on the tv oppressed white men patriarchy playing the victim racism

On Fox News, the painful realization that white dudes are no longer the center of everything

Up all night. Too tired to scan the manosphere for weird reactions to Obama’s victory.

But here are some scenes from last night as a couple of backwards white dudes attempted to come to terms with the new demographic realities that enabled Obama to win the election despite getting a smaller percentage of the white vote than Michael Dukakis did in 1988.

Karl Rove, on Fox News, responded to the new realities with good old-fashioned denial, arguing with the number-crunchers for Fox after they called Ohio as a win for Obama. Rove must have thought he’d bought the election good and square!

Bill O’Reilly, meanwhile, responded with, well,  there’s really no other word for it than racism:

Also, while we’re talking demographics, here’s a nice pithy breakdown of the gender gap, from ABC news:

Women favored Obama by 11 points while men backed Romney by 7; the gender gap has been bigger just once, in 2000 (when men were +11 Bush and women were +11 Gore). Add in marital status and the gaps become garish: Married men for Romney by 60-38 percent; unmarried women (younger, more Democratic, more aligned with Obama on social and role-of-government issues) backed the incumbent by 67-31 percent.

Grouchy entitled white dudes, get used to it.

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12 years ago

Ha ha, he said

If I meet a Democrat in my life from here on out, I will shun them immediately. I will spit on the ground in front of them, being careful not to spit in their general direction so that they can’t charge me with some stupid little nuisance law. Then I’ll tell them in no un-certain terms: “I do not associate with Democrats. You all are communist pigs, and I have nothing but utter disgust for you. Sir/Madam, you are scum of the earth.” Then I’ll turn and walk the other way.

Oh dear, it just breaks my heart that a guy like him doesn’t want to be my friend. I think I’ll cry myself to sleep over that.

One of his commenters said

Then we are done. Secession or leave.

Talk about sore losers. Why does everything have to be so melodramatic? And if the red states secede, then I have to figure out a way to sneak into one of the blue states. (Of course I know they’re all talk, but I’m just making the point that I don’t want to be in a country run by Randroids.)

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


It’s a metaphorical sandpaper.

12 years ago
12 years ago

@CWS: I was being silly. I thought just this once, putting in a /snark tag would ruin the joke. Sorry!

12 years ago

I’d like to see how he would describe a single dad who needs help to feed his kids.

If he has a tattoo, NO FOOD FOR HIS CHILDREN. That’s the rule!

12 years ago

Ron Paul Constitutionalist who recognizes the evils of Islam/blockquote>

The guy he wants to have cover his blog is a Constitutionalist who at the same time wants to possibly ban those of a different religion?

What a shocker!

12 years ago

This Eric idiot doesn’t know what communism is, imagine that.

12 years ago

Oh this guy is a goldmine of nuttery and also lack of knowledge about the law which is typical for these types:

But you could have your dog take care of business. Not your fault if he just happens to choose that particular spot.

Yes it is and if you fail to clean it up you can get cited and/or sued.

I will put the signs out on public property off of the right-of-way so it’s entirely legal

Check your local sign ordinances. Lots of cities have them and unless you are at a certain point prior to an election, expect them to be torn down by city officials. Eventually you will get cited if you keep it up.

I will spit on the ground in front of them, being careful not to spit in their general direction so that they can’t charge me with some stupid little nuisance law.

ARS § A. A person commits assault by:

2. Intentionally placing another person in reasonable apprehension of imminent physical injury; or

Spitting might count depending on what other wackadoodle thing you say.

Then I’ll tell them in no un-certain terms: “I do not associate with Democrats. You all are communist pigs, and I have nothing but utter disgust for you. Sir/Madam, you are scum of the earth.”

Oh look. There we go-“turning and walking away” better be as you are saying it because those cops in that town you keep littering with your signs will be much more likely to cite you for all the times they had to deal with your dog pooping on the neighbor’s lawns so they have to come out and take reports. The constant signs that are everywhere and oh look, you just once again forced them to take their time away from their busy schedules of school D.A.R.E visits to tell you to quit it once again.

Oh and look at this gem in the comments:

That said, on Romney I think you’re dead wrong. He was the ideal candidate for Republicans. We couldn’t have done any better. Good looking, hot lookin’ wife. Well spoken. Fiscal not social conservative. Northeast ties, also from the Mid-west. It’s almost like he came out of central casting.


12 years ago

Jim, that’s a seductive argument, until I think about that suburban Philadelphia female voter, or that Latina who lives in Orlando. They hate confrontation.


*gasps for breath*

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


I kinda guessed, I just couldn’t think of any other response. Also, I don’t have any sandpaper.

12 years ago

That Damon character in the comments is pretty funny:

Remember when Obama was governor of every state and he pushed those state seat-belt laws through?! The Libertarian Club said I was the world’s best libertarian for fighting against it, but I was too modest to accept the award!


12 years ago

Hink someone here has forgotten their feminazi law. There are no single fathers. Children are the property of their mothers, by universal court decree. Men are immediately thrown in jail as child abusers and non payors of child support.

Gets a little difficult if mom dies though. Men being thrown in jail because we have NO MALE SINGLE PARENTS AT ALL.

12 years ago

he plans to boycott businesses that accept welfare money

So, he’s not going to buy groceries now?

12 years ago

@Creative Writing Student: No sandpaper?! What barbarity have I fallen among! /silly

12 years ago

Next you’ll be telling me you don’t even have a cordless 12″ drill with keyless chuck, variable speed and a flashlight! And you call yourself civilized!! /silly

12 years ago

And a thing that tells time!

12 years ago

Hink someone here has forgotten their feminazi law. There are no single fathers. Children are the property of their mothers, by universal court decree. Men are immediately thrown in jail as child abusers and non payors of child support.

Gets a little difficult if mom dies though. Men being thrown in jail because we have NO MALE SINGLE PARENTS AT ALL.

LOL, my bad, I need some more brainwashing from my feminist overladies. But if single dads did exist, of course they would deserve help. No help for single moms, though, because they ignored the lonely beta nice guys!

You know, looking at the conservative reactions to the election, it’s pretty clear the Republican party really is heading for a big split. The teavangelicals and Randroids are just not compatible enough to form a coalition anymore. They’re all pointing fingers at each other for the loss, but not realizing that they are both way far right of mainstream US voters.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Next you’ll be telling me you don’t even have a cordless 12″ drill with keyless chuck, variable speed and a flashlight! And you call yourself civilized!!

I could have those within 24 hours through legal means.

3 hours, if I felt like breaking into an independantly-owned hardware shop late at night. 😛

(CWS does not advocate the incredibly convienient crime of robbery.)

12 years ago

That’s the most interesting thing about all the various groups of right-wing wackos, the fact that they can simultaneously believe that they represent the majority of Americans, and also that America is run by feminists, communists, and Satanists.

12 years ago

CWS, if you lived in the U.S. you could get that any time of day at your local Walmart supercenter for an everyday low price. You could even wave at our new Libertarian Republican buddy, who will be there protesting the fact that the indigent are allowed to eat. Mind you dodge the spittle, though.

12 years ago

CWS, I forget if you’ve ever said where you live, but if you don’t live anywhere near a 24-hour WalMart, you’re damn lucky. I think I maybe could get out of sight of one if I moved to North Dakota, where the only thing between me and the North Wind would be the odd cow or wendigo, and possibly a whole bunch of Canadians in the summer months.

12 years ago

Are there any stores that sell groceries where you can’t use food stamps? Even the farmer’s markets here often accept EBT cards.

(In fact iirc one of the local farmer’s marker groups has a cool program where EBT purchases are matched by the org that runs the markets, so basically people on food stamps get extra bang for their buck, which I thought was one of the better examples of how to help low-income people to eat healthily that I’ve seen so far.)

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


As long as it is in walking distance. I’d probably have to get some wellie-boots to avoid the saliva.

… Now I’m entertaining ideas of becoming a classy, sassy gentleperson theif, which is probably a bad idea as I am clumsy and make Applejack look like a compulsive liar…

12 years ago

Falconer: When Wally World decided to build a Supercenter right across from our local Meijer, Meijer upped the ante and completely rebuilt their store so it faces the Wal Mart. And Meijer is holding strong, thank god – they’re union, have amazing prices, and don’t treat their employees like disposable placeholders. And I get to flip off Wal Mart every time I go grocery shopping!

12 years ago

I like to picture KathleenB and Eric Dondero flipping off the same Wal Mart at the same time, but for different reasons.

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