on the tv oppressed white men patriarchy playing the victim racism

On Fox News, the painful realization that white dudes are no longer the center of everything

Up all night. Too tired to scan the manosphere for weird reactions to Obama’s victory.

But here are some scenes from last night as a couple of backwards white dudes attempted to come to terms with the new demographic realities that enabled Obama to win the election despite getting a smaller percentage of the white vote than Michael Dukakis did in 1988.

Karl Rove, on Fox News, responded to the new realities with good old-fashioned denial, arguing with the number-crunchers for Fox after they called Ohio as a win for Obama. Rove must have thought he’d bought the election good and square!

Bill O’Reilly, meanwhile, responded with, well,  there’s really no other word for it than racism:

Also, while we’re talking demographics, here’s a nice pithy breakdown of the gender gap, from ABC news:

Women favored Obama by 11 points while men backed Romney by 7; the gender gap has been bigger just once, in 2000 (when men were +11 Bush and women were +11 Gore). Add in marital status and the gaps become garish: Married men for Romney by 60-38 percent; unmarried women (younger, more Democratic, more aligned with Obama on social and role-of-government issues) backed the incumbent by 67-31 percent.

Grouchy entitled white dudes, get used to it.

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Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


I live in the Kingdom of Wessex, so no Wal-Marts. There’s a 24hour ASDA (A part of the Wal-Mart family they proclaim, and possibly multiple portals to sensory hell) over in the next town.

12 years ago

@ Kathleen

That reminds me – California people (not sure how far south this particular chain reaches), be aware that Nob Hill Supermarkets/Raley’s is currently indulging in a spot of union-busting. You may want to show the workers some support by boycotting the stores for a while.

12 years ago

Aw man. Hope this doesn’t catch on.

Because if some ignant motherfucker decides that it’s a good idea to pull out a speech about mooches around me, I will start a fight with his fool ass.

12 years ago

<— may have a reputation for confronting strangers who are rude to service staff

12 years ago

And Eric Dondero is interviewed by NY Magazine.

I’m done with any and all Democrats in my life for good. And trust me on this. I’ve just had a pretty intense experience with someone close to me today, someone I’ve known since childhood. It’s hard for me not to respond to this person. Very, very hard. But so far, I’ve held. If there is one person out there who I would break down my rule for it is this person. Lifelong friend. East Coast in fact. It’s been 24 hours and I’m still holding strong. this person read the original piece I wrote. The email response from this individual sits in my in-box. I almost responded twice today. Even started writing the reply. But I pulled back. I am truly hoping that this person sends me an email with the following message in the Subject line: I have left the Democrat Party and will never vote Democrat again.

Also, this is pretty funny.

12 years ago

liberalism like libertarianism

Libertarians are liberal?


If I meet a Democrat in my life from here on out, I will shun them immediately… I’ll tell them in no un-certain terms: “I do not associate with Democrats. You all are communist pigs, and I have nothing but utter disgust for you. Sir/Madam, you are scum of the earth.” Then I’ll turn and walk the other way.

Heheh. Suuuuuure you will, buddy. Suuuuuuure.

12 years ago

cloudiah: Gods, I hope I don’t live in the same town as that whiny gasbag!

12 years ago

Eeek! I’ve just been watching CSI and some dude was defending taking crotch-shots of women at the mall, and he said it wasn’t his fault because the women “all wear see-through tops, mini-skirts and show their bellies”!!!


12 years ago

It’s hard not to shop at Wal-Mart if the other grocery stores are more expensive. Aldi’s is cheaper, but they don’t have everything you might need. I get as much possible from Aldi’s and then anything else from Walmart because it’s too much gas to go to three other grocery stores to buy what’s on sale, when Wally World will just ad match them all. Food prices keep going up, so what can people do?

Wal-Mart also donated clothing and toiletries to my family last year, so even though they do a lot of bad, they do some good. I guess I’d feel guilty to criticize them too much when they helped my family, and their corporate offices provide nice jobs in Arkansas. They pay so much state taxes that they hold a lot of sway over the Ak state legislature. They were the power behind making Benton country wet, much to the dismay of Missouri liquor store owners on the state border.

Don’t get me wrong. I know it’s not a saintly business by a long shot, but they do have some good qualities.

12 years ago

Today I am wearing skinny jeans and a sweater that covers my belly and goes up to my neck. I guess I’m actually a man?

12 years ago

In other news, Orson Scott Card is still an asshole:

12 years ago

I’m done with any and all Democrats in my life for good. And trust me on this. I’ve just had a pretty intense experience with someone close to me today, someone I’ve known since childhood. It’s hard for me not to respond to this person. Very, very hard. But so far, I’ve held. If there is one person out there who I would break down my rule for it is this person. Lifelong friend. East Coast in fact. It’s been 24 hours and I’m still holding strong. this person read the original piece I wrote. The email response from this individual sits in my in-box. I almost responded twice today. Even started writing the reply. But I pulled back. I am truly hoping that this person sends me an email with the following message in the Subject line: I have left the Democrat Party and will never vote Democrat again.

Who wants to mess with this guy by sending him emails with confusing or intriguing subject lines?

SUBJECT: Left my keys at your place

SUBJECT: I’m engaged!

SUBJECT: Guess what…

SUBJECT: Ice cream party!

SUBJECT: Run, they’re after you!

SUBJECT: Sleeping with your wife

SUBJECT: Want a puppy?

SUBJECT: Where to hid the body

Etc, etc.

12 years ago

It’s like the Buckingham Palace guards.

12 years ago

Most fiction writers realise that reality is not what they write. Not him apparently.

12 years ago

Subject: Better get tested, mine was positive.

12 years ago


You have to attack Fox News and sneer at them and accuse them of bias, don’t you — because they’re actually doing the job you merely pretend to do. They shame you by their genuinely balanced coverage, so you have to lie and accuse them of being what you are: ideological hacks, providing propaganda in order to advance a cause, while hiding the unhelpful truth. (please embed, please embed)

The rest of it reads like Bored Sticky, have we found his secret identity?

12 years ago

God DAMN I said please!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

You knew that Obama lied to cover up this culpable negligence, and then lied about lying. You had the video, CBS, which you could have aired immediately after the second debate, exposing him for the liar that he is.

What’s he even referring to?

And all the rest of you — you gave it minimal mention, you played it down, you treated it as nothing, though you know that if you had caught Romney in such a lie two days before the election, you would have played that footage continuously and condemned his lies in tones of shocked outrage.

So why did Romney keep getting away with that “half of the companies Obama funded failed” lie?

Even though his administration, his FEMA, did at least as badly as the Bush administration did after Katrina, and with far less excuse, you did not run endless coverage of the people’s suffering, the way you did with Bush.

Yeah, he even did so badly that the Mainstream Media-Industrial Complex got a hostile governor from the opposing party to praise his efforts. They are sinister, powerful, and everywhere.

We have an exact comparison now. We know that you air negative video and print negative stories only when you don’t like the president involved; when you support the president, when he’s on your team, you downplay the negatives, you find other people to blame. You become “impartial.”

“With horse-race stories removed, 15% of campaign stories about Obama were positive, 32% were negative and 53% were mixed. For Romney it was 14% positive, 32% negative and 55% mixed.”

tl;dr: Orson Scott Card is still a douche.

12 years ago

Oh, Orson Scott Card. Nostalgia Chick was so right about you.

12 years ago

All family and friends, even close family and friends, who I know to be Democrats are hereby dead to me. I vow never to speak to them again for the rest of my life, or have any communications with them. They are in short, the enemies of liberty.

Oh dear dog. Get over it. One election didn’t go your way and you’re coming completely unglued. What a douchebag. Cut yourself off from family and friends because one single election didn’t go the way you wanted it to? This is not normal and it is not a healthy response. Yeah, the black guy got re-elected. Take a deep breath and say it out loud. See? The flesh did not melt off your face.

I don’t recall the Democrats freaking out like this in ’04. (Yes, there was a lot of freakout, but not to the extent of disowning their families and friends. More like “oh dear dog wtf just happened? I can’t believe people were that stupid.”) This guy…

Crap. My brain hurts now.

Here’s the same thing, only really cute:

12 years ago

I almost responded twice today. Even started writing the reply. But I pulled back. I am truly hoping that this person sends me an email with the following message in the Subject line: I have left the Democrat Party and will never vote Democrat again.

Yes, because emotional blackmail is the best way to sway people’s political decisions.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Also this

By sheer luck, the Republicans transcended themselves and offered us a decent, intelligent, moderate, honest man of proven ability.


12 years ago

Orson scott card is reacting a lot more rationally than a shit load of other mormons around these parts, actually. A lot of them are telling their kids that the End Times are near and tuning up their food stores.

12 years ago

We survived Bush. You folks will survive Obama. Take a deep breath and get the fuck over it.

12 years ago

I don’t recall the Democrats freaking out like this in ’04.

I didn’t pitch this big a hissy, Frietag, but that was probably because A) there wasn’t the social media presence then, and B) I was so depressed for about a week afterwards that it was all I could do to drag my sorry butt to work. So melodramatically disowning my in-laws or whipping eggs at F150’s with those little crossed-out flipflops stickers was out of the question.