on the tv oppressed white men patriarchy playing the victim racism

On Fox News, the painful realization that white dudes are no longer the center of everything

Up all night. Too tired to scan the manosphere for weird reactions to Obama’s victory.

But here are some scenes from last night as a couple of backwards white dudes attempted to come to terms with the new demographic realities that enabled Obama to win the election despite getting a smaller percentage of the white vote than Michael Dukakis did in 1988.

Karl Rove, on Fox News, responded to the new realities with good old-fashioned denial, arguing with the number-crunchers for Fox after they called Ohio as a win for Obama. Rove must have thought he’d bought the election good and square!

Bill O’Reilly, meanwhile, responded with, well,  there’s really no other word for it than racism:

Also, while we’re talking demographics, here’s a nice pithy breakdown of the gender gap, from ABC news:

Women favored Obama by 11 points while men backed Romney by 7; the gender gap has been bigger just once, in 2000 (when men were +11 Bush and women were +11 Gore). Add in marital status and the gaps become garish: Married men for Romney by 60-38 percent; unmarried women (younger, more Democratic, more aligned with Obama on social and role-of-government issues) backed the incumbent by 67-31 percent.

Grouchy entitled white dudes, get used to it.

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12 years ago

Damn, how could I misspell your name like that, Freitag? I’ve even studied German. Grrrr…

12 years ago

On this Jezebel thread someone commented that her father will no longer speak to her because she voted for Obama.

My father defriended me on Facebook and told me that he never wants to speak to me again because I voted for Obama. He also said I’m a “fucking idiot” and that I’m the reason why this country is going down the toilet. Just to be clear, this was not in response to any argument or conversation, it’s just a fun thing I woke up to the morning after the election. What the fuck is wrong with people? I didn’t even do anything wrong. I was so angry when Bush won twice but I never was rude and offensive to people who voted for him. I don’t understand why THIS election has been so terrible. My father wasn’t this crazy 4 years ago when I did the same thing.

(sorry, I don’t know how to link directly to the comment)

I wouldn’t believe that people would let politics come between them and family, except that I’ve seen it before. 🙁

12 years ago

After the ’04 election, I did mention moving to Canada in protest. But that was just my way of venting. I can’t handle the cold that far north.

12 years ago

Oh there was a bit of wailing, gnashing of teeth and threats to leave. Then the liberals said FUCK THAT SHIT THIS IS MY COUNTRY AND I AM GOING TO STOP THEM. (It helped that Howard Dean was immediately elected party chair and he gave us Dems hope enough to pick up the pieces.)

But for a while there, the Canadians were nice enough to do this:

12 years ago

@Fitzy, I wasn’t happy either, but I didn’t disown my family members or friends and cow-orkers who voted Bush. This guy is…

Shit. I don’t want to use ableist language, so I don’t know what to say about him except that he is overreacting is a big way. It’s one election, pally. One. There’s another one in two years where you can go vote for revenge. Or not, since that’s kind of an unhealthy thing. Before beginning a journey of vengeance, first dig two graves.

This fool is cutting off his nose to spite his face if he’s for real about his plans. Go on. Disown family and friends. Pitch a fit in front of BuyMart. Wear offensive buttons and rant in the grocery store. You will not change any minds. You will not make a difference. No-one will come around to your point of view because of your actions. The only thing you will do is convince those in your area of influence that you are unwell, vicious, petty and potentially dangerous. What a great victory you will have.

OTOH, some things you just can’t see too many times:

Life goes on, and ain’t it grand?

12 years ago

While we’re on the topic of off-the-fucking-wall behavior, one of my husband’s siblings was really het up about the Affordable Care Act; since the hubs and I were the only people zie knew who had voted for Obama in 2008, zie directed most of the discontent at us. When it finally passed, zie sent my husband a text message that went something like: “I hope you’re satisfied. And I hope you enjoy it while you’re dying on the street.”

He showed it to me, and I asked if zie was serious. He just said, “yeah, probably,” and laughed it off.

Maybe I’m a nancy girl, but I’m still shocked that someone’s sibling would hit them with that kind of hate.

Leeloo Dallas Multipass

“If I meet a Democrat in my life from here on out, I will shun them immediately. I will spit on the ground in front of them, being careful not to spit in their general direction so that they can’t charge me with some stupid little nuisance law. Then I’ll tell them in no un-certain terms: “I do not associate with Democrats. You all are communist pigs, and I have nothing but utter disgust for you. Sir/Madam, you are scum of the earth.” Then I’ll turn and walk the other way.”

I would have a hard time keeping a straight face if this actually happened. The faux politeness really puts it over the top.

12 years ago

Fitzy: I thought the whole point of the Affordable Care Act was so that people DON’T die in the street. Conservatives have so much trouble with facts.

12 years ago

That said, on Romney I think you’re dead wrong. He was the ideal candidate for Republicans. We couldn’t have done any better. Good looking, hot lookin’ wife. Well spoken. Fiscal not social conservative. Northeast ties, also from the Mid-west. It’s almost like he came out of central casting.

The next time an MRA (or really any flavor of right-wing douche) starts bloviating about how us silly women make decisions based on our silly emotions, not like Men who use Logic and Reason and Man Brains, I’m going to remember this special little boy.

Vote for Romney! He has nice hair and a hot wife! (If by “hot” this guy means “extremely white and impeccably blonde,” which he does.)

12 years ago

Now I want to make an “extremely white and impeccably blonde” movie poster.

12 years ago

hellkell, from earlier conversations I could deduce that we would be dying due to the six months wait for a check-up and the ultimate denial of live-saving procedures by that rationing Death Panel. I guess we’d do said dying on the street because… well, we’d be lying on the curb outside of the doctor’s office?

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Person dead from eeeeeeevil socialist medicine here. Well, I guess I’m a zombie. I get prescription brains! 😀

Y’know, because diabetic zombie. Gotta have sugar-free grey matter. 😛

12 years ago

So they killed you, and then brought you back to make you suffer even more. Ye gods, the U.K.’s social welfare system is even more dastardly than Fox News said!

12 years ago

Here is proof positive that this election will not doom America.

Take a lesson, America.

tl:dr, we can all get along.

12 years ago

Yeah, the black guy got re-elected. Take a deep breath and say it out loud. See? The flesh did not melt off your face.

The black guy got — aargh!

O NO WAIT that was me opening the Ark. Sorry!

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


Embalming fluid on prescription, free prescriptions because undeath is a Chronic condition, and free reattachment and replacement of body parts. The NHS is a zombie’s dream. I smell as fresh as a week-old daisy.

12 years ago

I wouldn’t believe that people would let politics come between them and family, except that I’ve seen it before.

I’ve been having issues with my mother’s husband, but that’s less “I wont talk to you because you voted for Romney” and more “I don’t want to talk to you because you voted for Romney because he shares your hatred of women, gay people, brown people, and poor people, your inability to understand your affluent straight white dude privilege, and your willingness to intimidate and terrorize people into giving you what you want, all the while thinking that you deserve or worked to earn what you’ve bullied your way into getting”.

But really this election was just another event in a long line of not-good events. If my BFF confessed she voted for Romney I wouldn’t spontaneously disown her. That would be stupid.

12 years ago

@Falconer, snicker. That’s just what I was envisioning!

12 years ago

I probably should have put a warning on that video. But who here hasn’t seen that bit? And anyway it embedded nice and everything, so people see what they’d get if they clicked on it.

12 years ago

I think it’s much more common to have relatives you don’t talk to about politics, namely, everyone except my uncle.

Of course I have relatives I don’t talk to because they’re dipshits, but they’re actually liberals.

12 years ago

@katz — Yeah, I’ve got relatives I don’t talk to about politics or religion. Other topics are just peachy.

12 years ago
12 years ago

I think I got into a fight on Facebook with the guy who posted this:

“You knew that Obama lied to cover up this culpable negligence, and then lied about lying. You had the video, CBS, which you could have aired immediately after the second debate, exposing him for the liar that he is.”

Remember when Mitt said Obama took too long to declare the attacks in Benghazi as acts of terror? Then Candy interjected and said that was incorrect? Well, this dude was on a rampage, days after, saying the networks cut and reworked the footage of Obama commenting in the Rose Garden about the Benghazi attacks (which were played after the debate to prove Mitt was wrong), claiming that he was in fact talking about 9/11. So, according to angry guy, Candy was covering up for Obama and he’s a liar, and blah blah blah.

Now remember, at the debate, both men were responding to a question from the audience. I asked this enraged guy why someone would ask about 9/11 during the current election, and he told me the networks were lying. Playing Devil’s Advocate, and assuming enraged guy was correct, I also asked why Obama’s comments reflected any type of negligence, since he was not president on Sept. 11, 2002 (and hello, why would anybody but the president be filmed making a public statement in the Rose Garden?). This guy couldn’t give me a straight, coherent answer.
I told him to take the tin-foil hat off, then he declared he was in the right, since I resorted to a petty insult. He was foaming at the mouth and irrational. I posted a response, wondering the whole time why my Facebook friend would be associated with such a person. While we were having it out, no one joined in or tried to break the fight up. Anyhoo, this was not a rational person.
If this person expressed the same sentiments in mixed company, he’d have a hard time not being ostracized. I wonder if these people live day-to-day constantly repressing their wack-a-doo notions. They do not represent a majority in any demographic, I think…..but god damned, they’re angry as fuck.

12 years ago

Shiraz, I’d love to see some screenshots if you have them.