More thoughts on the election from the Manosphere. These are from the comments section of Chateau Heartiste, in response to that little manifesto from Mark Minter we talked about the other day, and which Minter also posted at the Chateau.
Here John Salt suggests that “force” works better than voting. And, oh yeah, he’s also as racist as Hitler.
Here Sidewinder offers some “optimism” for the future:
You’ll notice that no one there voices opposition to any of these sentiments.
Why does everyone have to drag the Force into it? The Jedi Council want no part of this wacky wagon.
I kind of want to throw every asshole on the internet that talks about “natural law” into an intro level sociology class
Holy shit, I dunno how I can continue to be surprised by what human garbage the manosphere produces.
(and yet.)
Is the manosphere mostly right-wing?
I do not think you know what “good society” means if you think violence is the way to uphold it.
I am not your woman. Nor am I your nigger, your jew, or your mestizo.
And this was in reply:
Okay, now I’m not even “your” woman anymore , I am now just pussy? That is owned by America? (I’m sure by America he means white American men.)
These guys really do think they’re the only people who are actually human, don’t they?
Huh, is “pussy” a word that gets your comment in moderation?
Oh, no, I know what it is! I was quoting the post and used the n* word in full because I copied it from the comment. Whoops! Next time I’ll add some stars.
Pretty well by definition, really.
I think I’ve seen one self described “liberal” MRA. Basically he thought men get screwed in family court therefore women have advantage everywhere, though I don’t think he went along with the whole women are all evil (though he was somewhat sexist)
There was a left-wing-esque MRA catalogued here on Manboobz at one point. It was a couple of weeks ago, I believe.
If these guys are truly serious about what they believe, sooner or later it would have to come down to the use of physical force, wouldn’t it? Of course, they also know that there would be many people who might stand against them, and they wouldn’t like that very much.
It’s true that the Republicans are out of touch. I’ll give him that, but I would not describe them as appeasers. If he paid attention to how the Republicans in Congress act, he’d know why they are described as the “party of no”. With them, it’s my way or the highway and compromise is for suckers. And we saw how well that approach worked out for them last Tuesday.
John Salt sounds like he’s ready to join some right wing militia group. Those heartiste readers are scary.
Isn’t that Pigman dude some kind of lefty? There’s also someone on r/mr (David Byron? Something like that…) who calls himself a communist, I think.
I’ve looked over definitions of “nationalism” before. I don’t recall anything about “Gaming hot women and keep them in line.”
Once again, the MRM’s own words are worse than anything anyone else could say about them.
Keep digging past the bottom of the barrel, guys!
Sidewinder’s plot is unrealistic; you can’t “Game” blocs of women. it must be done individually. Is he suggesting Romney “Game” remotely, via commercials? Can’t be done. Sure, he could go door to door and flash his cash and/or penis, but there are something like 125 million adult women in the US. Not enough hours in the day.
Which man boobz troll left this review? Otis the sweaty? 😀
Brain bleach.
Needing brain bleach because this:
Not at all scary. Also, I am always amazed at the number of slurs which exist. It’s like hate mongers are curators of hate.
Did someone say brain bleach?
And this is why I needed the brain bleach:
Pigman and the leftist MRA from a couple of weeks ago, mentioned above, both claim to be anarchists.
Not to go all ‘no true Scotsman’ but pretty much the central tenet of anarchism is a refusal to accept hierarchies as a valid way of running the world. If they think that they should hold rule over women, they’re objectively and demonstrably not anarchists. Like anarcho-capitalists (basically from the School of Rand), who think that authority over another by virtue of having more shiny things is a perfect valid model for society aren’t any kind of anarchists I recognise either.
When talking about MRAs in general, it depends how you define left/right – are you going on economics or authoritarianism? Most MRAs are libertarian (free/laissez-faire market) economically and right-wing authoritarians. Basically the GOP’s point of view – ALL HAIL BUSINESS! SCREW CIVIL LIBERTIES FOR PEOPLE WHO DON’T LOOK LIKE ME! And then it also depends what one defines libertarian economics as. Some would argue it’s left-wing because it leaves people’s money in the hands of those people to do as their Galt selves see fit and damn everyone else, I’d say that’s an inherently right-wing point of view, and so on.
If anyone’s familiar with the political compass test, I’m at the very bottom left, most MRAs would be in the bottom right and the two dudes who claim to be anarchists are probably top left.
Okay, I get their “theory” on how women supposedly enjoy being put upon. But Jews? Do Jews enjoy white master-race domination? As a Jewish woman, I really need my masters at Roissy’s to tell me which way I ought to lean.