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Romney: Defeated by sluts?

Slut voters slutting it up

Leave it to the Men’s Rightsers to come up with an even more ingeniously loopy explanation for Romney’s defeat than even Karl Rove has managed to come up with. According to the anonymous blogger behind the Christian Men’s Defense Network blog, on the far-right fringe of the already pretty fringey Men’s Rights movement, the thing that brought Romney down was “the slut vote.”

Let’s let Mr. Christian Men’s Defense Network explain:

[T]he Democrats tried to make this election about a single issue:

The right to slut.

Or more precisely, the right to slut without the responsibility of consequences.  The famous “gender gap” isn’t really a gap based on gender.  The right overwhelmingly wins older and married women.

But, alas, these fine, moral, married ladies are increasingly being challenged by younger, sluttier single gals.

[M]arried women constitute an ever-decreasing share of the female population.  Women want to delay marriage as long as possible so they can “have it all,” and usually “have it all” means “have as much hot alpha sex as possible without any consequences.”  And thus, less married women and more sluts

And so, Mr. CMDN concludes,

The “gender gap” should more accurately be called the slut vote.

In order to understand the Democrats’ evil (and successful) strategy to win over the slut vote, Mr. CMDN explains, we need to understand how they won over blacks. And yes, his explanation is racist as fuck:

Democrats have won the black vote because the black community is dominated by illegitimacy, and the Democrats are willing to subsidize and support that illegitimacy (as well as provide access to cheap abortions) so as to take away from sluts the consequences of their actions.  Consequently, young black people grow up on the dole and not only never realize there might be something wrong with that, but eventually come to believe that’s the way it should be.  The Democrats have won the black vote by first “empowering” single black mothers.

But now, you see, this kind of “illegitimacy” is spreading amongst white – or at least white sluts.

This is now beginning to happen in white suburbia, except unlike women in the urban black community, white suburban sluts start from a place of relative wealth and privilege (daddy’s little princess).  Thus, food stamps–and increased rewards for having illegitimate kids while on food stamps–don’t (yet) appeal to them.

So instead Obama appealed to rich white sluts by forcing someone else (the Catholic church, in this case) to pay for their birth control, and by scaring them about alleged threats to their ability to take advantage of Planned Parenthood’s services (Planned Parenthood being conveniently located in the minority part of town, of course, so as to provide anonymity to visiting white girls whose white girl friends never go over there–except to visit Planned Parenthood themselves).

All the Democrats had to do to win over these slutty white gals was to frighten them a little:

One thing one has to remember about women, especially slutty ones:  They usually don’t make decisions based on reason.  So all the Obama administration had to do was scare them that Mitt Romney was going to take away their birth control and their access to abortion.  The fear for them is that, without birth control and abortion, they might actually get pregnant and have to give birth.  That is scary not simply because of the economic burden of having a child (since, hey, they can get all kinds of cash and prizes if that happens), but because if that happened then everyone would know they’re sluts, and their image as daddy’s pure little snowflake princess goes out the window.

Having just told us that “the “gender gap” should more accurately be called the slut vote,” Mr. CMDN now tells us that there’s more to the gender gap than mere sluttiness.

[T]he desire to slut it up isn’t the only factor in the gender gap.  America has a fiscal problem primarily because women want free stuff without ever having to work.  America is over-regulated because women don’t want to have to compete in the free market.  America has profound moral problems in part because the rationalization hamster makes it impossible for 54% of the American electorate to ever admit a moral shortcoming.

However, this election cycle shows that the Slut Vote is real, and Republicans lose because they discount the existence of original sin in women.  Abortion is often called the “third rail of American politics,” but in truth, the third rail is a woman’s right to slut (with cash and prizes).

One thing one has to remember about MRAs, especially shitty ones: The world they live in bears only a passing resemblance to reality.

And apparently, Mr. CMDN can only take so much reality: he took his blog private after this post of his was mentioned on Jezebel, which is why I had to link to the Google cached version rather than the blog itself.

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12 years ago

Romney does give off that “not convinced that this is a carbon-based life-form” vibe.

12 years ago

Oftentimes what “slut” means over here is exactly the same as it means over there. There may be some older folks who still mean “poor housekeeper”, but I don’t think I’ve ever encountered that meaning in the wild.
I suspect Gordon may be doing that thing where we blame any language change we don’t like on Americans, and claim that all instances of it are Americanisms rather than valid meanings of a term. It’s like describing it as newfangled slang, but with more xenophobia. Because there are a lot more speakers of US English than UK, and we have to adapt to you far more than you adapt to us, and it makes us (self included) anxious that we’ll lose our own language under a flood of imported media.

12 years ago

And another thing! If the one percenter winning the election was dependent on the white working class mans vote it was prolly a really stupid idea to outsource millions of those d00dz jobs, don’tcha think.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

I guess that explains Willa Cather’s use of “slut” in her last novel, as in “We have a slut of a housekeeper at home. I never know where to find anything.” Though, given that the character who says that is talking to a maid he’s going to spend most of the book trying to rape, there’s probably something to the “slut-as-sexual-wanton” meaning too.

/ literature geek moment

The PP in my hometown is located directly across from one of the more upscale student apartment complexes, which houses a disproportionate number of middle- and upper-middle-class white students. The predominately-black-person-occupied parts of town are only a few miles away as the crow flies, but the crappy public transit system and poor city layout means it takes something like an hour and a half and five bus transfers to go those few miles. So…no?

12 years ago

@Angela, in the immortal words of Guy Pierce in Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert: “Get down from that cross, honey. Somebody needs the wood.”

I’ve heard the theory about the placement of PP offices before, though sometimes it’s to hide the rich white girls’ identities and sometimes it’s a coordinated plot by the gubmint to have a holocaust of black babies, etc. Nobody seems to consider that PP puts its clinics in areas where people are most likely to be poor and not have health insurance and need them. *boggle*

12 years ago


12 years ago

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

Gordon, the word slut may be to loaded to reclaim, no matter what the British version means. Do you also tell black people to reclaim certain words?

Obviously, plenty of black people already do just that, so I don’t know why you would mention it.

12 years ago

Because, St. Grumbles, it’s very easy for someone outside the group in question to cavalierly suggest that slurs should be reclaimed. They don’t have to deal with the impact in the first place, so STFU.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

That’s not the point. I’m not arguing against that, but it wasn’t a very good example that you cited.

12 years ago

Actually it was a pretty good example. If you’re not black, don’t give black people instructions about which slurs aimed at them they should try to reclaim. If you’re not a woman, don’t give women instructions about which slurs aimed at us we should try to reclaim. And so on. It’s an ingroup versus outgroup thing – people within the ingroup can try to reclaim any slurs that they feel like trying to reclaim, but that doesn’t mean that it’s OK for outsiders to tell them that they should do so.

This really isn’t complicated.

Cthulhu's Intern
12 years ago

But if abortions and birth control are more freely available, the men have to pay less of that child support thing they despise so much. Why the hell would they be against this?
Also, this is the first time I’ve seen someone anti-abortion not try to claim that it’s about “sanctity of life” and outright say that they just want to punish women for having sex. Most of the time, you have to press them hard enough to get them to imply it.

12 years ago

Sgt. Grumbles, why do you think it’s a bad example?

12 years ago

I give these suggestions for slur reclamation the side-eye, because I think, “Why do you want that? Is it so you can use the word now and not feel bad about it?” Because most times, that’s exactly why.

12 years ago

So, like, abortion mystery time over- I had an abortion- question period time on- what would you like to know about my abortion?

12 years ago

Actually, me volunteering info might be more helpful what with all the abortion myths coloring public opinion- accidentally got a positive pregnancy test after trying to clear myself for sti’s about four months in. whoops. I was like, oh hells no, not now and not me, no hesitation. I live in god bless it freedom ville canada, so all I did was say ‘that has got to gtfo of me immediately’ and I was on the schedule for abortion. The fetal heart rate was freaky low so I got one of those dildo ultra-sounds, and tey are exactly like a dildo with no foreplay and a cranky french lady navigating your insides- as in better ways to spend your thursday. Actual abortion day required a four hour drive to the hospital that offered one and my brother to stand in as ‘the dude who would drive my crippled ass home after’/ The actual abortion was about as traumatic as five pap smears at once- as in, kinda not fun but not awful. And then they gave me two ib profen and sent me home. the end

12 years ago

Oh shit yeah, I asked to looked at it and they let me- it literally looked like a bit of saliva spit in a bit of bloody yellow goo.

12 years ago

I don’t have any particular desire to reclaim the word slut. That’s just not the direction I want public discussions of sexuality to go in – I think it still buys into the idea that what a woman does with her vagina matters more than it should. I want it not to matter any more than what a man does with his cock matters to most people/society as a whole.

If other women want to reclaim the word, cool, they can do that, but a man telling me that I should? STFU, dude. When you’ve spent at least a few years with random guys yelling “slut” and “whore” at you any time you won’t give them the attention that they want, then you may be qualified to offer an opinion on whether or not those words should be reclaimed. As it is? Not your call to make, and you should know that without women having to point it out to you if you’re any kind of ally.

12 years ago

Re: reclaiming “slut”, yeah totally don’t give a shit about that. Not to mention I’m pretty much automatically leery of anybody telling me I should do something based on the British usage of a word, given that practically any time anybody anywhere calls a woman a “cunt” we get to hear a lovely lecture about how it’s totally not sexist because British people.

Don’t get me wrong, Brits, I have nothing against you. It’s just that those words are pretty fucking sexist. Even if you use them towards guys.

12 years ago

Mr. Willis: what you are calling a “slut” was formerly- and formally- known here by the related word, “slattern”, and is now just a “slob”. A “slut”, in the Nineteenth Century, came to mean a sexual slob who was totally indiscriminate about who they screwed, and originally applied to both sexes. However, once the rigid double standard of Victorianism set in, its use was restricted to women. In the late Sixties and Seventies, it did not automatically apply to women sexually active out of wedlock, not even polyamorous ones, but to those who were passively unchoosy and advertised themselves as such. An equivalent male (like Captain Kirk) was called a “tampon”, because you could put him up anybody’s. The Eighties backlash brought back slut-shaming of all (and only) women who were sexually active outside of marriage.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago
12 years ago

@ David Futrelle
This response article does not actually refute any of bskillet’s points in his CMD-N post. You know, it doesn’t take any intellectual effort to make fun of someone’s ideas. Actually articulating a coherent argument about why you see him as being wrong would be more useful, don’t you think?

12 years ago



Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

@ sunshine mary: comeon, refute my yellow goo comment- it’s friday, gimme something to do this evening!!!

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

I am the zygote annihilator!!

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