a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? drama drama kings grandiosity hypocrisy internal debate irony alert kitties men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA narcissism no girls allowed paul elam

Manosphere Civil War: AVFM fires back at the MGTOW rebels. Also, kitty pics.

Dude against dude. Not sure why the dogs are floating in midair.

Manosphere drama is always a bit surreal. You may recall my post the other day about the feud developing between two sites that are regular sources of material for us here at Man Boobz: MGTOWforums and A Voice for Men. As you may recall, the folks at MGTOWforums were working themselves into a lather because AVFM was committing the cardinal sin of allowing women – sorry, “cunts” – to post articles and comments. The horror!

Now AVFM has fired back. In a thread on AVFM’s relatively new forum, head cheese Paul Elam lashes out at the “MGTOW Forum Fuckwits,” declaring them a bunch of shit-stirring “piss ants” and announcing his plans to turn the AVFM forum into MGTOW central.

I see an opportunity here, This forum is very user friendly to MGTOW’s. MGTOW Forums is the largest one of its kind, but it is run by children. I will happily siphon off as many of the men they ban and shame for not measuring up to their cliquish little band of alpha wannabe’s as I can.

God knows [MGTOWforums admin] Nacho and his bootlickers run them off as quick as they come in.

AVfM is already a more traveled site than their forum, and as time passes the MGTOW presence here will eclipse their little circle jerk.

Speaking of circle jerks, here’s Paul, in an unrelated thread on his forum, banning a dude for having the temerity to suggest that “Reddit, not, is the most important online resource for Men’s Rights Activism.”

BANNED! Nothing must challenge the supremacy of PAUL ELAM!

Naturally, I found out about this by reading about it on MGTOWforums, where A Voice for Men is now being dismissed as — I kid you not — “A Vagina For Manginas.”

Still, the strangest development in this civil war is this: some MGTOWers who’ve been banned from AVFM’s forum have set up an alternative forum of their own, which they’ve rather confusingly named “AVFMforums.” Yes, that’s right, it’s a battle between the AVFM forums and … AVFMforums. How can you tell them apart? Well, when the latter group uses the acronym AVFM they mean “Alternate Voice for Men” rather than the original “A Voice for Men.” Also, the dudes at AVFMforums think that AVFM’s Elam is “a lying hippocrite [sic] with no credibility.”

If this is all a bit confusing, perhaps this brief video clip will help elucidate some of the issues here:

Also, for no particular reason, here are two new pictures of Sweetie Pie Jonus, one of my kittens:

Actually, the combatants in this latest mansophere civil war could learn a thing or two from my kittens. They fight, but always seem to end up licking each other’s heads. The kittens, that is. I’d love to see Paul Elam and his critics doing the same.

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12 years ago

Does anyone besides me think there is a Vernor Vinge reference in that Spaceballs film?

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

“piss ants”

Suddenly inclined to start a punk band…

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“Human male potency”??? Does this crouton reduce everything about men to the ability to get an erection or their fertility?

Not to mention the charming description of women as livestock. I wonder if these slimeballs would like to explain why they’re so keen on bestiality? I mean, if we’re not actually human … and despite what they claim, one cannot actually make a being/creature change its species by shoving one’s Mighty Dick into it.

12 years ago

There’s already a punk band called the Piss Ants. Never heard of them, never heard their music, but I figured there HAD to be a punk band called the Piss Ants, as there’s a rather famous one called the Ass Forts and another called the Bathtub Shitters.

Punk bands take all the good names.

12 years ago

Criminy! I should have realized it would be all about the male potency creator godhead thingummy.

12 years ago

TyphonBlue and her hilarious babble about how learning how to make penises happy is what makes women human again?

12 years ago

God, the MRM is one giant Note From a Boner.

12 years ago

I know I shouldn’t engage, but…NWO, I have to ask: is your central point (that white Christians are better than anybody else because they’r ethe only ones who’ve ever fought to free a slave race that wasn’t them) at all diminished by the fact that the slave owners they were fighting were also white Christians?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Seraph, I think God’s Divine Plan was to have WhiteChristians create the single largest and most brutal system of slavery seen up to that point in history so that WhiteChristians could prove to the world how good they are by destroying it. The answer to your question being: lalalalalalalalalalalalala I can’t hear you lalalalalalalalalalala

Creative Writing Student


It’s like the Magna Carta From Their Boner, if the Magna Carta said “Bardus meretricum Consuesse adorare mea gallus, cur non ego habetur deus enim habens irrumabo!”* over and over and over again…

*Google Translate Latin

12 years ago

NWO, one semi-decent act by white men does not erase years upon years of asshole behavior. And don’t go thinking he mighty white man of your wet dreams ended slavery out of the goodness of their hearts.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey (On The Subject Of My Tumescence)

12 years ago

This latest MRM kerfluffle could be called A Tale of Two Boners

12 years ago

Can someone summarise the zeta femininity podcast? I don’t have high speed Internet at home. I heard the beginning, I always hate how I can never know if I have achieved anything or whether everything was handed to me on a plate. I’m so lucky to be where I am and often feel I don’t deserve it. Hearing things like that make me feel bad and like I’m taking up a place that someone else deserves.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

A Tale of Two Boners Losers


12 years ago

Anything NWOslave has said about slavery is tainted by a previous comment some months ago about his desire of owning females as slaves. I believe he wanted two of them, but I’m not about to go back and search his filth for it.

But more importantly, slavery might have been the fourth grade test answer to why the Civil war was fought. Those precious white Christian men died over states rights, and in fact the civil war didn’t end slavery as slave owning northern states were still allowed to own slaves after the war.

So, yeah. Slavery is bad, unless it involves women, then it’s okay and should be allowed.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Everything NWO says is tainted. He hates everyone except his own brand of white, straight, reactionary, fundamentalist Christian men. He either lies or fantasises (I don’t know and don’t really care whether he sincerely believes his own drivel) about everything from politics to religion to history to statistics. In fact tainted isn’t so much the word as toxic.

12 years ago

Punk bands take all the good names.

I recently came across one band who called themselves The Tampoffs.

12 years ago

Anything NWOslave has said about slavery is tainted by a previous comment some months ago about his desire of owning females as slaves. I believe he wanted two of them, but I’m not about to go back and search his filth for it.

NWO doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with slavery. He has not only shared his fantasy of having female slaves, he’s stated outright that women should be slaves to men. NWO just doesn’t think that he should be a slave.

And of course he’s too stupid to realize that white, christian men were fighting other white christian men during the Civil War. He’s too stupid to realize that black christian men fought in the Civil War too.

Basically, NWO is too stupid.

12 years ago

I gigglesnorted at “The Tampoffs.”

12 years ago

But more importantly, slavery might have been the fourth grade test answer to why the Civil war was fought. Those precious white Christian men died over states rights, and in fact the civil war didn’t end slavery as slave owning northern states were still allowed to own slaves after the war.

Well, they fought over the states’ rights to have slavery. It’s true that the Civil War wasn’t fought to end slavery, but it was very much fought over slavery.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I wonder if NWO got his head caught in a milking machine and it sucked his brain out? It would explain a great deal.

12 years ago

“I know I shouldn’t engage, but…NWO, I have to ask: is your central point (that white Christians are better than anybody else because they’r ethe only ones who’ve ever fought to free a slave race that wasn’t them) at all diminished by the fact that the slave owners they were fighting were also white Christians?”

Au contraire. Theres plenty of blame to go around for everyone. The evil white Christians may have been the majority of the population, proportionality show a different picture. Rough estimates are 2% of European Christians, 3% of native americans and 40% of European Jews owned slaves. Ya see, everybody took a piece of the slavery pie.

Also at the time of the great slave, rum trade, the African nobilty measured their wealth by the number of slaves they owned. They traded black slaves for rum, native american and white slaves. Here’s a little quote for ya, “Records show that some Native American women bought African men as slaves.”

The point I’m trying to make is….Stop making out slavery to be an exclusive white Christian men thing. Everybody had their dirty little paws in slavery over the millenia. Everybody. Nobody is free of guilt. And yeah, that was a pretty damned noble thing those evil white male Christians did. Everybody here is so damned quick to point out how bad the evil white Christians men are. Would it kill any of you to say that maybe, just once in the history of the world, white Christian men did something that didn’t wanna make ya puke?

Creative Writing Student

He did get one thing right, which is surprising: “The fact is, no matter where you go, for most of history slavery was everywhere.”

Yes, a lot of civilizations did use slaves to varying degrees. Of course, in the context of the rest of that post it looks like NWOslave is appealing to tradition.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Yes, saying that most of history sucked in that respect (ditto the treatment of women in too many cultures) is not the lesson NWO would take away from that. Because milk machine.