antifeminism armageddon crackpottery grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic imaginary backwards land kitties misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men paranoia playing the victim racism rape reactionary bullshit the c-word

Election Eve: The Spearhead’s Peanut Gallery Endorses … Reactionary Misogyny, With a Side Order of Racism

The election is almost upon us, and the dudes at The Spearhead are none too happy about it. WF Price, apparently living in a different reality than the rest of us, has declared this “the women’s election,” complaining that “this election has been so over-the-top obsessed with women that it’s a bit surreal.”

The rest of the fellows have similarly edifying things to say about it all.

Gwallan, evidently sipping from the same cup of kool-aid as Price, remarks that

In nearly fifty years of serious attention to elections all over the western world I have never seen an election which involved this level of patronage toward a single demographic.

If it weren’t for the presence of male candidates it could easily appear to an outsider that there are no men living in the US.

An anonymous commenter takes this argument a step further, arguing that even the fact that the candidates are men is proof that women are really running the show:

It’s not a coincidence that both presidential candidates are male. Women want to be taken care of, whether married or single, conservative or liberal, and women want to be taken care of by a man. That is what leads to male presidents in our time.

Tom, meanwhile, Godwins up the thread with this completely reasonable and not-at-all-bugfuckingly hysterical observation:

Someone once mentioned that men’s situation is in some ways comparable to that of Jews in the run-up to Nazi germany – we have been vilified and deprived of our humanity. Once that psychological step is done, it is easy to abuse the “untouchable” class, because no one will stand for them.

I suggest getting your passport done, and be ready to GTFO if things get really nasty. No sane man would take the risk of marrying, having children or even dating in the US anyway – so there are really few reasons to stay, especially with this economy!

Uh, Tom, not to rain on your little paranoid self-pity parade, but you are aware that at the moment the rest of the world is not all unicorns and rainbows either, economically speaking?

Jimbo plays the race card, by which I mean, “straight up racist that sucker is, simple and plain.”

For me, it is simple. I have two sons who happen to both be white like me. In tune with the spirit of the times, Obama wants to continue to take power, freedom and wealth from white men like me and wants to continue to transfer it to women and minorities. So, despite the fact I can only guess what type of president Romney might be, I will vote for him.

Numnut is a bit pithier:

One nation,under cunt,divisible,with liberty and justice for cunts.

Ahamkara just wishes that the Repubs would live up to the batshit antiwoman rhetoric coming from Todd Akin and the rest of the Republican rape talkers:

I think the republicans have been using their bizarre rape comments as a dog whistle for men who are pissed off about feminism. I’m tempted to vote for them for this reason alone. However, I don’t believe they have any intention of actually improving things for men. So it’s really a cynical ploy to take advantage of men’s anger.

Zorro goes all apocalyptic on us:

This country needs to die before it can be reborn with healthy stock.

The feminist plague afflicting us must be utterly purged in order to purify North American society from its ilk.

Hopefully all these lovely fellows will stay at home tomorrow, stewing in their bitterness.

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12 years ago

Oh dear, ALL the tumblrs will be full tomorrow. ALL of them.

12 years ago

In this thread before me? Nobody.

He really is a goldfish!

12 years ago

Aworldanon, please tell me you are going to vote!

12 years ago


Didn’t you see my rant in the last thread, or my rant in this one? I’m pretty sure most of us are well aware that evopsych is crap, I’m so well aware of that fact that it tends to cause me to go all hulk smash.

12 years ago


12 years ago


Unfortunately I can’t vote in the US elections as I am Canadian, however in 2015, I intend to vote NDP, because Muclair seems like a pretty cool guy.

12 years ago

Oh, right. OK, you get a pass.

12 years ago

Voted on Halloween! Which was appropriate, considering all the initiatives on the ballot – spooky.

12 years ago

I voted before Halloween (absentee ballot for my home state from college) so my fucking polling place was the fucking post office in the student union. Since Oregon, my home state, is vote by mail the only difference is I usually save money on stamps and turn my ballot in at the public library on my weekly pilgrimage while home.

President was easy, but since it is a mail-in ballot I feel pressure to actually research the judges and things… that took awhile… also I needed to think about the pot question. I agree with pot legalization in theory, but it had some stupid things about it, like the hemp commission, and a regulatory body stocked with growers. I ended up voting for it, if only under the impression that it might light a fire under the legislators to come up with a compromise. I don’t expect it to mass.

12 years ago

Diogenes: The fuck are you talking about… nercoed… the last comment made was at 12:41 PM today. The last comment from you was at 4:12 PM yesterday.

So between your comments about archaic Aramaic, and Declarative Statements on Asswiping in N. Africa yesterday afternoon and when you woke up this morning you think it counts as dead?

12 years ago

If we were still in Ohio I’d be voting by Fax. As it is, I’ll be up first thing in the morning, voting as my Feminist Overlords tell me too.

12 years ago

Aw, Diogenes the Goldfish wants to tell me how to argue. Apparently so I can be wrong all the time just like he is.

12 years ago

@aworld – there’s a strong possibility the election will not be over tomorrow either. Depending on how close the vote totals are in some of the crucial states (Florida, Ohio) there could be a delay as the votes are recounted and also as absentee ballots are counted. So, you know, everybody brace yerselves, this could go on a bit.

On topic, I would LOVE to not have some Republican assclown yammering about how rape isn’t really all that bad every five fucking seconds. I guarantee you no MRA wishes this election season had not involved so much discussion of “women’s issues” like rape, abortion and birth control more than any woman in the country. We would be THRILLED if abortion was widely accessible and so was birth control and rape was actually treated like a real crime. But we don’t live in that world, largely because of Republicans, so the MRAs have only their closest intellectual allies in the Tea Party to blame for this crap.

Leeloo Dallas Multipass
Leeloo Dallas Multipass
12 years ago

I voted by absentee a while ago so that I could have it count in a swing state (Iowa), but I do sort of regret not being able to vote here in Washington for marriage equality.

12 years ago

I voted weeks ago since I vote by mail.

And I hear Nate Silver just updated the chances for the wave of whining from Republicans to a 91.4% likelihood. I hope we have enough cheese and copies of Atlas Shrugged to soak it up with.

12 years ago

Hey guys… it’s been almost five hours since Diogenes posted… is this thread dead yet?

12 years ago

I’m voting today, and I’ve been volunteering for the Obama campaign recently. Met some cool liberal people that way. It feels great to have people in meat space that’ll engage in some good Republican bashing. Too many of the other people I know are all, “Well, the Democrats are just as bad.” 🙁

12 years ago

Also, two new cat pictures. Because on manboobz, cat pictures are never off topic.
Niko on a Mac
Niko in my Sink

12 years ago

No, men aren’t being deprived of their humanity, nor is it insane to marry a woman and have children with her. Actually, these guys should do humanity a favor and stay away from women and not risk passing along their crazy genes to the next generation.

12 years ago

Stop being disablist Ruby.

12 years ago

Ruby’s being an ablist twerp? Say it ain’t so.

12 years ago

I voted! I voted in early voting, because I’m fortunate enough to live in a state that allows it and I think I should do it when I can to ease the stress on the polling places on actual election day.

Today’s going to be stressful. I urge everyone who’s eligible to vote in the USA election today to do so, if they haven’t already.

12 years ago

I voted too!

…Granted, i’m in the UK, so it was just a local county election thingy. Not exactly the same scale. 😛

(Also, yay for postal voting!)

12 years ago

Voting in a few hours; going to be the first election since I realized everything I believed was totally, completely absurdly wrong.

Which also means it’s going to be the first votes I don’t have to be totally and completely ashamed of. (just a little bit, maybe, because there’s no option to vote ‘NO’ on, say, drone warfare and continued US belligerence on the world stage…)