Apparently, using contraceptives turns couples into The Lockhorns. Or so this post from CL on Complementarian Loners suggests:
Contraception reduces sex to recreation – ‘fun’ without the deep joy that a mindfully lived life can bring – and thus this percolates through the relationship as a whole. All those little jabs at each other, the passive-aggressive ways of letting the other know that you are hurting, and the hiding are part of this mentality. We’ve all done it, just as most of us have contracepted.
I’m sure many people will think this a stretch, but when we withhold something as central as our fertility from each other, what else do we withhold? Self-censored thought is like contraceptive sex. Married couples are often reluctant to be completely honest with each other and are apt to become defensive with each other, ending up – or even starting out – as adversaries rather than team mates. Since the so-called sexual revolution (think about that term for a moment), women and men have not needed each other the way they used to. Separating sexual intercourse from procreation has also separated us from each other – and from our essential selves – in a real way.
Yeah, it’s probably better for married couples to eschew contraception entirely and have eight gazillion children. And then get a reality show.
And it’s the top ELEVEN men – not only does he choose the wrong moment to go all gender neutral in his title but he can’t even count, damn it. 1 to 8 plus three equal 10’s is 11!
OMG, can’t they get anything right?
*goes into mathematician meltdown*
Yeah, it’s totally fantastic. It’s made that much more amazing because this is a line out of what is, in theory, a newsletter about blueberry farming.
(To explain: When I was younger, my family used to pick blueberries every year at a local blueberry farm. Said blueberry farm was a family business belonging to a couple who were, for lack of a better term, complete and utter wackadoodles. A couple of times a year, they’d send out the most bizarre newsletters I have ever seen. A typical passage might go something like this:
“This year’s crop is shaping up to be great! We’ve gotten just the right amount of rain, and we anticipate that the first blueberries will be ready to be picked even earlier than last year! Our bees are also doing well, and we hope to have honey for sale this summer. The kids are doing great and enjoying their lessons! As you all know, we homeschool, since public school is a hellhole of Satan-worship. We just finished our unit about how the US Congress is run by evil warlocks! Also, our oldest son, Joe has applied to Bob Jones University, where he plans to learn more about how to instill the fear of God in devil-loving secularists! We’re so proud of him! Also, we bought a new tractor. It’s terrific! Next year we plan to plant a new field of blueberries on the east side of the farm!”
It was always like that – entirely normal, if somewhat overly effusive, news about running a farm, interspersed with “also, we are fucking terrifying!” So. Freaking. Weird.)
So wait, if we visit Chicago we have to have sex with David? That seems unfair to him.
Does David’s Mighty Member reach across the Pacific and Atlantic as well? After all there are site members all around the planet. It must be tricky trying to turn around and keep balanced all that time. And I don’t even want to think about the frostbite/sunburn problems.
Someday, somehow, these dudes are going to realize that most people are actually capable of enjoying the company of other human beings for reasons other than “maybe I can stick my dick in them,” and it’s going to blow their tiny little minds.
(Incidentally, have any of those meet-ups ever occurred? Because they totally should. Manboobz folks would be fun to hang out with.)
I got the image of this giant cock bristling with fractal tributory cocks, snaking its way around the world, having all the sex.
Not this kind of cock, flying round the world, then?
“Having all the sex” – and therein lies the rage of these tossers. For all their “game” and their advanced theories on how women aren’t human and should be grateful for these noble men wanting to shove their dicks into them at all, it’s the men who are decent human beings who women are more likely to like and have relationships with. And deep down, these losers know it. They’re desperate not to acknowledge that their woeful lives are their own doing, but that niggling little worm is there inside their brains …
And I’m smiling at the thought of it.
I’m trying to work out whether that makes my vision more or less disturbing… *head tilt*
That rooster looks like he’s wearing trunk hose with flares underneath. No wonder the hens are ignoring him!
It is truely a fine and mightly cock.
So men and women can only give themselves to each other fully if the woman is fretting every second that she might become pregnant. M’kay.
I think the giant rooster with sub-roosters would be the more disturbing version of your vision, CWS, if only for the amount of chickenshit it would add to the world. Guano galore.
LOL, these guys are so pathetic. They just can’t seem to wrap their heads around the idea of men doing anything that isn’t either about trying to get laid or trying to show women their place.
I kind of feel sorry for these guys. They’re so desperate for some kind of villain to fight, and for some reason David’s the one who has to be forced into that mold.
“There’s this guy. He runs a blog, and he makes fun of some stuff we say. And these women come there to make fun of us, too. And since there are women, there must be sex. Therefore this guy is the greatest evil to ever cast its shadow on our helpless planet since the creation of feminism itself! DOOOOMMM!”
Yep, can only assume theantifeminist thought maths unattractive to the ladiez and therefore ignored his maths homework.
*goes off muttering “10 =/= 11” to look at more chicken videos*
That made me giggle more than it should. 😀
Whoo! I’m Number One!!!
It’s actually sort of cool to see those old pieces of mine available online — including a couple from the 1980s. (I’m really old.) Not sure how the author of that piece concluded that any of them reflect views that are the “polar opposite” of what I believe now. Different, maybe, because most of the pieces in that archive were written 15-20 years ago.
I forgot who asked the question, but there have been a couple of Man Boobz meetups — in Toronto, in Boston, and I think another place or two. None in Chicago, though, because I’m a terrible organizer.
There was one in Florida, but it was two people and we went to a COMIC SHOP. It was pretty excellent.
Yeah David, why do you suck at not getting people to come over and have sex with you?
There was a small one in Pasadena, Calif.
We’re all emotionally vunerable and mentally disturbed impressed by his good nature, sharp wit, and imposing eldritch multicockbeast.
Ha! David, if you’ve had three-four meetups, that’s still more organisation and *cough* activisim *cough* than the entire MRM has achieved.
DAMMIT STRIKETHROUGH FOILED. (Emotionally vunerable and mentally disturbed was meant to be del’d)
“eldritch multicockbeast”
Okay, now you’ve got me thinking of HP Lovecraft Porn and I really don’t want to go there …