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Election Eve: The Spearhead’s Peanut Gallery Endorses … Reactionary Misogyny, With a Side Order of Racism

The election is almost upon us, and the dudes at The Spearhead are none too happy about it. WF Price, apparently living in a different reality than the rest of us, has declared this “the women’s election,” complaining that “this election has been so over-the-top obsessed with women that it’s a bit surreal.”

The rest of the fellows have similarly edifying things to say about it all.

Gwallan, evidently sipping from the same cup of kool-aid as Price, remarks that

In nearly fifty years of serious attention to elections all over the western world I have never seen an election which involved this level of patronage toward a single demographic.

If it weren’t for the presence of male candidates it could easily appear to an outsider that there are no men living in the US.

An anonymous commenter takes this argument a step further, arguing that even the fact that the candidates are men is proof that women are really running the show:

It’s not a coincidence that both presidential candidates are male. Women want to be taken care of, whether married or single, conservative or liberal, and women want to be taken care of by a man. That is what leads to male presidents in our time.

Tom, meanwhile, Godwins up the thread with this completely reasonable and not-at-all-bugfuckingly hysterical observation:

Someone once mentioned that men’s situation is in some ways comparable to that of Jews in the run-up to Nazi germany – we have been vilified and deprived of our humanity. Once that psychological step is done, it is easy to abuse the “untouchable” class, because no one will stand for them.

I suggest getting your passport done, and be ready to GTFO if things get really nasty. No sane man would take the risk of marrying, having children or even dating in the US anyway – so there are really few reasons to stay, especially with this economy!

Uh, Tom, not to rain on your little paranoid self-pity parade, but you are aware that at the moment the rest of the world is not all unicorns and rainbows either, economically speaking?

Jimbo plays the race card, by which I mean, “straight up racist that sucker is, simple and plain.”

For me, it is simple. I have two sons who happen to both be white like me. In tune with the spirit of the times, Obama wants to continue to take power, freedom and wealth from white men like me and wants to continue to transfer it to women and minorities. So, despite the fact I can only guess what type of president Romney might be, I will vote for him.

Numnut is a bit pithier:

One nation,under cunt,divisible,with liberty and justice for cunts.

Ahamkara just wishes that the Repubs would live up to the batshit antiwoman rhetoric coming from Todd Akin and the rest of the Republican rape talkers:

I think the republicans have been using their bizarre rape comments as a dog whistle for men who are pissed off about feminism. I’m tempted to vote for them for this reason alone. However, I don’t believe they have any intention of actually improving things for men. So it’s really a cynical ploy to take advantage of men’s anger.

Zorro goes all apocalyptic on us:

This country needs to die before it can be reborn with healthy stock.

The feminist plague afflicting us must be utterly purged in order to purify North American society from its ilk.

Hopefully all these lovely fellows will stay at home tomorrow, stewing in their bitterness.

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12 years ago

Technically we’re still at war with North Korea, I believe.

We have always been at war with East Asia.

12 years ago

In Sweden we only have paper ballots. Seems much safer to me than some kind of machine that might malfunction… You just pick a paper with the name of your preferred party, or take a blank and write something yourself if you wanna vote for a teeny-weeny party, put it in an envelope, and put the envelope in the ballot box. Simple as that!

12 years ago

Dvär: We don’t vote for parties, we vote for people.

12 years ago

I voted this morning. Something just dawned on me that was kind of weird. Instead of asking for my voter registration card, the woman working at the polls asked me for my “driver’s license or voter ID.” Texas’s voter ID law was overturned in August. I just handed her my registration card and she took it, but should she have even been asking for driver’s licences? Technically, you don’t even need your voter’s registration card, because they have your name in the book already and I had initially just walked up to the desk and given her my name.

12 years ago

claire you might want to report that, I know Mother Jones is taking anomaly reports. Some feel the media is more effective right now, but there probably is someone local you should contact. I think what they’re trying to pull is they can ASK, but they can’t hold people to it, but are hoping it discourages a few voters. I remember going in 1992 and voting for Clinton, I was SO JAZZED and the lady at the long table was less then amused, possibly noting my age and what it means. She asked for an ID and I plunked mine down, and I remember her getting a look from the person next to her that I took little notice of at the time, but likely it was some meek person who knew better who should have spoken up and not just shot glances at the grumpy lady asking. This lady was none too thrilled that I was there. I still remember that excitement of voting Clinton. I had grown up Reagan, Bush… seemed to go on and on and freaking ON!!

12 years ago

Thanks, indifferentsky, I think I will report it! I had a weird experience two years ago at the same polling place that I never reported, because I didn’t know how to and keep in anonymous. We know one of the poll workers. His grandsons and my son were in cub scouts together, and his oldest grandson is still a close friend of my son’s. The family’s politics are super conservative, and they assume ours are too and we just keep quite about it.Two years ago, Kiddammit had just turned 18 and I took him to vote for the first time. R. told me to go over to the booth and tell my kid how to vote. Then he said, “When I see how some of these people vote, I just want to twist their heads off!” It was disturbing.

I remember voting for the first time. It was in 1984. I was pretty excited too, even though I was pretty sure Mondale was going to lose. I still get a thrill voting.

12 years ago

You know… my husband has lived in Iowa and South Dakota all his life, Claire, and now I live here in SD we can relate. But we have to remember, all cities have gov’t workers and union folks, so hold your head up. 🙂 lol. I have lots of family and friends that are republicans, sounds like you are in the same boat.

12 years ago

Claire, seconding the reporting. I just voted in TX, and I didn’t have to show ID, just my voter card. The woman at my place didn’t ask for ID.

I don’t trust those machines worth a shit, though.

12 years ago

Yeah, I’m a stealth liberal. My poor husband has a best friend who is a rabid conservative and he’s just had to avoid him for the last few weeks. I never knew how racist so many white people were until Obama was elected, or that so many people assumed I agree with them.

I just reported my situation to and

12 years ago

I had to show my ID, because Jasper County didn’t send me a new voter card. They sent thousands out but they sent them to the wrong addresses. What doesn’t make sense is that I never changed my address after the tornado. I always got my mail from a post office. I wrote my county clerk three times about it and gave up. Oh well, as long as I got to vote, whatever.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

One should always consult experts in matters of voting, campaigning, and legitimating tyranny through “democrazy”. All of this fuss between tweedledumb and tweedledumber only guarantees that things will rapidly get WORSE for both men and women in the coming years…

“Its not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes”–a Georgian wiseman

Happy little inmates voting for their warden! I’m sure glad that I didn’t participate in this idiocy. For all that I know, this Georgian wiseman (whose terrifying grip on power held for three consecutive decades) may have even favored votes for women too.

I hope that all of you voters (especially the sufferagettes amonst you) had fun.

12 years ago

DKM: You didn’t vote? Good-oh!

I did.

Sucks to be you.

BTW, just so you know you’ll never get the last word without me chiming in:

Ithiliana–February 12, 2012 @2:31pm
“graduate student “murdered” by ex-husband”
Take post cited above. Could woman who talks like that (over the ‘net) have such an unpleasant, unfeminine, and just plain horrid personality that she could say something that MAY provoke an unpleasant response from a nearby man who may already be troubled about something else. Look at all of the cases you read about where a murder or vicious assault or rape was committed by a man whose entire life was coming apart, and the very person—his wife–whom he was relying upon to keep what was left of his sanity was turning on him…
Did graduate student take her “how to handle men” or something like that from YOU?
I was explaining that a man who loved his nearest and dearest would do anything to avoid the spousal abuse so often cited on feminuttery websites and blogs like this, because it wouldn’t get him what he wanted! I would rather be kind, gentle, and loving to a woman than beat,rape, or kill her, and so would most men, for obvious reasons!
Gee, Ithiliana, for an intelligent woman, you sure have a lot of trouble understanding ordinary common sense, don’t you?

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

ISN’T SHE CLEVER? Ithiliana actually knows how to retrieve files from a computer hard drive! And we thought that women were stupid, especially where machinery was concerned.

She is always showing off–look at ME! I am woman and oh so very smart!! I can even retrieive somebody;s comment written in a moment of anger almost a year ago. Ins’t Ithiliana CLEVER? SHE even has a Ph. D!

How do you spell narcisissm, conceit, and just plain pushiness? F-E-M-I-N-I-S-T!

Now, if someone could get her to behave herself, and enter material here at womenbeinghateful that would be pleasing to men rather than irritatating to them, we would really have the beginnings of a miracle here, wouldn’t we?

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

“I can even retrieive somebody;s comment written in a moment of anger almost a year ago.”

You’re just pissed that we’re never gonna forget how you said someone deserved to die, Meller. Sucks to be you!

12 years ago

“Suffragettes”? Either we entered the 19-aughts or a David Bowie song.

12 years ago

Someone is super bitter that we remember what he said!
And she is much more intelligent than you have ever even dreamed of being.
You cannot even make your imaginary ideal world work in an internally consistent way, let alone deal with reality.
Keep not voting, it will be super effective in bringing about the world you say you want.

12 years ago

DKM, you’ll never get troll of the year by resurrecting dead threads. Maybe you could win zombie troll of the year, but even there you have some pretty stiff competition.

12 years ago


She is always showing off–look at ME! I am woman and oh so very smart!! I can even retrieive somebody;s comment written in a moment of anger almost a year ago. Ins’t Ithiliana CLEVER? SHE even has a Ph. D!

1) If you’re going to mock someone’s intelligence, it helps if you spell retrieve, isn’t and PhD (or Ph.D.)correctly;
2) That comment you wrote almost a year ago is unacceptable no matter how angry you were;
3) You never offered any apology for that comment, and all the things you have said since show that you still believe what you said back then, so it is still relevant and it encapsulates your disgusting views so well, so that’s why it is quoted at you so often;
4) You’re still a coward who slinks into old threads to get the last word because you’re scared of all the women here being all competent and shit. No wonder you want all women to be reduced to the level of pets, you’re too much of a coward to deal with them otherwise.

12 years ago

Yes, Meller, ithiliana is much more intelligent than you are. This has been obvious to everyone for a long time. It’s funny how much that upsets you.

You really do think anything is OK if it’s done in “a moment of anger”, don’t you?

12 years ago

Ithiliana, in my estimation, seems a remarkably banal debater and a sloppy thinker; in thrall to the same tactics repeated endlessly – as can be seen here – get some new material, woman!

12 years ago

Is Ithiliana actually the recipient of a PhD? In that case, I find her lack of intelligence and cogent writing ability to be even more glaring; one expects that to be a strength of academians.

12 years ago

Steele, do not cast aspersion on someone else’s writing, when your own is such a god-awful clusterfuck. Well, you can (it just makes you look dumber) but we all know you don’t have what it takes to get a PhD.

12 years ago

Meller, when you whine about “things I said in anger over a year ago,” you sound just like the abuser you are.

12 years ago

I can’t stop laughing at Steele — STEELE!!! — criticizing someone else’s writing style. Now that’s hilarious! Thanks much for the laugh, Steelepole.

12 years ago

@Steele (your brains are rusting):

Ithiliana, in my estimation, seems a remarkably banal debater and a sloppy thinker; in thrall to the same tactics repeated endlessly – as can be seen here – get some new material, woman!

In thrall to the same tactics repeated endlessly: AHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH *(gasp choke wipes eyes)

May I remind you, steeletroll, of the infamous 1277 comment thread where you repeated and repeated and repeated MISANDRY!

How many times do you froth and lather out VILE VILE VILE VILE VILE?

If repetition is a bad rhetorical tactic, then (ha) your rhetoric is bad (no news there).

I post Meller’s misogynistic mouthings for a reason: to educate newcomers to the blog that he is a murder apologist–i.e. if a woman doesn’t submit to a man, it’s perfectly understandable that he is “drive” to violence.

if Tom Martin shows up again, I’ll no doubt post a link to his “the poor Taliban is so misunderstood: they shot an eleven year old child not because they’re against girls’ education but against coed education” because that deserves to be remembered as well.

Despite your multitudinous maundering repetition of MISANDRY!, you’ve not yet done anything vicious enough that I need to keep hanging it around your neck like a dead chicken (how to teach a dog not to kill chickens).

The internet institutional memory is shallow–and people count on that. Mine, however, is not.

Get some new material, man!