Men’s Rights a hate group? Pshaw! MRA’s don’t hate women! I mean, really, it’s more like an emotional numbness based on how objectively awful women are. Combined with a deep desire for revenge. That’s not hate, is it?
Apparently a good chunk of Men’s Rights Redditors don’t think it is, I gather from their positive reaction to this lovely quote from Men’s Rights/MGTOW elder Zed:
Not that many people would be proud to admit that they’re basically pickled in the juices of their own resentment, but, hey, this is why brave Zed is a Men’s Rights hero.
EDITED TO ADD: And now this Zed quote has 88 upvotes, which gives me the excuse to use my “dozens of upvotes” tag.
Most men are happy in their romantic relationships with women or are hopeful that they someday will be. So these losers will never get their movement to grow beyond a small minority of men. And you know, women get screwed over my men too. It’s best to get over it and move on.
I couldn’t get past the title without going, “But MRAs are the ones who insist men neeeeeeeed sex with women and that Horrible Things Will Happen if their boners are not regularly serviced. So apparently, yes,
bonersmen are going to want women, and care about what they’re up to, no matter how “awful” they get.”Also, I’m pretty sure being pickled in the juices of one’s own resentment is pretty much the opposite of Zen.
These guys fear women not needing dudes.
But somehow it always comes out as, “If you don’t behave the way we want, we won’t be your boyfriends/husbands! So there!”
Of course, any dude who thinks or says anything like that can garantee his own singlehood. And these aren’t people who relish alone time or bachelorhood, they desperately want a women who wants to be with them — and their bitterness over that comes across loud and clear.
I also think it’s funny how MRA’s think all women are feminists. It’s like, all cats are girls, all dogs are boys.
…I realized I was trying to bone zombies.
Zed’s making the classic MRA mistake in thinking all women are feminists. I’m pretty sure the women who go for guys like Zed are NOT feminists, they just don’t want to be with assholes.
I am fascinated by funcuz’s innovative new punctuation for the end of sentences . What is it with MRAs/MGTOWs and weird punctuation ? Two dot ellipses, spaces before terminal punctuation … Weird .
…so I decided to move on to vampires. But alas, she-vamps, I discovered, only want to suck a man’s blood.
I refuse to accept that MRAs are pickles. I love pickles.
Sorry, I was finishing whataboutthemoonz’s sentence. Tee-hee.
Shalom David,
I was just thinking precisely what you said in this piece. MRM is now going to be called the Men’s Hate Group and they are wishing for revenge. Here’s a take on the same ole’ reproductive rights whinging. Enjoy my vid
I’m just going to leave this here:
Who knew people with vaginas could “elasticate” them with cats and rappers? (See comments.)
I think it is more about having to do more than just exist that bothers these guys with women being able to not need a man to obtain food, shelter and clothing. They have to do things like be nice and respectful. Horror!
You know you suck when Data says you suck. 😀 *hurries off to find Spiner on Twitter to follow*
Elasticate is my new favorite word, even though I have no idea what the hell it means.
Great video, Diana, and well said. I agree that it is very unlikely for any laws to be made saying it’s okay for a guy to impregnate someone and then head for the hills to avoid any responsibility. Liberals say “You can’t do that to your own blood. You can’t let your own children starve” while conservatives say “Don’t make us pay for your babies, deadbeat dad”. Hell would freeze over before any politician takes on that “cause”.
He called PMAFT an asshat. LOL, way to go, Commander Data!
How the hell do you elasticate a vagina with cats? Of course Rmaxed think this is the height of wit.
I’m intrigued to see that
How did this happen? And when?
@Wetherby: That second quote- I can’t stop giggling.
Small Penis Shaming
Died Saving Feminism From A Misogynist Rock
“First they came for the small penises … “
“First they ignore your small penis, then they laugh at your small penis, then they fight your small penis with mighty rocks, then your small, slightly bruised penis rises from the ashes (wait, ASHES?) and vanquishes all the feminists, creating an eternal kingdom of and for men and their docile handmaidens.”
So how exactly does a disembodied penis do anything, regardless of actual size?
They’re more dickles. Or jerkins. Or pukeumbers.
“What Men’s rights have you been reading? there is no misogyny here and no denial of the real issues facing women, are you here to troll perhaps?” LOLOLOL
From page 75 of Zed’s “book”:
That’s the very beginning of the “Female Sexuality” section. You can basically stop reading there. The very next page begins the sub-section “Status and Ranking,” which goes for six pages and illuminates female sexuality with an explanation of the Female Status Scoring system. Like, shit, even Freud thought the clitoris was at least relevant—that word doesn’t appear even once in the entire book.
Misogyny? What misogyny?