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Election Day Open Thread! Plus, some inane crap from Heartiste on the single white woman vote.

Make sure you vote on this crucial ballot initiative.

Election day is here at last! Vote! VOTE!! VOOOTTTTTEEEEE!!!1!!!

Well, if youโ€™re American, anyway.

Americans and non-Americans alike, enjoy these ridiculous thoughts on the Single White Woman Vote from our old pal Heartiste.

[S]ingle womenโ€™s prime directive is to fulfill their hypergamous impulse for the highest possible status man they can coax into long-term commitment. The party that is perceived as being pro-unrestricted female sexuality, anti-male sexuality, and anti-drone beta male is going to get their vote.

Huh. I guess we can add โ€œhates drone beta malesโ€ to Obamaโ€™s long list of imaginary crimes, alongside โ€œis a secret Kenyan Muslim,โ€ โ€œwants to take my gunsโ€ and โ€œwonโ€™t give Donald Trump his school transcripts.โ€ (Actually, that last “crime” is true.)

You would probably not be surprised to learn that not only do single white SWPL chicks just automatically ASSUME everyone in their social circle is an Obama cultist โ€ฆ the first thing that pops in their heads when you ask them why theyโ€™re voting for Obama is usually something along the lines of โ€œRomney wants to take away my birth controlโ€. Yeah, these are educated women saying this. Thanks suffrage!

Somehow I doubt the โ€œsingle white SWPL chicksโ€ that Heartiste spoke to actually think Romney is going to come into their bedrooms and steal their birth control. No doubt they are, rather, concerned with Romney’s altogether non-imaginary plans to make abortion illegal and restrict their access to affordable reproductive health services generally. (Oh, and “SWPL” stands for “stuff white people like,” a reference to the blog of the same name, and seems to be Heartiste’s favorite term for white people who live in urban areas and who aren’t reactionary assholes like himself.)

And now, the required reference to Sex and the City:

The fact is, marriage advocacy (and earlier marriage) is bad for young womenโ€™s sexual market value leverage โ€ฆ ย A party that embodies the single and seeking alpha cock in the city lifestyle will appeal to them. The party which is perceived (facts donโ€™t really matter in politics) as pushing women to settle down early with a reliable company man and start popping out future video gamers is anathema to the single, economically self-sufficient, white woman sensibility.

Here we come to the crux of Heartisteโ€™s, er, โ€œargument.โ€

Finally, and perhaps most saliently, single white women see Big Daddy State as a beta provider husband substitute. This has nothing to do with pity for the downtrodden masses and everything to do with โ€œhow much money and services I can redirect my way with an assist from the white knight contingentโ€.

Letโ€™s throw some Evo Psych in the mix:

The single white woman who delays family formation finds herself battling her ancient subterranean limbic rhythms which always and everywhere guide her to seek out potential mates who could provide resources for her and her children, particularly when she is burdened by pregnancy and mostly unable (at least as would have been the case in the ancestral environment) to fully provide for herself. The single white woman, lacking the beta provider hubby (ironically, mostly by her own hand) seeks to fill his absence with the alternative โ€” the looming Big Man tribal leader, which in modern America is the federal government, and its shaman is Obama.

Huh. I thought single women were supposed to have the hots for Obama because he’s such an alpha. But now heโ€™s a beta provider?

Heartiste continues:

Women are naturally redistributionist because women are naturally self-aggrandizing and self-entitled, as befits their higher reproductive worth. And, more controversially, a very bad man like myself would say that women are naturally comfortable in quasi-harem arrangements, which is what the single woman concubine-government alpha provider relationship amounts to. And just like an alpha provider/protector, the government is very good at forcibly extracting tribute from the beta male masses.

Huh. I thought alphas werenโ€™t interested in providing or protecting. Now theyโ€™ve become the ultimate White Knights?

In effect, Big Government is at once the alpha male tribal leader and the beta provider sucker who happily assumes the cuckold role as step-father to the single momโ€™s cadbaggage.

Wait, what? Dude, if you have to twist your definitions of alpha and beta like taffy to apply them to this situation, it may be an indication that all this alpha/beta shit just might be complete bullshit to begin with.

Now Heartiste comes to the issue of race. You may wish to avert your eyes.

[T]he final, and most emotionally laden, variable in this equation is the black man angle. Both sides in this long-running debate have their points. My take from ground-level recon is that the people claiming single white women love alpha black men are overstating their case, and the people claiming single white women would never think of hooking up with โ€œlower class, less accomplished, thugโ€ black men are overstating theirs. White women do find plenty of black men physically exciting. And smarter white women do hesitate to date black men because of a very reasonable fear that, should a warpling issue from the union (this is always in the back of womenโ€™s minds, despite the easy availability of contraceptives), the black man will be less likely than the white man to stick around and care for her in her time of need.

And this weird racist stew relates to the election how? Because Obama is black?

As far as a I can tell, contra white nationalist hopes and dreams, single white women have ZERO concept of loyalty for their white men. Try to explain to your typical single white woman about the importance of loyalty to her men and of the idea of genetically preserving the white raceโ€™s unique winning attributes, and you may as well be a Martian spurting goo all over her.

Or maybe, just maybe, the single white women youโ€™re trying to โ€œexplainโ€ this to are looking at you funny because youโ€™re a creepy racist prick who thinks that he and other white dudes should have a say in how you use your vagina?

Now, in practice, one could argue that unmarried white women exercise a de facto loyalty to their men, because most white chicks date white men, and studies have shown that white women are the most resistant to dating outside their race. But how long will this hold? Census data points to a slow but inexorable increase in out-marrying and out-dating by white women (and white men). If there is some subconscious racial loyalty or primal preference acting to steer the tingles of single white women (and I believe there is), it is showing signs of withering under a coordinated cultural assault that has made even broaching the topic the equivalent of condemning oneself to the social gulag.

Heartiste returns to the issue of politics. Well, politics and the single white female vagina:

Btw, from a tingles-first perspective, a lot of white women thought Bill Clinton was way sexier than they currently think of Barack Obamaโ€™s sex appeal. This isnโ€™t a looks or race thingโ€ฆ Bill just had more sensual, oozing charm than Barry. Chicks dig charming mofos.

Heartiste offers this sad lament on the waning power of white male voters:

A lot of white men and white married couples are going to break for Romney, but the social and racial and familial demographics of the country are moving with such force in the opposite direction that the white man vote, no matter how consolidated, is going to eventually get swamped by the undertow and rendered irrelevant for many, many election cycles to come (assuming there will continue to be a country in existence that is capable of holding elections).

Yes, itโ€™s true that as the US becomes more demographically diverse, white men will make up a smaller portion of the electorate, and thus, as a demographic group, will have less influence. Thatโ€™s kind of how democracy works.

Heartiste ends it all with this baffling apocalyptic conclusion, bringing it all back to the issue of โ€ฆ tariffs?

When the white man โ€œwakes upโ€ to this fact, I predict secession movements will sprout up all around the country, descaling the nation to more socially and tribally congenial entities. But most of us reading this will be dead by that time. And it will be too late, regardless. In the meantime, expect populism to rise again, and tariffs to become the talk of the townhall. A billion Chinese is a lot of surplus cheap labor to churn through before wages equilibrate. There will be blood in the interim.

Heartiste, maybe you should just stay home and rest today. You sound a bit feverish.

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12 years ago

Double werd to Gore and 2004 Ohio.

12 years ago

That ‘heartiste’ thread is glorious. Right-libertarians crying all over the place: boohoo women, boohoo blacks, boohoo egalitarians, boohoo parasites. mmmm

12 years ago

Just thank god- genuinely terrified about what that romney dude would have done.

12 years ago

Omg, and women’s votes pretty much won this election! The manosphere is going to be positively delightful the next few days!!

12 years ago

For those who are happy, I’m happy that you’re happy. I feel the same way Tulgey does about the whole thing but since this is pretty much me today, don’t let me piddle on your parade.

12 years ago

I’m really happy.

Not just because OBAMA–Nate Silver points out that Obama won on a broad coalition. Digby(and Greg Sargent) point out that it was a liberal victory.

Future Dems have been put on notice; tracking to the center isn’t the way to win. Fight the common wisdom. Follow the winning votes. Notice how many progressives have been swept into Congress.

That lays the groundwork to make the next election an even stronger assault on the conservatives attacking women’s autonomy. And the next. And the next.

12 years ago

@ nat- why, what’s wrong? I can’t imagine you were pulling for romney? Hope you live in colorado today

12 years ago

Agreed, Bill Clinton is a very charming man. Though I’d never vote for the guy, even if I were young and single, I have to admit that he has charisma.

12 years ago

@timetravellingfool Nah, I’m in the UK. I’m sulking because people at work are being jerks, and I volunteered to work behing the bar at the anarchist social centre for a film showing tonight, then found out that one of my favourite bands are playing a squat gig down the road, and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make it. So totally first world problems, but it’s making me be a grumpy fucker.

12 years ago

Thank you for the puppy videos. They were just what I needed.

12 years ago

*checking the latest returns locally, scowls*


12 years ago

Pretty much everything I was concerned about went the way that I wanted it to. And I’m not even hung over!


12 years ago

Here’s how I feel.

Like Dancing!

12 years ago

@pecunium: I love George Takei so much. I was so happy when marriage equality passed in California and he was able to tie the knot.

12 years ago

@ nat- Well, that is kinda sad, so, ya know, sympathetic shoulder pats if you want ’em. No hugs though- I’m kind of reserved.

12 years ago

Whoops, I missed Nat’s reply. That sucks, nat ๐Ÿ™ Hugs!

12 years ago

Prop 30 seems to have passed in CA, which means while things are still a mess at least we won’t have to cut $6 billion from public schools…

12 years ago

12 years ago

@Cloudiah: That’s great!

My local news is that, although we voted in the Republican incumbent in the Senate, Bob Corker, we didn’t vote in the really dubious guy who won the Democratic primary because his name came first. I mean, this guy thinks the TSA makes queer folk molest children, and the Chinese government coerced Google into burying his website. Oh, and he’s boldly taken a stand against the merger of the US, Canadian and Mexican economies into the North American Union. The Washington Post. Gawker. Trump was wrong; the Tennessee Democrats are the laughingstock of the world. Still, a Corker win was the best option.

On the other hand, Scott DesJarlais, who opposed any abortion that isn’t his mistress’s (and advocates tirelessly for that one) won reelection.

Not to mention our electoral college votes went to Romney.

12 years ago

the Tennessee Democrats are the laughingstock of the world

I am terribly sorry that happened to you. The Dems in my state at least recruit mostly decent candidates to run. I am hoping that Penzone keeps his name ID high since it is expected Arpaio will probably not make it through another term.

12 years ago

Whoop, they’re still not done counting Florida?!

12 years ago

the really dubious guy who won the Democratic primary because his name came first.

Alrighty, my plans for political domination are cemented. All I need to do is hootfoot it down to the court so I can get my name change.

Oh, by the way – vote Fitzy Aardvark 2016.

12 years ago

@princessbonbon: Thank you for your condolences. It’s just that we have no money since we lost control of the state House in 2010 — we lost control of the state-level pork and such. Plus, the party didn’t give a whole lot of support to its candidates. It asked Park Overall to run, she had $100 to spend, and they gave her a copy of Deer Hunting with Jesus to orient her how to reach out to the people of Tennessee.

I’m beginning to think that I and the Democrats around Knoxville and Oak Ridge are a minority even within our own (state) party.

12 years ago

Florida will never be finished counting! Ever!

If 2000 taught us anything, it should be this. ๐Ÿ™‚

12 years ago

At least it won’t come down to Which Party Won the Court Packing Race this time….