advocacy of violence evo psych arglebargle grandiosity hate heartiste it's science! men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men paranoia patriarchy politics racism reactionary bullshit

“As men, Force is the greatest weapon we have … We must use it,” says racist manosphere asshat.

More thoughts on the election from the Manosphere. These are from the comments section of Chateau Heartiste, in response to that little manifesto from Mark Minter we talked about the other day, and which Minter also posted at the Chateau.

Here John Salt suggests that “force” works better than voting.  And, oh yeah, he’s also as racist as Hitler.

Here Sidewinder offers some “optimism” for the future:

You’ll notice that no one there voices opposition to any of these sentiments.

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12 years ago

Fat baby bulldog! Best brain bleach there is. I love her little growls while she tries to figure out how her legs work.

Bottom left of the compass. Not surprised at all.

12 years ago

John Salt misogyny and racism is stunning. I’m always awed (not in a good way) when they let it all hang out like that.

12 years ago

Thanks to cloudiah’s link, I found a rebuttal to Saltnozzle’s racism! It involves tiger photosynthesis.

12 years ago

The bottom left of the compass is the place to be! I’m hanging out there with some fat baby bulldogs and orange tabby kittens, if anyone wants to stop by.

12 years ago

I seriously question the political compass test. A one-dimensional axis is too limiting, but a two-dimensional grid totally encompasses everyone’s views? And libertarian and right are orthogonal to each other?

12 years ago

If anyone’s familiar with the political compass test, I’m at the very bottom left, most MRAs would be in the bottom right and the two dudes who claim to be anarchists are probably top left.

Interesting – apparently I’m defying the conventional wisdom about people getting more conservative as they age, since I’ve drifted to the left both socially and economically since I last took this test, back when it was the new thing going around my group of friends. (2004ish, maybe?)

(Really, I’m probably just demonstrating that people get stronger in their opinions as they age – I suspect most of the shift can be attributed to being more likely to hit “strongly agree/disagree” than just “agree/disagree” these days.)

12 years ago

Orange tabby kitten, as requested:

What a sweet baby.

12 years ago

Katz, I agree. Hence the badly worded garble about how you can define libertarian economic policies. But it is slightly more useful than just using one.

12 years ago

About 10 years ago I saw a woman with a flat tire on the highway. I got out to help her change it, and her immediate reaction was to jump in her disabled car and lock the doors. This is why I hate MRAs. This poor woman was terrified of me because I am a man and for no other reason. Shit like “force is the greatest weapon we have” makes me sick. Force is a last resort you imbecile. It’s called civilization. Look into it. It produces collective farming, architecture, literature and art. Force produces nothing; it destroys. Fucking idiots drowning in their butthurt and hate. Get The Fuck Over Yourselves.

Baby bulldog brain bleach:

12 years ago

My day would be immeasurably improved if I had a baby bulldog to cuddle with. This week needs to be over already.

12 years ago

Certainly, two axes are much better than one. But unless you have a separate axis for every issue, there are always going to be oddballs who don’t fit naturally anywhere on the scale.

It’s also odd how they seem to think that this test will work for everyone the world over. Different countries have really different issues that they face, and anyway, a test calibrated for the US would put everyone in Europe way over to the left, and one calibrated to Europe would jam most of America over to the right.

12 years ago

This mentality leads to rape.

I’m gonna go spend some time watching bad ass ladies be action heroes now.

12 years ago

Here’s some Veterans’ Day brain bleach.

12 years ago

Melody, I recommend Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon for that.

Arguably some of the best fight scenes in film history, generally beautiful cinematography and visuals, amazing soundtrack and it passes the Bechdel test with so many flying colours it’s like being smacked in the face by a rainbow.

Also it allows you to worship at the alter of Michelle Yeoh’s face. My god that woman is beautiful. And bad ass. So god damn bad ass.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

Oh, no, I know what it is! I was quoting the post and used the n* word in full because I copied it from the comment. Whoops! Next time I’ll add some stars.

Next time just don’t spell it with an ‘er’, lest you might sound racist.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

There is no “convincing” our [insert various non-white-male categories of individuals here] that our will to power is virtuous or even valid.

1. Maybe because it isn’t.

2. Wait, being black or Jewish or mixed-race is antithetical to having a “will to power,” even if one is a man? Race > sex? I’m confused. Maybe because this crap makes no sense and is also crap.

12 years ago

My day would be immeasurably improved if I had a baby bulldog to cuddle with. This week needs to be over already.

AMEN. I could not agree more with this sentiment.

12 years ago

@drst, if you had a baby bulldog, it would waddle over to you, push its snuffly muzzle into your hand and adore you with everything it’s got. Baby bulldogs are made of 100% pure love.

12 years ago

Puppies generally are like that, but it’s the wrinkle-butt phenomenon of the baby bulldogs that make them so painfully adorable.

Those Labrador puppies are pretty damned cute too. And beagles. And Pulis. And… 😉

12 years ago

Birds can be pretty adorable too:

12 years ago

From here on out let’s say “Objectivist Rapture” instead of “Going Galt”. Also, we are all awaiting the MGTOW Rapture. Totally stole this from a comment on Scalzi.

12 years ago

Not to go all ‘no true Scotsman’ but pretty much the central tenet of anarchism is a refusal to accept hierarchies as a valid way of running the world. If they think that they should hold rule over women, they’re objectively and demonstrably not anarchists.

Well, no. The central tenet of anarchism is that a refusal to accept institutionalized hierarchies. If Mr. Pigman believes that men are “naturally” the dominant sex, well, that’s entirely in line with anarchism. After all, what are you going to do, enforce equality?

12 years ago

we are all awaiting the MGTOW Rapture.

Or at least for them to just STFU and GTOW.

12 years ago

I’m going to watching crouching tiger hidden dragon now.

Thanks for the advice.

12 years ago

Well, Hell, I knew they thought like that. And yes, I remember clearly a time when most beats and left-activists specifically thought all *men* were created equal. Women were for making coffee and providing sex. Women who insisted on any kind of reciprocal obligation were hopelessly selfish, bourgeois, and unfeminine. Women who unspokenly desired reciprocity were “insecure” and therefore unworthy of it. It was this kind of attitude that kick-started the Second Wave.