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Bill O’Reilly ogles the single woman voter

So the lovely and talented Bill O’Reilly of Fox news has had a bug in his butt about single women voters for a while now — at least since he ran across a Gallup poll a couple months back showing that single women as a group overwhemlingly support Obama.

So last night he sent a “reporter” out to investigate these strange creatures. Or at least those representatives of the single female demographic that happened to be wearing skimpy and/or silly Halloween costumes.

Amanda Marcotte offers a few thoughts about the segment in a post on Slate.

Here’s an equally “fair and balanced” look at the world of single male voters.

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12 years ago

What is with the random clips they play after anyone makes an attempt to be clever? Is that normal for O’Reilly? It’s giving me a headache.

12 years ago

Oh god, the music in that last video is so fitting XD

12 years ago

I’d call him barftastic, but I’m not trying to give him any compliments

12 years ago

Single women out socializing pre-Halloween? Who would’ve imagined? XD

12 years ago

Oh gods that was horrible. I don’t even.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@Omskivar- I know right? O’Reiley fails at journalism for SO MANY REASONS, but also those random clips.

12 years ago

I tried watching the O’Reilly factor one day, I was in awe at the fact that people actually believe half of the stuff he spews.

12 years ago

Maybe I should consider a journalism major.

12 years ago

He’s a proven sexist creep. Let’s not forget he *was* sued for sexual harassment years ago, and the woman had tapes of his disgusting behavior.

12 years ago

Brain bleach, anyone? I know this starts out heart-wrenching, with the poor little kitty’s eyes swelled shut from conjunctivitis, but just wait till you see her start to get well and then find a home at the end.

12 years ago

Cassandra, I seem to have something in my eye causing this odd watering… That kitten. How sad then sweet that was.

12 years ago

Or, on a less teary note, behold the kitty wheel.

(If you get a Bengal you’re going to want one of these.)


Funny thing is, going back to the oh noes why won’t women have casual sex with me conversation earlier, seeing a guy rescue a kitten and nurse it back to health like that? Far more attractive to me than insults designed to wilt my self-esteem delivered by men in funny hats.

(I mean, the dude who made the kitty rescue video is married and on a different continent but, you know, in theory.)

12 years ago

I have to admit, seeing that dude carefully cradle that kitten made my ‘gina tingle a bit. Okay, it didn’t actually but it did make him extra super attractive, even though I never saw his face or [gasp] his earning potential!!!

12 years ago

I’m going to go ahead and say that doting over cats is a necessary but not sufficient condition for me to be attracted to a man. That alone won’t make me go for a guy, but it certainly does help!

Cthulhu's Intern
12 years ago

I seriously do not see the point of what Bill O Rly is trying to make here.
Also, how many other people noticed that all the Romney supporters’ main reason for supporting Romney is “because he’s against Obama”? They’re basically just not voting for who they don’t want. Which does not get you what you want.

12 years ago

Oh lord. It is just never pretty when Republicans try to be funny.

12 years ago

I love how they are acting like they didn’t splice and cut that video to look like that.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Cassandra, Cloudiah, that eye-watering bug is really doing the rounds. I’ve got it bad.

And totally THIS about men (well, anyone) being sweet and caring for kittens, or any animal.

12 years ago

I never understood the appeal of shows like O’Reilly’s. My older, conservative officemate claimed they were good entertainment, but all I ever saw was an angry man who didn’t make sense shouting at me. I hate being yelled at in that tone of voice in person, even by a person who has a legitimate gripe against me. I never could put myself in the shoes of someone who’d think a 48-minute hectoring in which you can’t get an idea in edgewise is fun.

12 years ago

The only O’Reilly clips I’ve ever been able to sit through were his interview with Marilyn Manson and his cameo in Iron Man 2. The cameo because it was about five seconds long, and the Manson interview just because I love seeing Manson shatter expectations of interviewers.

12 years ago

OF COURSE they put Beyonce at the start of their segment. OF COURSE.

12 years ago

@Cassandra I’ll see your cat wheel and raise you a treadmill:

12 years ago

I am now attracted to everyone who works for Prickles Hedgehog Rescue.

12 years ago

Its weird but I keep enjoying videos of pregnant cats lately. They have such cute bellies.

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