antifeminism armageddon crackpottery grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic imaginary backwards land kitties misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men paranoia playing the victim racism rape reactionary bullshit the c-word

Election Eve: The Spearhead’s Peanut Gallery Endorses … Reactionary Misogyny, With a Side Order of Racism

The election is almost upon us, and the dudes at The Spearhead are none too happy about it. WF Price, apparently living in a different reality than the rest of us, has declared this “the women’s election,” complaining that “this election has been so over-the-top obsessed with women that it’s a bit surreal.”

The rest of the fellows have similarly edifying things to say about it all.

Gwallan, evidently sipping from the same cup of kool-aid as Price, remarks that

In nearly fifty years of serious attention to elections all over the western world I have never seen an election which involved this level of patronage toward a single demographic.

If it weren’t for the presence of male candidates it could easily appear to an outsider that there are no men living in the US.

An anonymous commenter takes this argument a step further, arguing that even the fact that the candidates are men is proof that women are really running the show:

It’s not a coincidence that both presidential candidates are male. Women want to be taken care of, whether married or single, conservative or liberal, and women want to be taken care of by a man. That is what leads to male presidents in our time.

Tom, meanwhile, Godwins up the thread with this completely reasonable and not-at-all-bugfuckingly hysterical observation:

Someone once mentioned that men’s situation is in some ways comparable to that of Jews in the run-up to Nazi germany – we have been vilified and deprived of our humanity. Once that psychological step is done, it is easy to abuse the “untouchable” class, because no one will stand for them.

I suggest getting your passport done, and be ready to GTFO if things get really nasty. No sane man would take the risk of marrying, having children or even dating in the US anyway – so there are really few reasons to stay, especially with this economy!

Uh, Tom, not to rain on your little paranoid self-pity parade, but you are aware that at the moment the rest of the world is not all unicorns and rainbows either, economically speaking?

Jimbo plays the race card, by which I mean, “straight up racist that sucker is, simple and plain.”

For me, it is simple. I have two sons who happen to both be white like me. In tune with the spirit of the times, Obama wants to continue to take power, freedom and wealth from white men like me and wants to continue to transfer it to women and minorities. So, despite the fact I can only guess what type of president Romney might be, I will vote for him.

Numnut is a bit pithier:

One nation,under cunt,divisible,with liberty and justice for cunts.

Ahamkara just wishes that the Repubs would live up to the batshit antiwoman rhetoric coming from Todd Akin and the rest of the Republican rape talkers:

I think the republicans have been using their bizarre rape comments as a dog whistle for men who are pissed off about feminism. I’m tempted to vote for them for this reason alone. However, I don’t believe they have any intention of actually improving things for men. So it’s really a cynical ploy to take advantage of men’s anger.

Zorro goes all apocalyptic on us:

This country needs to die before it can be reborn with healthy stock.

The feminist plague afflicting us must be utterly purged in order to purify North American society from its ilk.

Hopefully all these lovely fellows will stay at home tomorrow, stewing in their bitterness.

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12 years ago

Pear-tree, Mars. It looks like Mars.

12 years ago

Actually they’d probably classify Gor as somewhat male-friendly, but still giving far too much power to the slave girls.

12 years ago

It’s not a coincidence that both presidential candidates are male. Women want to be taken care of, whether married or single, conservative or liberal, and women want to be taken care of by a man. That is what leads to male presidents in our time.

And in four years, when Hilary runs for president, that will ALSO be proof that women run everything and men are oppressed.

12 years ago

@Blitzgal: They just don’t seem to grasp the concept of democracy. Democracy means that the one who gets the most votes win. If it were the case that ONLY one narrowly defined specific group voted for Obama – like, say, only disabled Jewish trans women of Russian origin – but for some bizarre demographic reason disabled Jewish trans women of Russian origin had come to make up 55 % of the population and he won the election – that’s FINE. It would still mean that the majority had spoken and chosen Obama in a democratic way. It would STILL be untrue that he won because of “democraphics”, because if demographics had been the same but the majority of the population had voted Romney then Romney would have won.

12 years ago

I just want to say that when I was a kid I had the book that kitten photo comes from. There’s a whole series of them, with various animals in uncomfortable-looking clothing, all made in the 1930s by a man named Harry Whittier Frees. Cruelty to animals, yes, but it got him through the Depression.

Google Image his name and you will have Manboobz illustrations until the end of time.

12 years ago

“What does a male dominated society look like according to these people?”

It would look like the inside of the Playboy Mansion – when there’s no party going on. Because, you know, it’s gotta be one priviledged, physically unimpressive male and a bunch of women desperate for external approval.
That’s not a creative answer, but we’re trying to think like a bunch of troglodytes, right?

12 years ago

I dunno, I remember seeing a couple of episodes of The Girls Next Door and I think some of the ladies in the mansion have a bit too much personality for these guys. I can’t see them taking well to Kendra, for example.

12 years ago

Google Image his name and you will have Manboobz illustrations until the end of time.

But it’s taxidermied :(((((

Dave please don’t put taxidermied kittens on the site 🙁

Here’s some pictures of live rats posing with miniature instruments taken by Ellen Van Deelen instead.

12 years ago

Well yanno, when legislators in state and federal government try to strip half the population of their civil right it is going to cause talk, even in an election year, no matter how insignificant the abuser lobby considers that particular demographic.

12 years ago

It would STILL be untrue that he won because of “democraphics”, because if demographics had been the same but the majority of the population had voted Romney then Romney would have won.

Confirming, as we already knew, that it’s an othering term; there are the white dudes who are normal people and should be picking the president, and then there are all the “demographics.” Same sort of thinking that says women are a special-interest group.

12 years ago

That Nazi quote… what am I reading? On what plane of reality does that manchild reside?

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

Shiraz, I like your use of the word trogledyte. One of my faorite words, in fact.

I’m surprised no one here caught onto one of the flaws in their thinking thats pretty big, but not always openly stated. The fact that evolutionary psych is mostly crap science.

12 years ago

My personal favorite was the idjit demanding that men, all of them, not vote. Because that will definitately make politicians pay attention to mens issues.

History, I do not think anyone is paying it much attention.

12 years ago

Here’s a live* political kitty! And a throw-back to the 90’s for any U.S. residents old enough to remember:

*at the time – that was eighteen years ago

Touch Of Whimsy
Touch Of Whimsy
12 years ago

“In nearly fifty years of serious attention to elections all over the western world I have never seen an election which involved this level of patronage toward a single demographic.”

Change fifty to two hundred, and you may damn well be talking about the US before 1920. And the thing is, you can at least still vote.

12 years ago

In case anyone needs to find a polling place Here’s your fucking polling place.

12 years ago

“What does a male dominated society look like according to these people?”

It would look like the inside of the Playboy Mansion – when there’s no party going on.

I found it! It’s the House of Men.

(Found on Looney Listing. I love it when the blogs in my reader are accidentally relevant to one another.)

12 years ago

@Cassandra: Really? I’ve never seen the show. But you’re right, they would find a personality intimidating…or a woman who looks them in the eyes, or a woman who isn’t mute, or who insists on not being pregnant all the time, or…

@Diogenes: Yeah, troglodyte’s one of those words that sounds exactly like what it means.

12 years ago

The fact that evolutionary psych is mostly crap science.

Thanks, no one has ever pointed that out before. I’m glad we have you around.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ Katz – beat me to it!

12 years ago


I’m partly going by the fact that Hefner didn’t seem to like her very much either, and he’s less of a misogynist than most MRAs are (what a sad-but-true statement that is). She was kind of loud and sporty and generally rather jarring to the sort of man who wants women to be seen but not heard.

12 years ago

Katz, I just don’t know what we’d do without some dude around to point out the glaringly obvious. I guess we’d have to make due with Ruby.

12 years ago

Republicans’ comments about rapes are dog whistles for misogynists?
No, they’re fucking air horns.

12 years ago

Actually, have those two met? I think Ruby is already married, but they could still be friends.

12 years ago

If any dude has a doubt that the political campaigns care what a white man thinks, they should see the MOUNTAIN of crap mailers that my (Caucasian, registered independent) husband has received in the last six months.

Of course, every other registered independent in Florida has probably gotten the same amount of love. Which is probably at the core of all the butthurt in the OP; white men are being courted in addition to everyone else. While any sane person knows that their support is the only support that matters.