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Election Eve: The Spearhead’s Peanut Gallery Endorses … Reactionary Misogyny, With a Side Order of Racism

The election is almost upon us, and the dudes at The Spearhead are none too happy about it. WF Price, apparently living in a different reality than the rest of us, has declared this “the women’s election,” complaining that “this election has been so over-the-top obsessed with women that it’s a bit surreal.”

The rest of the fellows have similarly edifying things to say about it all.

Gwallan, evidently sipping from the same cup of kool-aid as Price, remarks that

In nearly fifty years of serious attention to elections all over the western world I have never seen an election which involved this level of patronage toward a single demographic.

If it weren’t for the presence of male candidates it could easily appear to an outsider that there are no men living in the US.

An anonymous commenter takes this argument a step further, arguing that even the fact that the candidates are men is proof that women are really running the show:

It’s not a coincidence that both presidential candidates are male. Women want to be taken care of, whether married or single, conservative or liberal, and women want to be taken care of by a man. That is what leads to male presidents in our time.

Tom, meanwhile, Godwins up the thread with this completely reasonable and not-at-all-bugfuckingly hysterical observation:

Someone once mentioned that men’s situation is in some ways comparable to that of Jews in the run-up to Nazi germany – we have been vilified and deprived of our humanity. Once that psychological step is done, it is easy to abuse the “untouchable” class, because no one will stand for them.

I suggest getting your passport done, and be ready to GTFO if things get really nasty. No sane man would take the risk of marrying, having children or even dating in the US anyway – so there are really few reasons to stay, especially with this economy!

Uh, Tom, not to rain on your little paranoid self-pity parade, but you are aware that at the moment the rest of the world is not all unicorns and rainbows either, economically speaking?

Jimbo plays the race card, by which I mean, “straight up racist that sucker is, simple and plain.”

For me, it is simple. I have two sons who happen to both be white like me. In tune with the spirit of the times, Obama wants to continue to take power, freedom and wealth from white men like me and wants to continue to transfer it to women and minorities. So, despite the fact I can only guess what type of president Romney might be, I will vote for him.

Numnut is a bit pithier:

One nation,under cunt,divisible,with liberty and justice for cunts.

Ahamkara just wishes that the Repubs would live up to the batshit antiwoman rhetoric coming from Todd Akin and the rest of the Republican rape talkers:

I think the republicans have been using their bizarre rape comments as a dog whistle for men who are pissed off about feminism. I’m tempted to vote for them for this reason alone. However, I don’t believe they have any intention of actually improving things for men. So it’s really a cynical ploy to take advantage of men’s anger.

Zorro goes all apocalyptic on us:

This country needs to die before it can be reborn with healthy stock.

The feminist plague afflicting us must be utterly purged in order to purify North American society from its ilk.

Hopefully all these lovely fellows will stay at home tomorrow, stewing in their bitterness.

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Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago


I think the Barr/Sheehan ticket is running on the platform of “lets not bomb the fuck out of everything and see what happens.”

12 years ago

Wait, Rosanne Barr and Cindy Sheehan are running for PUSA? I didn’t know that (and now I feel vaguely guilty for not knowing it).

12 years ago

@Diogenes: yeah, wahoo. And then I can sleep happy knowing I helped marginalize the already-thin prospects of Obama winning the popular vote! …and if I lived in a battleground state, helped to get Romney and his ‘bigger armies, more wars’ mess elected!

Thanks, no.

Have some analysis from some progressives who hate Obama.

No, seriously, read the damn link.

12 years ago

“Well, the Democrats are just as bad.”

And have you ever noticed that when you challenge them on it, they cannot come up with any answers as to how.

(Occasionally you get a progressive who can because of the compromises that one makes whilst in office but they are rare birds indeed.)

12 years ago

It’s election day. I’m doing to be cranky at anybody who assumes I haven’t already worked out the pros and cons of my vote, and considered the third party candidates and what to do.

FFS, I minored in this political science stuff. I’ve worked with politicians. A little less with the 101, kthx?

12 years ago

Well, I’m no political scholar, but even if Barr and Sheehan managed somehow to win, the Congress would still be held by the Democrats and the Republicans, and isn’t Rosanne a big joke to conservative white men, and haven’t they already tried to shame Cindy with the memory of her dead son? In short, no one on the Hill would listen to them and Faux News would have a field day for four years. So, kudos to them for having the guts to run, but we need to work on the legislative branch as well.

12 years ago

Not to mention all the downticket and local races, e.g. school board &c.

12 years ago

Also, THIS. (posted in response to somebody in a battleground state who posted that they just couldn’t vote for the murderer)

12 years ago

Well, on the plus side, I did manage to nudge some people who probably would’ve voted Romney/Ryan into voting Independent instead. You know, the ones that still think Obama is OMGWTFSocialistBBQ! but can’t stomach voting for Romney.

12 years ago

@Falconer–worse than that. They literally can’t win. Why not?

Because how many states are they on the ballot on?


How many are they certified as ‘write-in’ candidates in, where their vote might actually be counted? (not being certified pretty much means the write-in is a spoiled ballot and is never counted for anything)


If they got enough write-in votes to win those states, they don’t come close to the electoral votes to get elected.

It is literally impossible for them to win. If everybody in America voted for them today, they would still lose. (magic of the electoral college! If everybody in New York voted for Sheehan/Barr, the electoral votes would go… to whoever the electors voted for, probably Obama)

So, y’know, it’s nice to suggest writing them in.

Actually finding ways to apply pressure to Obama to be the leader you want goes a lot further.

12 years ago

@Howard — That explains why I didn’t see them on my ballot on Thursday.

That’s sucky and I feel sorry for them that the system is stacked against them — but presumably they could have been on in more states if they had gotten enough signatures, so yay for the system working like it should, I guess?

12 years ago

@Falconer: well, in a lot of ways the system is designed as a gatekeeper to keep out ideas like peace. We have two war parties. One says ‘give the generals what they ask for.’


….Oh, Mitt…..

12 years ago

@howard: True dat. I meant the system for getting on the presidential ballot, requiring a certain minimum amount of support.

God damn I wish we weren’t so warlike. I think we haven’t been in a state of war for just about a grand total of 25 years since 1776. Technically we’re still at war with North Korea, I believe.

12 years ago

And Diogenes pretends that the comment in this thread, doesn’t exist.

I voted today. Before I got Coffee.

I am grumped. New Jersey doesn’t give out stickers.

12 years ago

Techincally a lot of the world (including China, sort of) is at war with N. Korea.

12 years ago

pecunium, if you are in NJ, I am glad to see you are ok, and voting on top of it all. Parts of NJ still have no power, I think.

So nothing could stop my husband from voting today. He will be counted among the democrats in South Dakota a super super red state. His family are Iowa democrats going way back. Union supporters, gov’t workers, long family tradition. 🙂 My son will be a proud union worker in the spring (we think) and my brother is very strong pro union, married to a republican and into a republican Ohio family. That’s a strain around this time of year, but really, truthfully, the different football teams they like are likely to cause more of a rift. I kid, but… wouldn’t surprise me if that fight happened one day. I don’t get the whole, football is like a religion thing… is that insecurity? What is that? Anyway, I’m rambling, just wanted to post on a board that was more than sympathetic to liberal politics before I get back on the depressing social networking site.

12 years ago

70,000 people in NJ still have no power. Parts are being evacuated in front of the Nor’easter. The Major Infrastructure is coping, but aboveground power lines are sort of stupid.

We have an island community which is now two islands, are still rationing gas, because supplies aren’t moving smoothly yet. Etc., etc..

I’m coping. Angela didn’t help my mood yesterday, and I need to write it all up before it fades. We didn’t suffer too much, some inconvenience, and some temporary displacement. Lost the food in the fridge and the freezer.

All in all, we got off pretty much scott-free, in personal terms. Emotionally a bit rough around the edges; this weekend is not going to be fun.

12 years ago

12 years ago

re the voting machine: the folks at one of the non-partisan voter watchdog hotlines say it appears to be a calibration error, sort of like the Butterfly Ballot. That would explain why no one else reported it.

It’s an easy fix, if you can convince the poll-worker to do it.

I want paper ballots.

12 years ago

Off to shop for the Nor-easter, so that someone in a less hit area can backstop me if the supplies are short.

BTW… I just want to say manboobz has been good for me, in the past week. Even with the twits and fools.

12 years ago

I voted today, on a paper ballot, and got a sticker. Missouri has a 97% chance of going to Romney but at least my vote was for Obama. And I also did my part to keep Akin out of the Senate.

@Pecunium, I’m glad to hear your storm damage wasn’t too severe. I know it sucks to be displaced, but as long as you’re safe and well, the rest can be taken care of in time.

12 years ago
12 years ago

I’m fine with any Republicans/libertarians voting for Gary Johnson in states where he’s on the ballot myself, but that’s my liberal hippie feminist communist agenda talking.