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Comics Break: All girls are good for is knittin’ an’ neckin’ and SATAN


I‘m feeling a bit poorly today, so in lieu of an actual post, here’s an old comic I found on a blog called Grottu. I’m pretty sure this is what our old friend NWOslave sees when he looks at the world.

Slightly more on topic, here’s a frame from an old romance comic; you can find a discussion of the somewhat, er, problematic story it’s from on Sequential Crush.

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12 years ago

Hooked on Sex and Drugs, eh? Well, two out of three ain’t bad.

12 years ago

Is that top one a Chick Tract? It’s certainly the type of thing that would be in one but every one I’ve seen has been black and white not color.

12 years ago

Those are odd…

12 years ago

Chick’s artwork is goofier.

12 years ago

Definitely has that stupid Chick Tract feel to them.

12 years ago

I’m feeling a Chick vibe from them, too…it’s quite creepy, although Chick’s tracts are usually MUCH creepier. *shudders*

Stuffed Fantod
12 years ago

Those Spire comics are absolutely hilarious.

Stuffed Fantod
12 years ago

Both of them are Spire comics. Al Hartley (who did the art for Archie comics) was the artist.

12 years ago

I used to think the Archie comics were okay…until this very moment. 🙁

12 years ago

They were never ok.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“jeering laughter jolted my eyes out of focus”

What the hell did the English language ever do to you?

12 years ago

What the fuck is a chick tract?

And please, someone pass the brain bleach. I just read what’s happening to women in the congo, and realized that there are a great many men in the west that wouldn’t mind it happening here too.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Brain bleach coming up!

12 years ago

Nice to see Maru exact his terrible vengence on the box of torture!

So what the hell is a chick tract?

12 years ago

pillowinhell, a Chick tract is absolutely crazy fundamentalist Christianity shoehorned into a small “comic” with black-and-white illustrations, illogical arguments and plots, conspiracies galore (“Metal is satanic! Satanists are molesting your kids! Satanists are killing your kids! Gays are indoctrinating your kids! King James Only Bibles are the only way to go or you’ll burn in Hell! Environmentalists worship different gods and are trying to doom us all!”), and a toxic dose of bigotry. Heck, there’s even misogyny in some of the tracts!

That’s my rundown of them, anyhow. I had the misfortune of reading one out of curiosity and I felt like somebody had stirred my brain with a spoon – it was so alien to me that I couldn’t understand what I just read. “Fractal wrongness” is the term you could use.

12 years ago

So what the hell is a chick tract?

Here‘s a pretty good primer. You might also consider looking up “Insane Troll Logic” while you’re at TVTropes. Between the two, you’ll have a pretty solid understanding.

12 years ago

Metal is satanic!

Not just metal. All Rock, including Christian Rock, because all Rock is based on the rhythms of the drums the Druids used at their rituals of human sacrifice.

I am dead fucking serious.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

So, Chick Tract is short for Has The Brain of An Unhatched Chicken Tract …

12 years ago

Chick’s artwork is goofier.

His own, very much so. But he’s had some decent artists working for him over the years.

12 years ago

He may have had better artists later on, but the writing pretty much destroys what little merit the art may have had.

12 years ago

Blech, sorry for the double dose of ‘may have’. I’ve been doing quite a bit of writing today. :p

12 years ago

I know. Tragic, really.

12 years ago

The chick tract on D&D is particularly amusing.

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