antifeminism irony alert life before feminism misogyny oppressed men oppressed white men patriarchy reactionary bullshit straw feminists ugly feminists woman's suffrage

Anti-Suffrage Postcard Saturday

Pretty kitties, like pretty ladies, don’t want the vote.

There’s an interesting piece over on Collectors Weekly about those anti-Suffragette postcards I sometimes use to illustrate my posts here. (Thanks to Jezebel for the link; I’m not exactly a regular reader of Collectors Weekly.) Lisa Hix puts the cards in context, offering a sort of mini-history of the suffragette movement in the process, and notes that the cards present some of the often contradictory “arguments” still used against feminism today.

Suffragettes were drawn as conniving coquettes, ugly, mean spinsters or, worse, ugly, mean wives who left their families helpless as they attended town-hall meetings. Scenes of women politicians showed them hatching diabolical plots to undermine and emasculate men further. …

“Married Suffragettes were depicted as nagging wives, that was a common one, and the wife was always big, and the husband tiny and puny,” [historian June] Purvis says. “Or, if they were single, Suffragettes were depicted as very ugly women with big feet, protruding teeth, hair pulled back in a bun, and glasses. They were depicted as quite mannish and unattractive so that no man would want to marry them.”

That all sounds a bit familiar, huh?

Here’s are some classic portrayals of Suffragettes as ugly spinsters:

And one depicting Suffragettes as attractive women using their sexual wiles to control men:

Other postcards depicted Suffragettes as children, often whiny babies:

Manosphere dudes are similarly fond of depicting feminists, and women in general, as flighty, irresponsible children.

For more anti-Suffragette postcards, see:

Catherine H. Palczewski’s Suffrage Postcard Archive

June Purvis’ BBC History slideshow

The Woman Suffrage Memorabilia site

This feature on Brain Pickings

And this giant gallery assembled by the misogynistic antifeminist who calls himself Patriactionary.

Thanks, Mr. Patriactionary, for reminding us how completely backwards you guys are. Not that we really needed reminding.

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12 years ago

Seraph: She’s really good about gnawing them down (though it’s one of the more disturbing sounds in the world), she just flips out if humans come near her paws. I keep watch and, if necessary), wait until she’s asleep to trim one or two if they’re bad,but it’s not worth the aggravation, blood loss and scars to try to do it while she’s awake.

12 years ago

Thank goodness for the Suffragettes. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude.

12 years ago

@reymohammed – Oh, that Otis! I think he’s on a one-man mission to be banned from every feminist space on the web. When he was still “welcome” here he mentioned something about rape being used a natural means of coercion. He also said he didn’t believe in democracy, though, so hopefully that will curtail his possible legislative career. He was entertaining at times, but I can’t say that I’m sorry David has him on permanent moderation now.

12 years ago

Where is Otis saying this shit?

12 years ago

It’s also curious how, until the 1970′s, in a woman, beauty was equated with feminine worth. Ugly, or even just average, human females were not only assumed to be inherently blameworthy for their lack of pulchritude; they were assumed to be mean, angry, frustrated, and castrating because of this shortcoming.

I think this still holds. Look at the trolls that come over here: generally one of the first things they say is that feminists are ugly hags, bitter because nobody loves them. It’s an awful, irrational argument and it instantly turns the conversation away from the topic at hand and focuses it on you.

In this case, I guess the idea is that a beautiful woman would be able to attract a husband and thus influence him to vote in her favor while letting him think he’s really in charge. I hate this idea that suggests being the “power behind the throne” is inherently empowering. Most of the time it means that you’re in a subordinate position and so have to be manipulative in order to get anything.

12 years ago

Pillowinhell, I saw him cited at Fundies Say The Darnedest Things today, where he attracted many threats to his physical integrity, in many cases from men. It appears Otis now has his own blog. My guess is that he’ll have his own space in the Big House, as well, in which conclusion many others concurred.

Dumpster Jedi
Dumpster Jedi
12 years ago

This isn’t the first anti-suffragette art I’ve seen that compared women to non-human animals.

That’s… that’s really fucking offensive and depressing to think about, and I really don’t know what else to say, except that it was no doubt far more offensive and depressing to live through. That, and seeing more of these means it might have been a common comparison that was made at the time.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

” Pretty kitties, like pretty ladies, don’t want the vote”. They also know, and learn with their mother’s milk, that voting would do them about as much good as it does for alley cats–or even their fleas.

Pretty women (or even kitties) have far more important things to do with themselves than to vote, to engage in campaigns, or jobholding. The only useful thing that really appealing women ( or kitties) could contribute may be amusement or decoration, and/or nominal “work” as receptionists, go-fers, professional dates and companions for clients and advisors ( or affluent contributors to campaigns), etc which modern women are probably too over-educated for anyhow!,

I just LUV that postcard! cute as a button!

12 years ago

Lol Meller! You have no idea how amusing you sound in light of the fact Obama won AGAIN, and largely because he represents a larger section of the US who sees you’re way of thinking as outdated and useless.

Have fun playing with your china dollies. Cheers!

12 years ago

Meller, don’t you have cancer patients to laugh at and dolls to play with somewhere else?

12 years ago

I wanted to repeat what DKM said back with the genders flipped so he could see how deranged he sounded.

But as I began to type it came out as too creepy… a mixture of hitting on him and threatening him. Paternally squeezing the life out of him.

I couldn’t do it. Just being as creepy as Meller for like two seconds made me feel like garbage.

12 years ago

Meller, My Main Deeply Disturbing Douchehead!

Have you missed me?

I haven’t missed you.

I still remember how loathesome you are.

Ithiliana–February 12, 2012 @2:31pm

“graduate student “murdered” by ex-husband”

Take post cited above. Could woman who talks like that (over the ‘net) have such an unpleasant, unfeminine, and just plain horrid personality that she could say something that MAY provoke an unpleasant response from a nearby man who may already be troubled about something else. Look at all of the cases you read about where a murder or vicious assault or rape was committed by a man whose entire life was coming apart, and the very person—his wife–whom he was relying upon to keep what was left of his sanity was turning on him…

Did graduate student take her “how to handle men” or something like that from YOU?
I was explaining that a man who loved his nearest and dearest would do anything to avoid the spousal abuse so often cited on feminuttery websites and blogs like this, because it wouldn’t get him what he wanted! I would rather be kind, gentle, and loving to a woman than beat,rape, or kill her, and so would most men, for obvious reasons!

Gee, Ithiliana, for an intelligent woman, you sure have a lot of trouble understanding ordinary common sense, don’t you?

12 years ago

Meller, I’m looking for a word to describe the kind of man who is so afraid of criticism or disagreement that he only posts on week-old threads where he hopes he won’t be noticed. Do you prefer “coward” or “chicken”?

(Can someone please explain the doll comments to me? I think it was before my time)

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Apparently he has a doll collection and they’re all ‘perfect’ ladies, pretty and feminine and docile. Which wouldn’t be creepy normally, but…

12 years ago

Meller’s doll fixation is … interesting, but it’s his thing and I don’t have a problem with it. I DO have a problem with his desire to force non-consenting women to look like and act like he fantasizes his dolls would if they came to life — decorative, mostly silent, servile. And deserving of the most horrific punishments if they fail to act out his fantasies.


Here’s a puppy:

12 years ago

And for a change from puppies and kittens, here are some pretty birdies.

12 years ago


Yeah, Meller used to make a point of going on onanistic rants about his ‘lovely ladies’ and how he used to dress them up and they were perfect for him and how real women should strive to be more like dolls.

*tries to bleach keyboard*

(*I can’t for the life of me remember the threads, it was about a year ago when I was lurking, but someone once spent a few days posting comments from his dolls and documenting their attempts to escape. It was very funny.)

12 years ago

Also, like Cloudiah, I don’t really give a shit if Meller wants to play with dolls. I give a shit about him threatening women with being murdered, cancer, etc. etc. because they dare to act like human beings and not like frilly little automatons. That is just a big creepy sundae with ick sprinkles on top.

12 years ago

Golden pups are among the cutest things on earth.

12 years ago

Meller’s doll thing strikes me as exceedingly passive-aggressive. Like he thinks women naturally want him to fuss over them and baby them and treat them, pretty much, like he treats his dolls, and the reason he makes so much out of it is to try and bully women into acting like he wants them to act by “denying” them his attentions.

Where this all falls apart, of course, is that he thinks the way he treats his dolls (and really, he does sometimes seem not to realize that they are inanimate) is something to be desired, and not really straightjacketing, patriarchal, and downright creepy. But I wasn’t here for his heyday.

12 years ago

Like he thinks women naturally want him to fuss over them and baby them and treat them, pretty much, like he treats his dolls, and the reason he makes so much out of it is to try and bully women into acting like he wants them to act by “denying” them his attentions.

Especially since he talks about masturbating to dolls as a substitute for having sex with those intolerable Western women.

12 years ago

No worries, Howard, I’ll do it.

”Sexy cats, like sexy men, don’t want the vote”. They also know, and learn at their father’s knee, that voting would do them about as much good as it does for alley cats–or even their fleas.

Sexy men (or even kitties) have far more important things to do with themselves than to vote, to engage in campaigns, or jobholding. The only useful thing that really appealing men ( or kitties) could contribute may be amusement or decoration, and/or nominal “work” as receptionists, go-fers, professional dates and companions for clients and advisors ( or affluent contributors to campaigns), etc which modern men are probably too over-educated for anyhow.”

@ Falconer

You’ve pretty much got the gist of it as far as Meller is concerned. He honestly seems to believe that these rants of his will hurt our feelings (since as women we desperately want him to love and pet us and give us sparkly little collars with frills on). He hopes that if he posts enough of them all women will become the Stepford CatGirls of his dreams. It really is rather pathetic. I’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t such an asshole.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

*reading the Evan page*

*desire to hug Evan and rescue him rising*

12 years ago

Golden pups are among the cutest things on earth

Indeed! My partner and I have just taken on a dogsitting client with a golden puppy. We’re very excited 😀