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Romney: Defeated by sluts?

Slut voters slutting it up

Leave it to the Men’s Rightsers to come up with an even more ingeniously loopy explanation for Romney’s defeat than even Karl Rove has managed to come up with. According to the anonymous blogger behind the Christian Men’s Defense Network blog, on the far-right fringe of the already pretty fringey Men’s Rights movement, the thing that brought Romney down was “the slut vote.”

Let’s let Mr. Christian Men’s Defense Network explain:

[T]he Democrats tried to make this election about a single issue:

The right to slut.

Or more precisely, the right to slut without the responsibility of consequences.  The famous “gender gap” isn’t really a gap based on gender.  The right overwhelmingly wins older and married women.

But, alas, these fine, moral, married ladies are increasingly being challenged by younger, sluttier single gals.

[M]arried women constitute an ever-decreasing share of the female population.  Women want to delay marriage as long as possible so they can “have it all,” and usually “have it all” means “have as much hot alpha sex as possible without any consequences.”  And thus, less married women and more sluts

And so, Mr. CMDN concludes,

The “gender gap” should more accurately be called the slut vote.

In order to understand the Democrats’ evil (and successful) strategy to win over the slut vote, Mr. CMDN explains, we need to understand how they won over blacks. And yes, his explanation is racist as fuck:

Democrats have won the black vote because the black community is dominated by illegitimacy, and the Democrats are willing to subsidize and support that illegitimacy (as well as provide access to cheap abortions) so as to take away from sluts the consequences of their actions.  Consequently, young black people grow up on the dole and not only never realize there might be something wrong with that, but eventually come to believe that’s the way it should be.  The Democrats have won the black vote by first “empowering” single black mothers.

But now, you see, this kind of “illegitimacy” is spreading amongst white – or at least white sluts.

This is now beginning to happen in white suburbia, except unlike women in the urban black community, white suburban sluts start from a place of relative wealth and privilege (daddy’s little princess).  Thus, food stamps–and increased rewards for having illegitimate kids while on food stamps–don’t (yet) appeal to them.

So instead Obama appealed to rich white sluts by forcing someone else (the Catholic church, in this case) to pay for their birth control, and by scaring them about alleged threats to their ability to take advantage of Planned Parenthood’s services (Planned Parenthood being conveniently located in the minority part of town, of course, so as to provide anonymity to visiting white girls whose white girl friends never go over there–except to visit Planned Parenthood themselves).

All the Democrats had to do to win over these slutty white gals was to frighten them a little:

One thing one has to remember about women, especially slutty ones:  They usually don’t make decisions based on reason.  So all the Obama administration had to do was scare them that Mitt Romney was going to take away their birth control and their access to abortion.  The fear for them is that, without birth control and abortion, they might actually get pregnant and have to give birth.  That is scary not simply because of the economic burden of having a child (since, hey, they can get all kinds of cash and prizes if that happens), but because if that happened then everyone would know they’re sluts, and their image as daddy’s pure little snowflake princess goes out the window.

Having just told us that “the “gender gap” should more accurately be called the slut vote,” Mr. CMDN now tells us that there’s more to the gender gap than mere sluttiness.

[T]he desire to slut it up isn’t the only factor in the gender gap.  America has a fiscal problem primarily because women want free stuff without ever having to work.  America is over-regulated because women don’t want to have to compete in the free market.  America has profound moral problems in part because the rationalization hamster makes it impossible for 54% of the American electorate to ever admit a moral shortcoming.

However, this election cycle shows that the Slut Vote is real, and Republicans lose because they discount the existence of original sin in women.  Abortion is often called the “third rail of American politics,” but in truth, the third rail is a woman’s right to slut (with cash and prizes).

One thing one has to remember about MRAs, especially shitty ones: The world they live in bears only a passing resemblance to reality.

And apparently, Mr. CMDN can only take so much reality: he took his blog private after this post of his was mentioned on Jezebel, which is why I had to link to the Google cached version rather than the blog itself.

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12 years ago

I read some of the meme comments. Now I feel like someone has crapped in my brain.

What is with the hate? These people are completely unhinged over the widespread public perception that women are human beings. Uh, guys? That’s because they are human beings. Roll that around in your heads for a little while.

Fuck it. I already know their response:

12 years ago

Richard Feynman was known for his minimal contributions to physics. After all, getting laid all the time quickly sapped his motivational energy.

He was a pretty major playa.

12 years ago

There’s that double-standard again. Trash women for being sexually free, but say nothing about men who are the same way? Or worse, admire them. Without loose women, who would loose men fuck? No judgement here, I say live and let live.

12 years ago

Don’t forget to vote up the good memes and vote down the bad memes! We took over the rationalization hamster meme, so I’m convinced we can take this one too!

Gah, I need to stop reading that Heartiste thread:

Three causes of Romney’s defeat:

1. demography of gibs-me-daters (blacks, Hispanics)
2. permanent alienation & anti- white animus of successful minorities (Asians, Jews)
3. decades long psychological warfare molding new moral standards re liberalization, pornification, sodomization, feminization, miscegenation… (white liberal types in New England & across academia,..)

12 years ago

No judgement here, I say live and let live.

Unless you’re in prison or non-Western, amirite?

So for all their pro-life blatherings, they think children are a punishment. Ohhhhkay. Thanks for showing your true colors, I guess.

12 years ago

Cloudiah: Wow, they’re going after miscegenation again? The rollback date for acceptable conservatism is going farther and farther, isn’t it.

“Paul Ryan Lost because he was insufficiently conservative If only he had the guts to destroy the constitution, and return to the Puritan roots of our righteous forefathers!”

“Oliver Cromwell is too liberal! Repeal the Magna Carta, and return to the embrase of the pope!”

“Pope Urban II is too liberal! Oh for the glory days of Julius Caesar!”

“Thok not conservative enuf! FIRE BAD!”

12 years ago

And…here’s another reason to like sluts. 🙂

12 years ago

And how do I get cash and prizes for having a baby? Is there an application form or what?

I got a free diaper bag when I left the hospital with the daughter. It was full of samples and other stuff I didn’t want, but it didn’t cost anything. No cash, though, because it turns out that federal agents don’t greet new arrivals to the maternity ward with oversized novelty checks and balloons. Boo. I got nada after the son arrived.

Come to think of it, W. was still president when my little girl was born in 2008. Son was born in 2011. Does this mean that the Bush administration was the one awarding prizes to baby mamas?

Creative Writing Student


*in Pterdactylese* “The youth of today are too rowdy!”

12 years ago

@leftwingfox, CWS: Young dinosaurs today are sporting feathers like common trollops!

Creative Writing Student


I had a book when I was six that had a pull-out poster of a feathered dinosaur. *dons hipster specs*

12 years ago

@CWS: Yeah, the concept of feathered dinosaurs has been around for a while. The key here is that many of the first feathers were likely for mating displays, not flight.

12 years ago

Which, in of itself, is also not a new theory. However this is new evidence that supports that theory.

12 years ago

First of all, the third rail of American politics is Social Security.
That was just one of demographic groups that were pissed of by Republicans. People voted their values in this election and the minority of the population was shocked to discover that the majority value their rights and their fellow citizens rights, as well as their fellow citizens.
Certainly the gerrymandering of districts helped, and Citizens United helped, and voter suppression efforts helped, but it just was not enough to overcome the consequences of pissing off all but one narrow segment of the population. Fancy that.

12 years ago

“So all the Obama administration had to do was scare them that Mitt Romney was going to take away their birth control and their access to abortion. ”

This isn’t some slippery slope, monsters under the bed, bizarre if/then consequence that comes out of the right field. Romney wasn’t threatening to take away planned parenting, he was counting on it as a budget balancer. So it’s not women will believe anything and vote for anyone, but women are actually aware of what the consequences of voting for us will be. Oh, noes!

Oh, and I still would rather believe the evidence of what I’ve seen than what people have told me is the absolute truth. If all you feel you have to add to the discussion is shut up, I’m just going to ignore you and continue my day, happy and content despite the best of the mean girls effort to make me feel as though I am a bad person.

12 years ago

You want to know why Obama won, angry sexist dude? Well, for a start the whole War on the Uterus was a really bad idea – you guys should stop that. But mostly he won because Romney has all the charisma of a wet paper towel and Obama, well…

In order to win elections you have to motivate people, get them to want to help you succeed. Obama is really good at that. Romney? People do what he tells them to, but only because he has a whole lot of money. Nobody actually likes the guy.

12 years ago

According to Raw Story, some Romney staffers found their campaign credit cards cancelled right after Romney’s concession speech, and had to fund their trips home with their own money:

So glad this guy isn’t going to be president. Can you imagine?

12 years ago

Oh, and I still would rather believe the evidence of what I’ve seen than what people have told me is the absolute truth. If all you feel you have to add to the discussion is shut up, I’m just going to ignore you and continue my day, happy and content despite the best of the mean girls effort to make me feel as though I am a bad person.

You weren’t just told that something was an absolute truth; you were given evidence which you ignored. Then you declared that your version was the absolute truth and we would see that if we just re-read you argument, such as it was, enough times.

And since you’re still whining about it today, I’d say the “mean girls” have already succeeded at ruining your day.

12 years ago

Martyr complexes are heavy, Angela. You should put yours down before you hurt yourself.

12 years ago

@Angela, Passive-aggressive whining and misrepresenting others’ positions may work for you in other settings, but it’s unlikely to improve your image here.

Romney wasn’t threatening to take away planned parenting, he was counting on it as a budget balancer.

My quibble with this is that, since PP gets less than $400 million/year from government grants and contracts, it is pretty clear Romney wasn’t proposing the takeaway as a budget balancer. Ideology was driving that position, not fiscal responsibility.

12 years ago

In order to win elections you have to motivate people, get them to want to help you succeed.

And if you have those people ready, willing, and able, it helps to give them usable tools, too:

(Anyone who follows Rachel Maddow on twitter has probably already seen this, I know. Still, WTF Romney?)

12 years ago

AhhHh! So nice to be sitting here, sipping the sweet, sweet nectar of bitter white Manly tears I collected by wringing out MRA blogs.

12 years ago

Planned Parenthood is actually a pretty efficient organization, fiscally speaking, and not very expensive in relation to the services it provides. If a politician simply wanted to cut some fat from the budget, and wasn’t motivated by ideology (or someone else’s ideology that he was trying to appeal to, as seems to be the case with Romney – he wasn’t always this conservative), PP really wouldn’t be high on the list of places to make cuts.

12 years ago

First of all, the third rail of American politics is Social Security.
That was just one of demographic groups that were pissed of by Republicans.

That’s a good point. My parents voted for Obama because they were afraid that Romney would dismantle Social Security and Medicare. Romney only cares about seniors if they’re millionaires. A lot of young voters worry about protecting those programs, too, because we love the seniors in our lives, and someday we’ll be elderly, too.

The fear for them is that, without birth control and abortion, they might actually get pregnant and have to give birth.

But that’s a legitimate fear. Even with the best health care possible, pregnancy and childbirth are difficult and risky. For someone who is uninsured and can’t afford prenatal care, it can be life threatening. I bet if cis men could get pregnant, the whole dialogue on birth control and abortion would be very different.

12 years ago

Ideology was driving that position, not fiscal responsibility.

I’d argue that it’s ideology dressed up fiscal responsibility’s clothing. I’ve seen a few polls that suggest many folks have no stinking clue how much of the federal budget goes where. There are people who are sure 5% of the budget goes to NPR and public television (actual %age: 0.0001). I don’t think it’d be much of a stretch to assume that there are people who swear a double-digit portion of the budget goes to Planned Parenthood, and that they gleefully use all of that cash for abortions (actual numbers: PP gets roughly $300 million, 0.008% of the budget, and $0 of federal funds are spent on abortions – because it’s against the law). It would be pretty easy to pull the wool over those eyes; because, after all, John Kyl said himself that 90% of PP’s traffic is abortion-related, and even if they do hand out contraceptives and give STI tests, you wouldn’t need that stuff if you were a Good Person and not a dirty slut.

It’s a nifty little trick; you get to be ideologically pure, morally superior, and fiscally responsible all at once.