.The comments about it skewing too American are correct – I can see where they were going from an American pov, but the questions on religion for example are going to throw off the scores for most Europeans. I don’t know a single European person who thinks that public schools should be practicing religious indoctrination. My Granny for example is pretty religious, and she’d be horrified by that idea.

Touch Of Whimsy
Touch Of Whimsy
12 years ago


Actually, some Eastern Europeans are probably all for religion being taught in schools. I’m a bit iffy on details, since I don’t live in Poland, but from going there every year and reading up on it’s politics, the Catholic Church is bedmates with the government and a pretty powerful organization overall. It’s not letting us have proper sex ed and birth control, plus pretty much taking LGBTQ rights back to the American 1950s. Some countries around us have pretty similar politics.

I can imagine a Swede or a German horrified by the idea though. A Pole might actually back it up.

12 years ago

Also, I hope the SPLC is still keeping an eye on these guys, because this sounds very much like they’re trying to psych themselves up for some domestic terrorism. Granted that most of them will probably never act on it, but it only takes one.

12 years ago

They want other men to use force, become the martyres while they stay safely out of danger.

12 years ago

While it can be somewhat embarrassing from time to time I sing my cats names when I call them. I stopped calling kitty kitty when people kidnapped my siamese kittens, lo these many years ago. When I want them all to come I sing songy “Come on you guys”. They all know their names perfectly well but only if they are singy. If people say kitty kitty to them they have no clue who is being spoken to, or why.

12 years ago

I think, Ruby, it’s more likely they want violence to be normalised so they can engage in it safely to get what they want. They forget (or are too stupid to realise) that they are just as likely to be targets of male violence as the people they think deserve it, and there is no way to be violent and safe from violence at the same time.

12 years ago

Kitty is healthy and happy! Very confident wee soul who is ruling the living room already. 6 weeks old. Molly is observing calmly from under the dining table.

12 years ago
12 years ago

She’s so cute!

12 years ago

Cool, link worked, posting from tablet so it’s bit weird. And not used imgur before.

12 years ago

So teeny! Don’t lose her in the couch cushions!

12 years ago

Adorable kitten!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

She’s so cuuuuuuuuuute and adorable! Is she a tortie? She looks it in that photo.

12 years ago

Yup, a tortie…she is fast asleep in the crook of my elbow right now

12 years ago

She has found the best possible place to be, lucky girl. G’night.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Yup, a tortie…she is fast asleep in the crook of my elbow right now

::melts into puddle of squee::