antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? disgusting women evil fat fatties evil women evo psych fairy tales hate it's science! men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men PUA reactionary bullshit ugly feminists

Are feminists conspiring to make all women as ugly as they are? Misogynistic douchebags say “yes.”

Back in the day – way, way back in the day – dudes opposed to women’s suffrage loved to depict suffragettes as ugly spinsters (that is, when they weren’t depicting them as sexy young women using their feminine wiles to manipulate men into supporting suffrage). We looked at some examples of this yesterday and noted that, when it comes to dismissing feminists as uggos, some things never change.

But why, oh why, are feminists so (allegedly) ugly? Or, to turn the question around, why are so many (allegedly) ugly women (allegedly) drawn to feminism?

Well, we’re in luck, because some manosphere dickwads have stepped forward to provide us with possible explanations.

Over on Freedom Twenty-Five, the “red pill” Casanova who calls himself Frost offers this theory:

Feminism is the set of ideologies whose aim is to redistribute the natural allocation of access to desirable men. It is Marxism in the Sexual, rather than Economic Marketplace.

Frost is so proud of this sentence of his that he puts it in bold, as I have. He continues:

The ultimate goal of the Feminist is to create a world in which all women are as hideous and awful and dead inside as they are, so that everyone can have an equal timeshare in the alpha harems, and everyone’s fatherless offspring can be raised by the same uninspired bureaucrats in the same grey-walled, concrete and plate-glass buildings.

I can confirm that this is indeed the ultimate goal of feminism; we talk about it at all the secret meetings. The penultimate goal? To get Sleater-Kinney back together again.

Frost breaks it down:

– Feminists tend to be some combination of fat, old, ugly, abrasive, and slutty.

– Feminists want to convince men that we should be attracted to fat, old, ugly, abrasive sluts.

– Feminists want to convince women that it is OK for them to be fat, old, ugly, abrasive sluts. They want desirable women to become fat, old, ugly, abrasive sluts, so that the feminists no longer look so bad in comparison.

– Related to (1) and (2), Feminists want to convince men and women that it is immoral for men to not be attracted to fat, old, ugly, abrasive sluts.

This is why Feminism is working so passionately to ruin American women. [Who benefits] from the widespread adoption of feminist beliefs that destroy our once-slim, once-feminine, once-nurturing women? The answer, first and foremost, is the women who were already destroyed to begin with.

Feminists know that, in a monogamous world where everyone pairs up with an equally desirable mate, they could only ever earn the favour of weak, bottom-feeding men. Feminist ideology, i.e. the hysteric and childish whining about Patriarchy, Shaming Language, and Socially Constructed Gender Roles, is no more than the set of rationalizations with which they seek to drag the rest of womankind down to their level.

Over on the blog of a fellow named Anatoly Karlin, meanwhile, a commenter calling himself fcomp has a similar theory to explain why so many feminists are (allegedly) fat fatties.

If you think about it, there is a strong rationale [sic] self interest between feminism and the increase of female obesity. If feminism is to be defined as increasing the societal power of women, then it would serve them well for their to be more obese women.

Go on.

The desirability of a women to a man is far more objective then subjective. If women were to be, across the board, more attractive, if all women became, at minimum, 6s, men who ended up marrying 6s, the men who would be the lowest in male desirability in such a society, wouldn’t nearly be as unhappy as men who end up marrying 1s in our society.

I’m not quite sure that fcomp really understands how averages work. Lake Wobegon aside, you can’t actually have a world in which all women are above average in “objective” desirability.

The logical result of that, is that in such a beautiful society, ironically, the value of female beauty would become far less valuable, and beauty would be far less desired. If there isn’t a chance that one might end up with a landwhale, I suspect that most men would hardly bother with stuff like game and the like. I would imagine that such a society would experience little sexual discrimination, but at the same time, be very anti-female, in the sense that women who are competitive with men in economically productive fields would be quite successful, but at the same time, “feminine virtues”, a females capacity attracting men, the only area in which women surpass men, would be far less valued.

If all women are beautiful, then no women are beautiful?

There is a upper cap on female attractiveness, which are the feminine ideals hardwired into us by evolution, but there is no downward cap. …  [F]eminism is intrinsically a downward trend because the only thing a beautiful women can do to that makes herself more desired in a society, is to reduce the amount of beauty in that society.

The blogger on whose blog this muddled comment was posted, Anatoly Karlin, is so impressed with fcomp’s theory that he highlights it in a post of his own, adding

This is why your typical Third Wave feminist or rape activist is fat, has a manjaw, or is otherwise unattractive.

If you are ugly, devaluing beauty is not bad evolutionary strategy.

On a blog called Misanthropy Today, meanwhile, Dan Y. is not only convinced that (most) feminists are ugly; he also seems bitter that anyone would dare criticize him for calling women ugly.

[M]ost women who try to guilt us out of using looks as a criterion for judgment tend to not be very attractive. It makes sense that someone lacking in a certain perceived quality would want to dissuade others from assigning value to that quality, and would want those who possessed that quality to be humble and not flaunt it. It also seems extremely self-centered and petty to try to convince others to think and feel a certain way just so we can marginalize our lesser qualities. …

Feminists’ cries of outrage at man’s obsession with physical beauty are not altruistic. They are … upset that other women are benefitting from a quality that they don’t and probably never will possess. Their own perceived value relative to better-looking women will inevitably increase if looks are dismissed as unimportant.

Apparently, suggesting there’s more to a person than conventional attractiveness = shallow and petty. But basing your judgment of a particular women largely on whether or not she gives you a boner is the height of sophistication.

As these guys show again and again, real ugliness is more than skin deep.


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12 years ago

In fact, it is the most anti-feminist, man-worshiping women who think that men are inherently violent, domineering, hypersexual, and abusive, and that nothing will ever change them.

Cthulhu's Intern
12 years ago

So wait, is the goal of feminism to make all women ugly, or is it to make it so that women can do anything using only their looks? How can it possibly be both?

12 years ago

Or, as Rush Limbaugh put it decades ago, “Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society.” It astounds me that anyone has ever taken that man seriously for a moment, let alone decades.

MRAs, we know you’ve been scraping your ideas off the bottom of the intellectual barrel all along, but recycling Rush? That’s moronic, even for you.

12 years ago

Incidentally, both males and females increasingly suffer from obesity and a certain slab shape to the torso that was little in evidence forty years ago. Want to know why?

A certain animal/ veterinary supply sent me a livestock catalog instead of the usual small-animal one. As I stumbled into the meat-animal section, I saw ads for steroidal and other biochemical supplements that promised, MAKE YOUR (calves, pigs, lambs, chickens, turkeys) GAIN POUNDS A DAY! NO NEED TO WITHDRAW BEFORE SLAUGHTER! You know, then, that feedlots are using this stuff right up to the time of slaughter to shorten the time and expense of finishing, and IT IS STILL IN THE MEAT WHEN IT REACHES OUR KITCHENS! What the Hell do you think it does to us, then? What do you think it has done to those too young to have eaten meat free of this stuff? What does it do in utero? And I won’t suggest these strange, steroidal brews are even causing MRA’s…but THINK ABOUT IT! (And I’m not normally a capslock type person, but this catalog was an eye-opener!)

12 years ago

@Cthulhu’s Intern, I think the plan is to trick men into believing that ugly women are beautiful, so that ugly women can take advantage of the feminine manipulation of men that has heretofore been limited to a handful of hotties.

12 years ago

“Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society.”

This quote always gives me the heebie-jeebies, because of the underlying assumption that unattractive women shouldn’t have access to the mainstream.

12 years ago

“They want desirable women to become fat, old, ugly, abrasive sluts, so that the feminists no longer look so bad in comparison.” Um, did anyone explain to this fine gentleman that time exists and young women today will get old tomorrow, without any push needed by feminists to make it happen? Oh and apparently, we would like to force women with natural beauty to mar themselves to appease us? I never got that memo.

12 years ago

Fair’s fair, Mr. Limbaugh isn’t a looker either. From now on I will only get my political opinions from hot people.

I know some fat, old, ugly, abrasive sluts that are awesome people. Mr. Frost, unfortunately, is not.

12 years ago

How do you “make” someone become old, other than by providing them with good healthcare so that they hopefully live a long life?

12 years ago

Oh, the MRAs are onto our hideousness scheme now? Awesome. Hey, MRAs, I can’t decide how to ugly myself up, so I need your input. Do I go with half my face burned off by acid, or a Chelsea grin and grotesque face paint?

12 years ago

Holy shit, Cassandra, THAT’S why feminists support the Affordable Care Act!

12 years ago Here’s some melodic dubstep with absolutely beautiful vocals as brain bleach, Slaanesh knows I needed it.

12 years ago

Cassandra, the longer one lives, the older they get. The healthier one has lived, the longer one feels younger. Women have become too long-lived and healthy to suit these dudes, and these healthy, full-grown women frequently desire sex. That’s not only uppity, it takes away the reason dirty old (frequently, married) men have for sexually harassing young women, and it’s all the the fault of feminism, without which women would hate sex (though submitting to it out of duty), age fast, and die young, the way they’re supposed to.

12 years ago

MRA logic hurts. I look at my friends and I see fat women in relationships, not conventionally pretty women in relationships, stone cold foxes in lesbian relationships… Again, of all the men on my friends list over 16, only one who is primarily attracted to women has never had sex with one, and that is his religious decision. I just wonder how these guys can be so divorced from reality that they dont see their ‘facts’ shot down every time they go outside.

12 years ago

Without entering into objective evaluations of attractiveness, whose standards vary sharply from decade to decade and state to state, let alone century to century and country to country, I’d venture that women whose identity and self-worth revolve around their own “beauty” are far less apt to enter “mainstream society” than those who learn to think, study, talk, and act on subjects of actual interest.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ weeboy – yeah, I’m pretty sure MRAs don’t actually know any people, or ever see any people when they’re out of the house. Pretty much every piece of MRA relationship wisdom could be disproven by a simple walk through a shopping centre.

12 years ago

WeeBoy, I have never asked anyone on my friends list if they have had sex, not even my twenty year old grandcousin. I assume that they have and that it’s none of my business. Do they just volunteer this stuff?

Jayem Griffin
12 years ago

@WeeBoy: You really think they go outside?

12 years ago

Let’s try that again:

Jayem Griffin
12 years ago

Aaaaand ninja’d by Sir Bodsworth.

12 years ago

I am quite gobsmacked by the idea that female beauty is based on an objective standard. that could somehow allow for all women to be “6” or above (seriously? still with number systems? are we in 8th grade?). I think society at the moment has a pretty narrow standard for beauty, but individuals are nonetheless going around having their own unique tastes and preferences beauty standards be damned!

I feel compelled to ask the question again: “Do MRAs ever interact with real life people?”

12 years ago

lol for sure i should refresh before posting. definitely ninjaed the obvious question.

I think the answer is “no”. or at least the real people in their lives don’t want to talk to them.

Nice Ogress
Nice Ogress
12 years ago

Not to poop in anyone’s cheerios, reymohammed, but I’m afraid your theory doesn’t withstand scrutiny from anyone with knowledge of chemistry. The hormones and such that are used to build muscle break down while doing so – they’re compounds, not elements, and they’re used up in the reactions that eventually build muscle and fat. So:

a) you won’t find them in the end-product tissue,
b) any excess would be more likely to be excreted (as a toxin) than stored, and
b) even if you did find them within the meat, cooking would break them apart completely.

It’s a fine hypothesis, it just doesn’t hold up to scientific scrutiny.

A far simpler and more obvious culprit to the current obesity epidemic is HFCS, or High-fructose corn syrup, which is found in virtually every form of packaged or processed food, from canned spaghetti to bacon. If it’ a form of food that’s got plastic wrapped around it, chances are good it’s got HFCS in it. And unlike steroids, HFCS doesn’t need a complex, semi-mystical process to make you chubby – it’s sugar. Sugar does that.

12 years ago

You know you guys may hate me for it but I rather enjoy Frosts impotent passive rants.

I mean for name value alone like his name is Frost not Ice or Chill or something cool like that but Frost as in Jack Frost like that god auful film where Batman becomes a sentient snowman the guy fucking hilarious.

Frost is like the least awesome weather condition there is he migth as well have called himself drizzle.

12 years ago

Wait, is the first guy saying that until feminism came around, women didn’t get old?

Or fat, apparently. Or fat women were invisible and never married or had kids or any of that stuff until feminism. Just ignore this fucking awesome lady here pay no attention to the feminist behind the curtain!