Leave it to the Men’s Rightsers to come up with an even more ingeniously loopy explanation for Romney’s defeat than even Karl Rove has managed to come up with. According to the anonymous blogger behind the Christian Men’s Defense Network blog, on the far-right fringe of the already pretty fringey Men’s Rights movement, the thing that brought Romney down was “the slut vote.”
Let’s let Mr. Christian Men’s Defense Network explain:
[T]he Democrats tried to make this election about a single issue:
The right to slut.
Or more precisely, the right to slut without the responsibility of consequences. The famous “gender gap” isn’t really a gap based on gender. The right overwhelmingly wins older and married women.
But, alas, these fine, moral, married ladies are increasingly being challenged by younger, sluttier single gals.
[M]arried women constitute an ever-decreasing share of the female population. Women want to delay marriage as long as possible so they can “have it all,” and usually “have it all” means “have as much hot alpha sex as possible without any consequences.” And thus, less married women and more sluts
And so, Mr. CMDN concludes,
The “gender gap” should more accurately be called the slut vote.
In order to understand the Democrats’ evil (and successful) strategy to win over the slut vote, Mr. CMDN explains, we need to understand how they won over blacks. And yes, his explanation is racist as fuck:
Democrats have won the black vote because the black community is dominated by illegitimacy, and the Democrats are willing to subsidize and support that illegitimacy (as well as provide access to cheap abortions) so as to take away from sluts the consequences of their actions. Consequently, young black people grow up on the dole and not only never realize there might be something wrong with that, but eventually come to believe that’s the way it should be. The Democrats have won the black vote by first “empowering” single black mothers.
But now, you see, this kind of “illegitimacy” is spreading amongst white – or at least white sluts.
This is now beginning to happen in white suburbia, except unlike women in the urban black community, white suburban sluts start from a place of relative wealth and privilege (daddy’s little princess). Thus, food stamps–and increased rewards for having illegitimate kids while on food stamps–don’t (yet) appeal to them.
So instead Obama appealed to rich white sluts by forcing someone else (the Catholic church, in this case) to pay for their birth control, and by scaring them about alleged threats to their ability to take advantage of Planned Parenthood’s services (Planned Parenthood being conveniently located in the minority part of town, of course, so as to provide anonymity to visiting white girls whose white girl friends never go over there–except to visit Planned Parenthood themselves).
All the Democrats had to do to win over these slutty white gals was to frighten them a little:
One thing one has to remember about women, especially slutty ones: They usually don’t make decisions based on reason. So all the Obama administration had to do was scare them that Mitt Romney was going to take away their birth control and their access to abortion. The fear for them is that, without birth control and abortion, they might actually get pregnant and have to give birth. That is scary not simply because of the economic burden of having a child (since, hey, they can get all kinds of cash and prizes if that happens), but because if that happened then everyone would know they’re sluts, and their image as daddy’s pure little snowflake princess goes out the window.
Having just told us that “the “gender gap” should more accurately be called the slut vote,” Mr. CMDN now tells us that there’s more to the gender gap than mere sluttiness.
[T]he desire to slut it up isn’t the only factor in the gender gap. America has a fiscal problem primarily because women want free stuff without ever having to work. America is over-regulated because women don’t want to have to compete in the free market. America has profound moral problems in part because the rationalization hamster makes it impossible for 54% of the American electorate to ever admit a moral shortcoming.
However, this election cycle shows that the Slut Vote is real, and Republicans lose because they discount the existence of original sin in women. Abortion is often called the “third rail of American politics,” but in truth, the third rail is a woman’s right to slut (with cash and prizes).
One thing one has to remember about MRAs, especially shitty ones: The world they live in bears only a passing resemblance to reality.
And apparently, Mr. CMDN can only take so much reality: he took his blog private after this post of his was mentioned on Jezebel, which is why I had to link to the Google cached version rather than the blog itself.
Whoa…is it me, or have the MRAs doubled down on their racism in the last several days?
I want to take a moment to address this.
There is no moral standard attached to sexuality or penis size. A man who has never had a blow job is not by default worse off than a rapist who has. A good person with a smaller penis is better than a terrible person with a larger penis.
I know I’m a little late to the “reclaim slut” conversation, but I’d like to throw in that it is essentializing as hell.
One may very well point to black people reclaiming certain words…but that is only *some* black people. Same goes for slut. It is a word with a long history, parts of it offensive. If you find a million women who are okay with reclaiming it and think it is okay, then fine. Those million women can skip and sing “SLUT” at the top of their lungs.
That does not make the one million and first woman’s refusal to be okay with it any less. Nor should anyone get angry at her for refusing to play along.
So, “Women, reclaim the word!” is telling a very large, diverse group of people to agree on something incredibly divisive that they may have deeply personal views about. Not gonna happen. It is essentializing and suggests that women should all agree on things because we’re all *women*.
Of coure, Mary Sunshine isn’t really interested in engaging a logical argument in good faith. If somebody spent the time and effort to document all the problems with B-Skillet’s ignorant rant, it would be met with silence or, at best, some comically fallacious argument. You forget that we already know how you work, sunshine.
No, what The Woman And The Dragon And The Misogynist is doing is giving herself an excuse to retain her current beliefs without having to assume responsibility for questioning them. If she wanted to, she could look up how food stamps are given out or how Planned Parenthood functions—instead, she has offloaded onto her ideological opponents the burden of disproving such unevidenced notions as the idea that women tend not to make decisions based on reason, while men do. The whole point is to make her relationship to the facts rivalrous, rather than exploratory, so she can reassure herself that all the people laughing at this nonsense just don’t know The Truth.
Those “thanks suffrage” memes are actually really hard to spoof because there’s just nothing there. It’s a normal-looking woman and something about voting.
I’m kind of wierded out that these memes apparently paint marriage between homosexual folks as something terrible. Now as a person who loves attending marriages, I can’t see anything wrong with somebody voting for something that’s going to increase the total number of said event.
More marriages, MORE CAKES!
Just a transparent ploy to share THe White Cake of GOndor with you all!
So unrelated to Romney, but related to the election:
Can anyone point me to some good pre-election conservative blog posts saying that Q1, Q6, and/or R74 wouldn’t pass because people will never vote for gay marriage, or that sort of thing?
I’m kind of anti-marriage in general, but I love your White Cake of Gondor, I just have to say.
In all honesty, listening to gay people who are more socially conservative than me make their cases about why they want marriage equality has done a lot to raise my respect for the institution of marriage in general. So suck on that, evangelicals who think that same sex marriage devalues hetero marriage somehow.
@ Pecunium
So if I want to buy caster sugar and icing sugar here, what would I be looking for at the store in terms of names?
(I’m asking because I want to make Scottish snowballs at Christmas, since some of my friends have never had one, and I know they love coconut.)
Soooo… if this bloke is right – to the Sluts – the Future!
Could be worse. 😀
Also, Obama = GWBush II. Romney would’ve been GWBush Cubed (so, even worse).
There’s very little difference between their policies on anything other than “social issues”.
They’re both warmongers, both pander to the corporate bankster globalists, etc. etc.
Whichever one got in, Goldman Sachs is laughing long and loud and John Corzine stays free…
“Social issues”, HA!
Yeah, aside from civil rights, the safety net for the poor, reproductive freedom, and all those other worthless “social issues”, they’re exactly the same! When it comes to REAL issues, you know, those issues that us intelligent, rational, privileged white guys care about, they might as well be twins!
Knock it off, Joe. Writing off Obama as just the same as a Republican is not only a transparent way to make yourself look smugly above it all, but it’s incredibly dismissive of the people who are actually benefiting from Obama’s policies (gay people, people with mortgages, the entire US auto industry…).
Cassandra: these are respectively similar to Domino superfine and powdered sugar. For “golden caster”, if you can’t find a sufficiently fine grain of turbinado, get an equivalent weight of regular turbinado and pass it through a Moulinex (volume will increase slightly at first, then decrease as it settles).
@ reymohammed
Thank you! Snowballs for Christmas it is, then.
@Pecunium: The Phineas Priesthood? I thought they weren’t a going proposition anymore. More fool I.
@Katz: I was wondering if the “Thanks suffrage!” woman was someone I was supposed to recognize. It’s not Sandra Fluke, who seems like she would be the go-to “I’m a slut and I vote!” bash for the MRAs.
Cassandra: what are these Scottish Snowballs? You said coconut, I am all ears.
Falconer: the woman in the meme is Lena Dunham, who created/is in the HBO show “Girls.”
Vinegar or a sharp applesauce is used together with baking soda when you don’t have baking powder or a Southern-formula self-rising flour. I remember having a recipe of that kind *very* long ago; maybe it’s still in the archives.
Sunshine Mary, shut up, you cretinous little brach.
@ hellkell
Snowballs are basically a firm crumbly cake baked into half-spheres, then stuck together with jam in the middle to form a ball, which is then rolled in icing sugar and then coconut. They’re one of the things I miss most about Scotland.
That sounds delicious. Do you play around with the flavors of cake and jam, or it is there one main flavor?
Joe, if you think Obama is the same as Bush, I bet you can’t tell a man from a woman, either. God pity you.
@ Hellkell
It’s usually plain cake with strawberry or raspberry jam. We did make it with my granny’s homemade bramble jam one year, which was delicious. If you did want to experiment I’d think that chocolate cake would work well with the coconut. It has to be a specific sort of cake though – sponge wouldn’t work.
Cassandra, as a former Dade Countian, I will say this: they may not have done it that way in Scotland, but try stuffing them with firm guava jelly. Your hips, immediately rounder, will start swinging in a Caribbean rhythm.