$MONEY$ antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim politics woman's suffrage

What Men are Saying About Women: “Tunnel Envisioned Females” Re-elect “Feminist Wimp,” Plan to Take More of Men’s Money

Men! Ladies will totally steal your watch — with their votes!

Christian J. — the man behind the blog “What Men are Saying About Women plus a plethora of Issues facing Both Sexes and Society at Large” and the inventor of the MRA two-dot ellipsis – is back! And he’s none too happy about the results of the US election. Because FEMALES.

Here is his highly cogent analysis of Obama’s victory, from a post titled The Bitch “Gimme” Vote Reinstalls Feminist Wimp Back into Office.

The Bitch vote for Obama was always guaranteed as women are only ever interested in handout and what governments can do for them. This is unfortunately as sad fact of life. Women have always voted for Marxists/Socialist/Liberals as they have always promosed them more and more benefits at the expense of all men. Men just end up paying the bills as usual. Doesn’t that suck!

One has to wonder whether women actually give a damn about anything else besides themselves. Voting for someone who may at least do something about the unprecedented US debt and holding back this Marxist neurotic is apparently not one of them. …

[T]his liar in chief will mouth promises, lie about anything and still get re-elected by a bunch or hopeless and tunnel envisioned females who only consideration is how much money they will get out of it all. This is and has been their ulterior motive. Women and money as synonymous like peas in a pod. Their thinking is always restricted to today and screw the future because they will just get more money then. So it’s not  problem.

Meanwhile, suckers like you and me get screwed with ever increasing taxes while our standard of living hits the floor. Charming.

If only the vote were restricted to clear-headed men like Christian!

Damn those “tunnel envisioned females” and their obsession with “handout!”

In a followup post, Christian warns men not to be suckered by women pretending that they all aren’t evil harpies:

Just in case you are still one of those drones who believe that women are just harmless individuals who constantly suffer from something or another. They are helping themselves in the process while you take your time to wake up to the bleeding obvious.

Men! Wake up and smell the women!

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12 years ago

These are, of course, the same MRAs who want traditional gender roles to be the norm. You know, the traditional gender roles where men want sex and women offer sex in return for financial support.

12 years ago

Every time I see a rant like that I wonder what kind of drugs the writer was on when they wrote it. Does the combination of stupid plus angry plus sexist work like really bad acid?

There’s too much there to even bother picking apart (there wouldn’t be much left if we did), but I’m particularly fond of “promosed”. We can file it away with the 2-dot ellipsis under “MRA grammatical innovations”.

12 years ago

Listen, they’re going to hate women no matter what. If women work (and pay taxes- the IRS doesn’t have a snatch deduction), they’re misandrists trying to dispense with the male sex. If they undertake a “traditional” marriage, they’re parasites. If they want children, they’re sperm traps. If they don’t, they’re defying what Nature or the Lard intended them for. If they’re monogamous, they’re trying to tie a man down. If they’re not, they’re “riding the cock carousel”. If they don’t like sex, they’re frigid, but if they do, damme, they like it too much. I’m not saying women shouldn’t care what men think of them, but, by damn, we should all quit mistaking these whining pipsqueaks for men.

12 years ago

I can’t help but chuckle at his assertion that women are selfish for voting in their self interest when the much more egregious examples of selfishness have come from the rich white men desperately clinging onto their enormous tax cuts and in the wake of the election firing employees to make a statement

12 years ago

I don’t know about you lot, but getting called a selfish bitch makes me want to vote for that party.

12 years ago

in the wake of the election firing employees to make a statement

Please tell me they didn’t actually do this.

12 years ago

How sad that the men who vote for the greater good of all mankind are outvoted by the selfish hordes who refuse to be their burnt offering.

Cthulhu's Intern
12 years ago

Also, David Siegel of Westgate Hotels sent an E-mail to every employee stating that if Obama gets elected, he might have to do layoffs complete with factual errors and while he gets the largest private home in America built and after he said in a July 2012 interview with Reuters that he’s doing “better than ever.”. So far, thankfully, he hasn’t fired anyone yet

12 years ago

Cassandra, a number of employers have claimed they would, or did. Even some who had the layoffs in the works for a year or more are claiming that what they are doing is all our fault because we voted for Obama.
In the meanwhile the Heritage Foundation has declared war on the American electorate.

12 years ago

Where is all this extra money I’m supposed to get for voting Democrat while in possession of a vagina? I WANT MY MONEYSSSSSSSSSSSS.

Cthulhu's Intern
12 years ago

Also, I’m paying far too much for student loans. When’s this socialism the Republicans promised us getting here?

12 years ago

Yes, Romney and his sound 2 trillion $ military hike and lower taxes by 20% across the board.
Sounds like that one follows MRA logic as “fiscally responsible”. Damn educated people don’t know anything about the economy:

12 years ago

CassandraSays, there’s also the guy who fired 22 employees because of impending regulations: In one article I read, he noted that they were all Hispanic.

12 years ago

@ Everyone

Wow, what a bunch of assholes. Somehow I never get quite cynical enough to expect this crap.

12 years ago

Citizens United is probably the worst decision ever. It needs to die a painful death.

12 years ago

There have been people saying that they wouldn’t be hiring next year if Obama won. Because, you know, he’ll be so bad for their businesses, supposedly. It doesn’t seem like too much of a leap to imagine employers using Obama as an excuse to fire people.

12 years ago

It’s just so ridiculous. Obama is way better than Romney, but he’s not exactly Engels Junior.

12 years ago

And I was just massively ninja’d. I thought ninjas worked best solo.

12 years ago

And I was just massively ninja’d. I thought ninjas worked best solo.

You never know if a ninja is truly solo.

12 years ago

I think a lot of rich people in this country have forgotten that businesses can only function because of employees and customers, and seem to think that jobs are something they give out as a gift.

12 years ago

Alone, you say?

(Totally an excuse to post the trailer.)

Cthulhu's Intern
12 years ago

The only reason I can think of that these employers are doing this is that they were the ones who said in the past that Obama would be bad for new jobs. They’re such egocentrics that they do not want to be proven wrong, so they’re just firing everyone and not hiring, because who cares how bad that is for our business, we can’t have a black President’s legacy be good.

12 years ago

How sad that the men who vote for the greater good of all mankind are outvoted by the selfish hordes who refuse to be their burnt offering.

Think I might stencil this on the back of my “Obama Mama” t-shirt.

12 years ago

Several employers have done this, I think the biggest grandstander was Robert Murray, a coal company owner. His might be the most obvious and possibly the most actionable, since before the election he was accused of forcing employees to be props in pro-Romney campaign events (uncompensated) and has been very open and flamboyant about the layoffs.

12 years ago

At least this flaming dipwad gets no comments on his drivel. We’re probably the only people reading it.

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