antifeminism dozens of upvotes evil women hate men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit your time will come zed

Zed the MGTOWer: “Feminism and women have been proceeding on the unshakable belief that men are still going to want and care about them no matter how awful they get.”

Men’s Rights a hate group? Pshaw! MRA’s don’t hate women! I mean, really, it’s more like an emotional numbness based on how objectively awful women are. Combined with a deep desire for revenge. That’s not hate, is it?

Apparently a good chunk of Men’s Rights Redditors don’t think it is, I gather from their positive reaction to this lovely quote from Men’s Rights/MGTOW elder Zed:

Not that many people would be proud to admit that they’re basically pickled in the juices of their own resentment, but, hey, this is why brave Zed is a Men’s Rights hero.

EDITED TO ADD: And now this Zed quote has 88 upvotes, which gives me the excuse to use my “dozens of upvotes” tag.

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12 years ago

12 years ago

I was going to go with

12 years ago

That would work for me, except that I took a different drug and now I have the muchies

12 years ago

Men’s rights activists: a bunch of dills.

12 years ago

Munchies, dammit, I have the munchies.

12 years ago

He’s like a logic-fail superhero, leaping wide cogntive gaps in a single bound, to get from “I was exploited and fucked over by a few women” to “all women exploit and fuck over all men at all times and men never do it to women”.

12 years ago

Good night y’all. Apropos of nothing I leave you with

I think I have some pickled asparagus spears in the back of my fridge – I’m off to find them.

12 years ago

I’m not sure, but I think he may just be complaining about his genital warts.

12 years ago

our revenge will be to watch them grow old and die alone.

And while they’re watching, they too will be…growing old and dying alone. Okay then!

12 years ago

Why do these guys seem to think that they’re the default mode of thinking, like all men are gonna flip tables and suddenly go their own way. Are they so blind that they can’t tell that most men are just, you know, normal people, who live in society like normal people, and can handle rejection and breakups with grace. Also, are they not capable of introspection at all?

12 years ago
12 years ago

Clairedammit: LMAO at the beatboxing puffer fish.

12 years ago

The lead guy of King Missile also did this.

12 years ago

Dammit, Youtube, that was totally wrong! This is the one.

12 years ago

Scar tissue has little if any feeling in it.

Can’t say I’m surprised that an MRA doesn’t understand biology but usually the fails are related to ladyparts. Increased sensitivity is pretty common in scars (some do have decreased sensitivity and no change in sensitivity is also common). I have some scars that are 10+ years old that are still more sensitive than the surrounding area.

12 years ago

I placed a small bet with myself that “years of women ripping into my guts” translated to “I really wanted a girlfriend when I was a teenager but she said no and then later my wife divorced me because I treated her like shit” but then I clicked through to the original and found it to be over 700 deranged pages long. So I couldn’t be arsed to confirm what now seems an even safer bet.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago
12 years ago

How the hell does anyone have 700 pages worth of “and then he/she was really mean to me and it broke my hear” to write about? What is this guy, the Casanova of dysfunctional relationships?

12 years ago

If the pronouns were reversed, this could have been written by any one of thousands of women who have been royally screwed over my man after man after man. I guess the lesson here is both men and women lose their innocence/trust to someone who wasn’t looking out for their best interest at one time or another in their lives, the only difference is how you handle it. Does it make you stronger and more capable of love or does it make you bitter, angry and alone? This blaming of an entire gender is an easy cop out for not dealing with the pain. Just my two cents.
By the way, I’m a huge fan of this blog.

12 years ago

I placed a small bet with myself that “years of women ripping into my guts” translated to “I really wanted a girlfriend when I was a teenager but she said no and then later my wife divorced me because I treated her like shit” but then I clicked through to the original and found it to be over 700 deranged pages long. So I couldn’t be arsed to confirm what now seems an even safer bet.

Yeah, I love it when MRAs wail and gnash their teeth over the horrifying injustices done to them by feminism, and how they’ve suffered like dogs and it’s all so awful the WORLD just might as well END, and when they actually describe the horror it turns out to be “I don’t get enough hot dates.”

I’m not going to bother to click through to this goof’s 700-page e-book, but I see the comments section on the Reddit thread is already filling up with exactly this flavor of MRA self-pity. Plus the requisite guy bragging about moving to a foreign country where things are better because there’s “not a whiff of ‘equality’ talk.” That’s where the trouble starts, people wanting equality.

12 years ago

BUTBUTBUT there’s a natural order of things, where Whitey-Abled McCis-Straightdude the Third should be on top, so if any of those silly other people want to be equal, that means they want to be the same as WACSD3, which means that THEY WANT TO BE ON TOP AND WANT TO HAVE ALL THE PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT, which would mean that WACSD3 wouldn’t get preferential treatment and THAT’S DISCRIMINATION.

/MRA ‘logic’

12 years ago

Plus the requisite guy bragging about moving to a foreign country where things are better because there’s “not a whiff of ‘equality’ talk.” That’s where the trouble starts, people wanting equality.

No talk of equality from the wimminz, of course. Talk of equality from misogynstic dudes on Reddit is much more important.

12 years ago


12 years ago

minor nit pick, but yeah, scars aren’t devoid of nerves or sensation. I don’t know where the hell they got that idea from. In fact it is pretty common to have recurring scar pain from surgery…

12 years ago

If the pronouns were reversed, this could have been written by any one of thousands of women who have been royally screwed over my man after man after man. I guess the lesson here is both men and women lose their innocence/trust to someone who wasn’t looking out for their best interest at one time or another in their lives, the only difference is how you handle it. Does it make you stronger and more capable of love or does it make you bitter, angry and alone? This blaming of an entire gender is an easy cop out for not dealing with the pain. Just my two cents.

I don’t find blaming an entire gender rational, but I would hardly equate the complaints from women vs men about getting screwed over constantly. The complaints from men seem to be of the “she wouldn’t fuck me often enough” or “she was financially greedy” variety (as evidenced by this entire website), while complaints from women seem to be about being sexually or physically assaulted, or having an ex who refuses to pay child support or parent, etc.

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