antifeminism I'm totally being sarcastic ladies against women reactionary bullshit sex

Contraceptives make us all passive-aggressive arguers, says passive-aggressive arguer

Not the original caption, alas. Borrowed from The Mangina Monologues. (Click the pic to see the original post.)

Apparently, using contraceptives turns couples into The Lockhorns. Or so this post from CL on Complementarian Loners suggests:

Contraception reduces sex to recreation – ‘fun’ without the deep joy that a mindfully lived life can bring – and thus this percolates through the relationship as a whole. All those little jabs at each other, the passive-aggressive ways of letting the other know that you are hurting, and the hiding are part of this mentality. We’ve all done it, just as most of us have contracepted.

I’m sure many people will think this a stretch, but when we withhold something as central as our fertility from each other, what else do we withhold? Self-censored thought is like contraceptive sex. Married couples are often reluctant to be completely honest with each other and are apt to become defensive with each other, ending up – or even starting out – as adversaries rather than team mates. Since the so-called sexual revolution (think about that term for a moment), women and men have not needed each other the way they used to. Separating sexual intercourse from procreation has also separated us from each other – and from our essential selves – in a real way.

Yeah, it’s probably better for married couples to eschew contraception entirely and have eight gazillion children. And then get a reality show.


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12 years ago


It’s THEFT. If he gives his SiL an heir, then the heir get’s his brother’s estate. IF he withholds, he stands to inherit.

Which also makes Onan a rapist-by-implication. But the Bible being what it is, the woman was never presumed to be able to give any consent anyway. She has to sleep with him regardless. It’s duty, right?


My parents homeschooled me. They did a pretty good job with it, and gave me a lifelong love of books and learning that has stood me well.

They did it because they were sure I would end up going to hell if I went to public schools.

So, y’know. There’s some overlap.

(plus conservatives have worked pretty damn hard to make public schools as useless as possible)

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


This was a course on abortion ethics aimed at 14yearolds, relating to Doctrine of natural Law, and how it made more sense with the ‘science’ at the time. Which it does if you also assume ‘natural order = good’ (hooray for smallpox!) and ‘we have huge brains and opposable thumbs for no reason whatsoever’.

I guess with masturbation there is also the whole “tempting to sin” thing as well (once your finger goes up your ladyparts then you want sex and will be wanton and make men stumble)… although some people are tempted by casual walks through the deserted town centre so I think banning masturbation is locking the stable door in Wessex after the horse has bolted and is now merrily galloping through Northumbria.

I’m an Atheist, but I had a quasi-religious education because of UK no separation of church and state. Mostly CofE.

12 years ago

Here’s an article on Mel Gibson’s dad, Hutton Gibson, and some of the stuff he believes. It’s Houston-centric (he lives here) but that’s how I happened to read it.

12 years ago


My parents homeschooled me. They did a pretty good job with it, and gave me a lifelong love of books and learning that has stood me well.

They did it because they were sure I would end up going to hell if I went to public schools.

So, y’know. There’s some overlap.

You’re right, Howard Bannister. There is overlap, and I shouldn’t have acted like all fundamentalist homeschoolers do a bad job, because some actually do a good job. Sorry for that.

One of the things I’m confused on, though, is why fundamentalists actually think public schools would go against their beliefs. I was never taught anything about evolution until college. Any school books with evolution in them also had warning stickers that said “Evolution is only a theory” and to avoid controversy, we’d always skip those chapters. Our seventh grade teacher taught that dinosaurs never existed, and the dinosaur fossils in museums are actually pig bones. That was in public school, but it was also the 90’s so maybe things have changed since then.

Now it seems like progress to see the creation museums that show dinosaurs with saddles on them. At least we can now acknowledge dinosaurs existed at all.

12 years ago

My folks homeschooled my younger siblings (18/21 year gap between me and that cohort of my siblings). not for religious reasons, but because they didn’t like the schools in our area. They did a decent job. Religion, they didn’t mess with. The elder of my sisters got guardianship of that one of our younger sister (my family is complicated), and at the age of 10 she started going to DoD schools.

My Brother was homeschooled all the way, and is smart, and educated.

The Gibsons are Opus Dei,and yeah… bizzaro world; everything is sort of backwards.

re Onan’s sin: He was disobeying a direct command from God. It was immaterial that he engaged in coitus interuptus. His was the same sin as Jonah (and the opposite of Abraham, who didn’t question the command to sacrifice his son… the talmudic discussions on that one are interesting, not least because Issac was something like 40 at the time).

As to the American Catholic Chuch, if the Curia stays as pig-headed as it is… well there has been a minor exodus to the Anglican Church, there have been some heretical offshoots in the form of, “Anglo-Catholic”, and the possibility of schism is greater than people like to think, though I suspect the bleed to “lapsed” and Anglican will continue.

Which is sad, because that would accelerate the Drift to Bill Donovan Levels of Stupid Reactionarism.

12 years ago

Any school books with evolution in them also had warning stickers that said “Evolution is only a theory” and to avoid controversy, we’d always skip those chapters.

This should not be allowed in public schools. Why is the public school system allowing a bunch of fundamentalists to interfere with their ability to educate students?

M Dubz
12 years ago

@thebionicmommy- no end of gaaaaah to your biology education.

btw, have y’all seen this video about the Creation Museum? It is pretty stellar

12 years ago

Man religion baffles the hell out of me.

I wasn’t raised religious, so there is just nothing about religion that makes any sense to me at all.

12 years ago

There’s a creation museum in Branson, Missouri called Creation Ministry of the Ozarks, which is like a cheap version of the one in Kentucky. It’s sad that they have Ozarks in the name, because it might make people believe that this region is backwards. I enjoy good natured humor about Ozark stereotypes like Jed Clampett, but this creationism thing is embarrassing.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Any school books with evolution in them also had warning stickers that said “Evolution is only a theory” and to avoid controversy, we’d always skip those chapters. Our seventh grade teacher taught that dinosaurs never existed, and the dinosaur fossils in museums are actually pig bones.

*holding a picture of a Tyranosaurus Rex* “They musta had some pretty funny-lookin’ pigs in the Cretacious, sir/ma’am!”

I mean, make your lies plausible!!!

12 years ago

*holding a picture of a Tyranosaurus Rex* “They musta had some pretty funny-lookin’ pigs in the Cretacious, sir/ma’am!”

I mean, make your lies plausible!!!

I know, right? Now back then in seventh grade, I believed the earth was created in six days about six thousand years ago, that a flood covered the entire planet, and that the Tower of Babel was why people spoke different languages. But even then, I didn’t believe dinosaur fossils were really pig bones. That was too far for even me. It was also around that time that I watched Jurassic Park, and that was the extent of my education on prehistoric life. So I should thank Steven Spielberg for giving me a better science lesson than my actual science teacher.

12 years ago

Couldn’t they have at least picked a bigger animal, like an elephant or something?

(Although at this point it wouldn’t surprise me to hear that these people don’t believe in elephants either.)

12 years ago

The creationists must have figured out that teaching students that dinosaurs never existed was a losing battle. They had to concede that point, so now they say that the behemoth mentioned in the Bible was actually a dinosaur, that it coexisted with people, but it died in the Noahide flood.

My dad was taught the whole thing about dinosaurs never existing, too, but he attended a one room schoolhouse in the 50’s. He said his teacher saw him reading a dinosaur book, and she took it from him and threw it on the floor. My mother in law also went to a one room schoolhouse, and they actually learned about witches in class. She still believes all that, too, because she’s scared that show Sabrina the Teenage Witch glorifies magic. So again, things are better now than they used to be in schools, but there’s still a lot of catching up to do in science education in the US.

12 years ago

The creationists must have figured out that teaching students that dinosaurs never existed was a losing battle. They had to concede that point, so now they say that the behemoth mentioned in the Bible was actually a dinosaur, that it coexisted with people, but it died in the Noahide flood.

I pretty much laughed till I cried when a local creationist cheerfully explained that dinosaurs were indeed real – because they “roamed Europe during the Middle Ages, and knights could gain great renown by slaying them”. That is an actual quote. Because geology and paleontology are lies, but DRAGONS are totally legit. Oh, creationists.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

she’s scared that show Sabrina the Teenage Witch glorifies magic.

It does.

*magic finger flick*
*glorious cookie delight*

12 years ago

>The Tridentines (for those playing at home) rejected Vatican II, outright. They managed to get the vatican to allow them to conduct the Mass in The Old Rite (using Latin, and the Celebrant facing in the same direction as the congregants). I’m of a mixed mind on Latin in the Mass.

I, as a catholic who was born some ten years after Vatican II, was kind of suprised to find out that non-latin masses were so new and revolutionary. It’s just the type of mass I grew up attending with my family ever since I can think for myself.
Here in Austria, priests completely stopped holding mass in accordance with the latin rite pretty much right after Vatican II got published, and I think that also holds true for Switzerland and Germany.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Thanks for those links on Opus Dei and the lovely Gibson clan, folks. I’d forgotten the Holocaust denial bit (barfs). And for the info on Onan. It seems the focus shifted to the spilling of seed as much as the disobedience to God at least with the early Church fathers (no surprise there, given the hatred of non-procreative sex so many of them expressed).

12 years ago

I pretty much laughed till I cried when a local creationist cheerfully explained that dinosaurs were indeed real – because they “roamed Europe during the Middle Ages, and knights could gain great renown by slaying them”. That is an actual quote. Because geology and paleontology are lies, but DRAGONS are totally legit. Oh, creationists.

Thank goodness I wasn’t drinking anything when I read that, or I’d have to buy a new computer monitor. That right there is the funniest thing I have ever read on manboobz, and that’s really saying something. Knights slaying dinosaurs in the Middle Ages, oh my gosh, I couldn’t come up with anything that hilarious if I tried. They also need to talk to the ones who said dinosaurs died in the flood, because the flood is supposed to have happened before the Middle Ages. How are they going to get any credibility if their stories contradict each other?

It does.

*magic finger flick*
*glorious cookie delight*

A magic spell that conjures up cookies? I have got to learn that.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Unfortunately, they’re raisin cookies… 🙁 and the hot chocolate spell omits the mug. 🙁 🙁

[/seriously full of minor bad luck]

12 years ago

Knights slaying dinosaurs in the Middle Ages, oh my gosh, I couldn’t come up with anything that hilarious if I tried.

I feel like one of the Manboobzers participating in NaNoWriMo should pick that up and run with it.

12 years ago

David is the KING of the MRM! Ha ha ha [takes breath] ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Favorite quote:

All this in a blog that some might claim to be a thinly disguised scheme to get David laid with some of his mentally disturbed and emotionally vulnerable female readers ( via ‘Manboobz Meet-Ups’ which Fraudtrelle was organizing within weeks of setting up shop).

Although consistently getting the name/acronym of the Southern Poverty Law Center wrong is pretty good too.

12 years ago

David has a MAGIC COCK that somehow manages to extend from Chicago to Boston, Canada, and Florida so he can have sex with people at all the Manboobz meetups.

Maybe that’s why they hate him so much, his cock is literally the largest in the world.

12 years ago

Yet never LA! Jeez, David!

12 years ago

This should not be allowed in public schools. Why is the public school system allowing a bunch of fundamentalists to interfere with their ability to educate students?

In the US it is because the fundies run for the boards that create the education requirements. For instance, in Texas, they buy so many school books that they create a drag on the rest of the market so whatever Texas wants in its school books, other states are stuck with since the publishing companies go where the most money is. And someone having advance degrees is no barrier to them being a fundie-one of the board members who wanted to not only get rid of evolution references but reword American history to blank out contributions by non-whites or emphasize negatives about non-whites was a dentist.

There are times it backfires-when intelligent design was voted to be taught in schools in one county of Pennsylvania, the judge in that case ruled flatly that it was not legal. This was a very conservative judge appointed by George W. Bush but even he thought it was too much.

I think a lot of it has to do with the Democrats (along with weak third parties) have zero infrastructure investment in non-winnable states so there is little support to cultivate the candidates who would run for these offices and prevent these kinds of shenanigans. Of course that is the partisan in me who will hate to her dying day that fucking asshole Emmanuel.

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