Manosphere drama is always a bit surreal. You may recall my post the other day about the feud developing between two sites that are regular sources of material for us here at Man Boobz: MGTOWforums and A Voice for Men. As you may recall, the folks at MGTOWforums were working themselves into a lather because AVFM was committing the cardinal sin of allowing women – sorry, “cunts” – to post articles and comments. The horror!
Now AVFM has fired back. In a thread on AVFM’s relatively new forum, head cheese Paul Elam lashes out at the “MGTOW Forum Fuckwits,” declaring them a bunch of shit-stirring “piss ants” and announcing his plans to turn the AVFM forum into MGTOW central.
I see an opportunity here, This forum is very user friendly to MGTOW’s. MGTOW Forums is the largest one of its kind, but it is run by children. I will happily siphon off as many of the men they ban and shame for not measuring up to their cliquish little band of alpha wannabe’s as I can.
God knows [MGTOWforums admin] Nacho and his bootlickers run them off as quick as they come in.
AVfM is already a more traveled site than their forum, and as time passes the MGTOW presence here will eclipse their little circle jerk.
Speaking of circle jerks, here’s Paul, in an unrelated thread on his forum, banning a dude for having the temerity to suggest that “Reddit, not avoiceformen.com, is the most important online resource for Men’s Rights Activism.”
BANNED! Nothing must challenge the supremacy of PAUL ELAM!
Naturally, I found out about this by reading about it on MGTOWforums, where A Voice for Men is now being dismissed as — I kid you not — “A Vagina For Manginas.”
Still, the strangest development in this civil war is this: some MGTOWers who’ve been banned from AVFM’s forum have set up an alternative forum of their own, which they’ve rather confusingly named “AVFMforums.” Yes, that’s right, it’s a battle between the AVFM forums and … AVFMforums. How can you tell them apart? Well, when the latter group uses the acronym AVFM they mean “Alternate Voice for Men” rather than the original “A Voice for Men.” Also, the dudes at AVFMforums think that AVFM’s Elam is “a lying hippocrite [sic] with no credibility.”
If this is all a bit confusing, perhaps this brief video clip will help elucidate some of the issues here:
Also, for no particular reason, here are two new pictures of Sweetie Pie Jonus, one of my kittens:
Actually, the combatants in this latest mansophere civil war could learn a thing or two from my kittens. They fight, but always seem to end up licking each other’s heads. The kittens, that is. I’d love to see Paul Elam and his critics doing the same.
Steele, the more relevant question is: WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT CHAIRS AND MEN’S ASSES?
Answer: NO ONE.
Excuse me, Steele? Libel? Are you gonna sue me for twenty Troy ounces of gold, or what?
I’m merely appealing to Boobzland’s character; which of course, is a lost cause. We all know your character, or lack thereof.
Walk it back, walk it back.
NO. Boo is becoming tired of your prattling, little man.
If they are, is it because they’re purposefully designed to be?
Steele, the more relevant question is: WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT CHAIRS AND MEN’S ASSES?
Trivial? Of course. Any more trivial than various feminist complaints? I think not.
Yet the chair issue is laughed at. Why is this?
Could it be……..misandry?
Oh, Steelebutt, how you do wound me–you who are so full of character that you sidle up to every troll we get, no matter how awful they are.
ROFL Steelosoappad, if chairs are more uncomfortable for men, why the fuck don’t men design them differently? After all you lot love to tell us how men have designed, made, invented, everything ever. Yet now you’re whining about it as if it was totally out of your hands.
Though maybe it is, given what you lot usually do have in your hands. How you manage to type one-handed I don’t know.
Shadethedruid – Angrywankosphere sums ’em up perfectly.
You’re on record in this thread as supporting a child rape apologist and you’re accusing others of having a lack of character?
Is every chair, everywhere, the exact same as every other chair? I have sat in uncomfortable chairs. I have sat in chairs in which I almost fell asleep, they were so comfy. Right now my butt is falling asleep, and Boo reminds me that I must do the dishes, although I must first set him down because we had so much trouble drying him out last time.
“We all?”
Oh, you must be talking about
the Anglospherethe Manospherethe MRMa men’s rights forumsome angry guysthe other sad trolls who haven’t had the sense to leave.Also, when has a single one of us talked about libel? That’s pretty much y’all’s thing.
It could be Satan for all anyone cares, and we’ve gone over both the chair thing and the misandry thing ad nauseum.
Both are non-issues, unless you’re a raging halfwit.
whoa careful hellkell that sounds like libel right thurr
Raginghalfwitosphere …
Could it be……..misandry?
Oh, no, not LIBEL!!! Next it’ll be slander, and then it will be CHAOS.
Tulgey – that’s double misandry! It’s pink and sparkly!
Oooooh, Tulgey. Sparkly blingy misandry, my favorite.
That’s it! I’m done. I give up. This has been a colossal waste of time from the start. Why I wasted so much time at a vile misandrist circlejerk I’ll never know. Bad luck to you, Boobzland.
– Steele
Steele, please stick the flounce. Pleasepleaseplease.
Could it be……..misandry?
Tulgey, even Ursula thinks misandry is bullshit.
You have just been watching another of Steele’s Flounces! Stay tuned for the next exciting episode!
Damn, does that mean I can’t argue that most chairs are actually MISOGYNY (gasp)? ‘Cos men have designed chairs for men by making them too high for most women. I have a choice – I can sit with my back nicely supported but my feet dangling (DVT time) or with my feet on the floor and me half reclining (hello, backache). I sneer at your paltry numb bums, MRM. Ha hah.
Happy Halloween, jackass!