on the tv oppressed white men patriarchy playing the victim racism

On Fox News, the painful realization that white dudes are no longer the center of everything

Up all night. Too tired to scan the manosphere for weird reactions to Obama’s victory.

But here are some scenes from last night as a couple of backwards white dudes attempted to come to terms with the new demographic realities that enabled Obama to win the election despite getting a smaller percentage of the white vote than Michael Dukakis did in 1988.

Karl Rove, on Fox News, responded to the new realities with good old-fashioned denial, arguing with the number-crunchers for Fox after they called Ohio as a win for Obama. Rove must have thought he’d bought the election good and square!

Bill O’Reilly, meanwhile, responded with, well,  there’s really no other word for it than racism:

Also, while we’re talking demographics, here’s a nice pithy breakdown of the gender gap, from ABC news:

Women favored Obama by 11 points while men backed Romney by 7; the gender gap has been bigger just once, in 2000 (when men were +11 Bush and women were +11 Gore). Add in marital status and the gaps become garish: Married men for Romney by 60-38 percent; unmarried women (younger, more Democratic, more aligned with Obama on social and role-of-government issues) backed the incumbent by 67-31 percent.

Grouchy entitled white dudes, get used to it.

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12 years ago


Send the receipt to the Vatican, they’ll sort it out 🙂

12 years ago

Does the smiley face on this board look really crafty or smarmy to anyone else? I almost feel I’ve started using it differently.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Wow, that Christian Men’s Defense Network writer is straight-up obsessed with “daddy’s little princess[es].” You can just feel the barely constrained rage and resentment leeching off of him in red, jagged waves like in painkiller commercials.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I keep drawing new MRA Bingo cards (of the kind David made) but I just can’t get a win on that article, even though I think there are at least 4 or 5 squares hit. Damnit!

12 years ago

I read that Christians Men’s Defense Network Article. Here is what I saw:

Sluts…sluts…sluts….Obama….sluts…..white sluts….welfare….black sluts…..Romney…. birth control…..sluts….sluts…abortions….sluts…..Daddy’s little princess….sluts.

12 years ago

@our lord and daviour

WordPress isn’t keen on https youtube links, for whatever reason.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

*waves the ‘slut vote’ banner*

The rest of the world would like to congratulate the sluts in voting in a president who isn’t a consumate wanker.

12 years ago

Drunken right winger ranting about the election

I think there is something….wrong….with this person, beyond being drunk. She seems to think that Romney lost because people weren’t sharing her videos. But I just couldn’t stop laughing hysterically at her every time she pulled out yet another talking point (socialism!), which made me feel bad, so I finally had to turn it off.

The folks at Gawker are having fun savaging the guy from the Christian Defense Network. Apparently his entire spiel stems from the fact this his wife left him for someone else. So now that means that all women are whores. Clearly.

12 years ago

Also, Rush in 2004:

“Somebody needs to stand up and say, “When you win the election, you pick the nominees. Until then, shut up! Just shut up! Just go away! Bury yourselves in your rat holes and don’t come out until you win an election. When you win an election, you can put all these socialist wackos, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer, all over the court, but until then, SHUT UP! You are really irritating me.”

Bwahahahahahahahahaha. Thank you, we will!

12 years ago

If we “give” money to this group or that group, what happens when our credit rating is tanked and we can no longer finance our generous and benevolent acts of generosity?

Just in case our economic genius returns …… A country’s economy is nothing like a personal or household economy.

The wonderful thing is that, unlike parents buying groceries or giving pocket money and getting nothing back, governments can choose to “hand out” funds to people who have very little choice but to spend it on things that are taxed – so a little of the money comes back to government.

Funnily enough, money doesn’t normally stay in one pair of hands, so the purchases, rents, wages and other outlays from that money also give rise to further transactions that give rise to further tax returning to government. This cycle only stops when the funds get into the hands of someone who saves it for long term purposes and not just while accumulating enough money for yet another taxable purchase.

No need to go into the economic benefits to neighbourhoods and regions when money comes in like this. Suffice it to say that if money is directed to people who have very little to start with, it benefits governments as well as those individuals. It is nothing like handing pocket money to your kids out of your hard earned wages.

12 years ago

I wasn’t able to comment, it’s some sort of oddly semi-private blog, or something.

12 years ago

Pecunium, why on earth would you want to comment on that blog? Its so virulent that a bath in straight bleach couldn’t wash the ick off. You’d likely have to spend several weeks trapped in a hasmat suit to prevent its spread, and I really don’t think that would suit your good fashion sense.

12 years ago

As a non-US person without a say in this, I’m so fucking relieved and happy about this result. I guess I should stop judging a country by its village idiots who rant on the internet, they may be loud and seem to be the majority but it looks like they do not represent you at all

🙂 🙂 🙂

Good job guys, seriously 😀

(Yeah, I’m really happy)

12 years ago

@mildlymagnificent: Some of these folks seriously seem to have the idea that everyone the government gives money to is the Joker from The Dark Knight, who piles up the money and sets it on fire. Once the gummint gives money to the Welfare Queens, it’s gone. Somehow they can manage to buy a Cadillac without giving money to anybody who’s selling Cadillacs.

The lines about Welfare Queens and Cadillacs and t-bone steaks are completely false, I’m just using their arguments to show how ridiculous they are.

Oh, and apparently Jared Loughner is going to be sentenced today.

12 years ago

I think you could not vote because it appears to be a cached copy instead of a real copy so maybe the poster pulled it down after realizing he looks like a caddish idiot.

This gem in the comments was funny:

I have a female relative who graduated from college last year. Some months back, she expressed to me that although she had always been more conservatively aligned, she planned to vote for Obama because she believed that he would be more willing to bailout those (like her) who had substantial educational debts. The idea that if the government acted to force banks to “eat” millions in unpaid student loans it would severely impact the ability of future college students to borrow any money (let alone the excessive amounts we’ve been learning that some fools took) for an education. She simply could not care about any potential consequence to anyone else, she could only manage to consider what potential benefit might (yeah, right! Fat chance of it actually happening) accrue to her personally.

Yes she made the stupid decision to get an education since we all know the only thing women should be doing is staying home and raising babies. She also dared to take money out to pay for that education and as it is rather difficult to get anywhere else without credit in this country, she would like to have that debt forgiven. The horror.

Actually the government telling banks to write off loans for someone like her would not happen. What would happen is that the government could possibly do a Teach America or Americorps type deal where someone goes into teaching or some other public service role to then have the government pay their debt off for them. It is one of the ways I would handle the dearth of doctors in rural and inner cities-go to medical school and donate five years after your residency. Of course I think I got the idea from Northern Exposure which I thought was really annoying after about five minutes.

12 years ago
12 years ago

I read that Christians Men’s Defense Network Article. Here is what I saw:

Sluts…sluts…sluts….Obama….sluts…..white sluts….welfare….black sluts…..Romney…. birth control…..sluts….sluts…abortions….sluts…..Daddy’s little princess….sluts.

Funny, all I could see was a tiny, tiny tear falling onto an even tinier boner.

12 years ago

“We won’t default on our debt; we’ll keep paying interest on those bonds even if it takes printing more money. Of course, all prices will increase as a result, hitting the poor the hardest but by no means limiting the damage to the poor. Next stop: $17 trillion.”

Bond vigilantes have been predicting hyperinflation for years now. Apparently the market doesn’t agree, as evidenced by low inflation and the low interest rates on U.S. Treasury bonds. And as we know, the market is always right, except when it disagrees with how they think reality should be.

12 years ago

I found this really telling:

the only First Lady who could possibly be bitchy enough to make Hillary Clinton look feminine.

How obvious could he be in revealing that women are deemed “bitches” for not being “feminine” enough?

12 years ago

Some of these folks seriously seem to have the idea that everyone the government gives money to is the Joker from The Dark Knight, who piles up the money and sets it on fire.

Wait…that’s not what we’re supposed to do with it?


12 years ago

Bingo onthe Spreadhead!

roll King November 7, 2012 at 17:35
One thing that will be interesting to look forward to is what I already have been observing for some time now.

That is basically the resource-based fight between married women and single women.

If you follow feminism, or work in a gender-equal office or company, then you will constantly see these battles between the single women and the single mothers and the career, or liberal married mothers. They come up with harsh language to use against each other too.

It is pretty common to see women get vicious and use terms like breeder or parasite against single mothers or career mothers who need to leave work early to take a kid to the dentist. More and more it will be the single women, because they have more education, who get to work weekends and overtime and don’t get to have sex and the city type of lives who pick up the slack.

Right now this is only obvious in the workplace and on some feminist blogs in conversations between liberal urban young women and single mothers.

I predict that in the future this will easily boil over into the political and social realm. I don’t even think we will have to wait until the next presidential election to see this happen. I expect that it will erupt within a year or so, or as soon as the feminist lobby pushes president Obama to mandate enforced babysitters and play pens within companies.

There simply is one major problem, well more than one but anyways, with the social and political liberal philosophy of liberal egalitarianism(not to be confused with other forms of liberalism like libertarianism, utilitarianism, and their subtheories and so on).

No matter what theory of liberal egalitarianism you use there is always the problem of subsidizing other peoples choices. For most men and women who subscribe to these redistributionist policies, whether socialist or liberal egalitarian, most don’t have a problem if it goes to someone like them.

A single and upper-echelon educated urban female lawyer doesn’t have too much of a problem working doubles and weekends for a few months when the woman a few years older than her, but pretty much just like her, takes three months off for maternity leave. In fact, most women of this type, fill in the blanks with lawyer or doctor or accountant or whatever, will see it as a chance to prove themselves and move up.

Some may not like being forced back down to their previous station when the mommy comes back to work, but most won’t complain about it, outside of a blog comment on feministe or two, because they realize that in the next few years they will meet their beta herb future husband at a charity event to protect some sort of sea urchin and they will fuck, though not as passionately as she does the drummer who partakes in meth on the weekends, in the back of his prius and she one day will be able to take a few months off of work and remodel her new townhouse in between yoga and pilates sessions and buying furniture for the baby.

See, the problem with subsidizing other peoples actions through redistributive policies that shift burdens and responsibilities onto the collective is that peole will only put up with it when they are the ones who can benefit from it in the future or when the people benefiting from it are a mental stand in for them, AKA when it is someone like them with their life choices and what not.

Talk to liberal urban feminist single women and it becomes painfully obvious. If it is a conversation about food stamps and WIC then they will never talk about the tattooed from wrist to wrist baby momma with three different children from three different men who strips on the weekends and who snorts oxy, who dropped out from community college and beats her babydaddies children, who stands in line at the grocery store with two buggies, one filled with WIC and EBT approved goods and the other that will be paid with a wad of 20s that is full of beer and unhealthy food.

(I worked in a grocery store in the south and this is much more common, and decent cause there are way too many honey booboo child mothers than decently hot tatted up emo strippers, than what any feminist will ever describe)

Nope, the feminist will describe, pretty much universally in my experience, some one that is just like them with respect to class and education and work experience who simply made a mistake while in gradschool and forgot to take a, probably defective, pill and totes believes in abortion but abortion isn’t for her cause she is 28 and attempting to finish up a masters of sociology and we totes need WIC and EBT and all the other things that glorified single mothers currently have access to that we as a collective can’t pay for cause this fictional character that she just described to you is a mental stand in for herself if something were to happen with her current boytoy and she needed those services. This becomes obvious if you ever have the pleasure to point out to these women a woman who is enjoying the perks of this subsized collectivist redistribution who looks and acts nothing like the person you are talking to.

A example of this can be seen in the feminist movement quite often. Look at the conversations between baby boomer feminists in white collar fields and the young single and urban, sometimes single mother by choice or after a starter marriage, women.

A late 20s woman who still prefers being called a girl decides to get preggar and takes maternity leave and it sends the boomer women into a tizzy. They start complaining about how the young women take for granted the sacrifices and work of the generation before them. They complain about how they, the boomers, are still struggling to find a work-life balance and struggling to take care of their tweens who they had with IVF help at the ages of 40+ and now they can’t be home with their househubby, or more often their second husband or cats, because now they have to work double shifts to cover for the choices of these spoiled third wave feminists who are ungrateful and btw there is no such thing as a third wave cause there is only second wave and that sez pozzy and riot grrl shit doesn’t count cause I am a woman, I fought for more than spoiled girls to go to college paid for by daddy….My parents told me that a proper woman got married and supported her husband in college and a career…..I put my mom in a nursing home because of those comments….I didn’t fight so hard all this time, trying to break the glass ceiling and putting up with a masculine work environment full of sexual harassment…I still remember this one time from 73 where this jerk of a boss had the temerity to make a joke, about sex…can you believe it, while me and three secretaries were standing in the room….I had to put up with sexist chauvinist pigs and these intelligent young professional women want to throw it all away by staying home for a full year and waiting on their husbands all while calling themselves grrls….Listen, IT IS CALLED W-O-M-A-N!….ugh1111!!!111!!!!!11!11 (lulz, I have literally seen boomer feminists say this type of stuff.)

I think I have made my point. In the coming year we will see women rights and socialist and collectivist and communitarian(they are slightly different on a social/political philosophical level) liberal egalitarin and redistributive policies move center stage on the heels of this Obama victory.

This will be beautiful to watch. This is due to women having no real social or formal structure around combat. They are so used to being part of the female herd(collective) and being cared for that when they suddenly find themselves as part of the outgroup they are shocked and they become vicious.

I can think back to middle and highschool and how I learned about this. The few male teachers would sometimes break up fights between boys but they preferred to allow the female teachers to do this. The female teachers always told me that they didn’t mind because they knew the boys wouldn’t hit a woman, and especially not a woman in charge. So the female teachers would simply place themselves between the two boys and the fight would stop immediately. If it was a male teacher it usually stopped immedialy to because the male teachers had height and size advantages but sometimes it would and the male teachers would take a punch or two trying to break up the fight.

Now, with the girls the story was completely different. I have never, as a gen y male, understood this ‘sugar and spice’ shit that people talk about with respect to females. Girls fought just as much,if not more, than boys did in my white trash public school. They especially had worse consequences. Go and watch the fifth season of the Wire. I had one female friend of mine smash another girls head in with a brick and put her in a coma. She bragged about it like she was some tough shit, the boys rarely bragged because there wasn’t anything to brag about if you got sent to juvie for busting up some other boy. It was usually not about inflicting damage but instead about dominance or self-protection for you and your clique. Girls not so much. Damn, it is depressing to think about how fucked up my schooling was due to a majority of divorced and single mom by choice families. Anyways.

The female teachers hated trying to get inbetween the two or more girls who were fighting. Unlike the boys the girls would continue to scratch and bite and pull hair and sometimes rip off bras(yeah). I remember seeing my french teacher get between two girls. We were standing around yelling, “bitch fight..Bitch fight…cat fight” and she came to break it up and they didn’t stop going at each other and went after the french teacher too. By the end of it both girls and the teacher had scratches all over their faces, there were tits hangnig out and clothes and even hair extensions laying all over the floor and all of us, me and my bros, thought it was the funniest thing in the world. Interestingly, the few male teachers would literally walk away and disappear if two girls were fighting because they new that not only would the girls scratch them to shreds but all it took to ruin their career was to have one of the girls in state of half-dress claim that he groped her or felt her up while breaking up the fight for him to face a ruined career.

Now, imagine all of what I have typed but instead of taking place on a feminist blog or in the break room or in the cafeteria of a white trash school in the south it will take place, with so, so, so much more, center stage within the political sphere over the next couple years and more.

Lolololxzzzzz. It gonna be good. I am going to stock up my fridge with beer and popcorn and stock up a folder on my desktop with gifs like this one:

Here is an entire site full of them for you guys to enjoy:

Get ready, cause I am warning you all.

It gonna be good. We will get to see the single moms square off against the teen moms and then go head to head against the stressed out working women who proclaim,”what I really need is a wife, not a husband” with respect to how overworked they are and they will get pushed up against conservative latino housewives and aging lesbians who are dealing with IVF battles that should be subsidized by Obamacare cause it is just so expensive and so on and so on.

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12 years ago

Oh good lord, someone needs to take his keyboard away.

tl:dr version:
“women who have babies sometimes disagree with women who do not have babies.”

12 years ago

“I do so love it when our trolls think that each new thread is tabula rasa”
It is. I declare it so, with utmost privilige, and immediate binding effect on reality and human psychology

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