a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? drama drama kings grandiosity hypocrisy internal debate irony alert kitties men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA narcissism no girls allowed paul elam

Manosphere Civil War: AVFM fires back at the MGTOW rebels. Also, kitty pics.

Dude against dude. Not sure why the dogs are floating in midair.

Manosphere drama is always a bit surreal. You may recall my post the other day about the feud developing between two sites that are regular sources of material for us here at Man Boobz: MGTOWforums and A Voice for Men. As you may recall, the folks at MGTOWforums were working themselves into a lather because AVFM was committing the cardinal sin of allowing women – sorry, “cunts” – to post articles and comments. The horror!

Now AVFM has fired back. In a thread on AVFM’s relatively new forum, head cheese Paul Elam lashes out at the “MGTOW Forum Fuckwits,” declaring them a bunch of shit-stirring “piss ants” and announcing his plans to turn the AVFM forum into MGTOW central.

I see an opportunity here, This forum is very user friendly to MGTOW’s. MGTOW Forums is the largest one of its kind, but it is run by children. I will happily siphon off as many of the men they ban and shame for not measuring up to their cliquish little band of alpha wannabe’s as I can.

God knows [MGTOWforums admin] Nacho and his bootlickers run them off as quick as they come in.

AVfM is already a more traveled site than their forum, and as time passes the MGTOW presence here will eclipse their little circle jerk.

Speaking of circle jerks, here’s Paul, in an unrelated thread on his forum, banning a dude for having the temerity to suggest that “Reddit, not, is the most important online resource for Men’s Rights Activism.”

BANNED! Nothing must challenge the supremacy of PAUL ELAM!

Naturally, I found out about this by reading about it on MGTOWforums, where A Voice for Men is now being dismissed as — I kid you not — “A Vagina For Manginas.”

Still, the strangest development in this civil war is this: some MGTOWers who’ve been banned from AVFM’s forum have set up an alternative forum of their own, which they’ve rather confusingly named “AVFMforums.” Yes, that’s right, it’s a battle between the AVFM forums and … AVFMforums. How can you tell them apart? Well, when the latter group uses the acronym AVFM they mean “Alternate Voice for Men” rather than the original “A Voice for Men.” Also, the dudes at AVFMforums think that AVFM’s Elam is “a lying hippocrite [sic] with no credibility.”

If this is all a bit confusing, perhaps this brief video clip will help elucidate some of the issues here:

Also, for no particular reason, here are two new pictures of Sweetie Pie Jonus, one of my kittens:

Actually, the combatants in this latest mansophere civil war could learn a thing or two from my kittens. They fight, but always seem to end up licking each other’s heads. The kittens, that is. I’d love to see Paul Elam and his critics doing the same.

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12 years ago

Now I want nachos for dinner. Damn you David!

12 years ago

@chibigodzilla: AAAAAAAAAA it’s GLaDOS and British GLaDOS!!

@Sir Bodsworth: Thanks for making me feel young! Didn’t Ken Burns Civil War premiere on PBS just last summer? On a related note, ST:TNG was just cancelled T__T

12 years ago

@princessbonbon: Veggie spaghetti here. Mmmmm! It’s a quickie recipe, lacking in exciting and sexy vegetables like eggplant or artichoke, though.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ Falconer – Don’t worry about TNG being cancelled. There’s this new show coming out called the X-Files, and I predict great things from it.

12 years ago

@Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
“I’m picturing Kent Brockman here: “There’s been a battle in Ateenum…Atiente… Anthum… Gettysburg!”

That’d be Antietam. Around 23,000 casualties that day. Around 650,000 casualties for the entire civil war in a nation of around 28 million white people. Half of which were men. Which means almost 5% of the men were killed or wounded. White Christian men paid a heavy price to erase the stain of slavery.

For much of history in Africa and the Middle East the white slave trade was big business. The fact is, no matter where you go, for most of history slavery was everywhere. And oh yes, even the ladies had their slaves as well.

In the history of the world the only people to ever wage a war to free an enslaved race that wasn’t themselves has been white Christian men. The toll was staggering. Brother killed brother. Kinda makes you proud. Doesn’t it? I wonder what the world would be like if white Christian men hadn’t made such a sacrifice? For all we know slavery might simply be a part of everyday life the world over. I guess we should be grateful. Ridiculing the very people that pretty much ended the worlds casual attitude towards slavery would be stupid.

12 years ago

@princessbonbon: Veggie spaghetti here. Mmmmm! It’s a quickie recipe, lacking in exciting and sexy vegetables like eggplant or artichoke, though.

I am stuck at a hotel tonight because they are repaving the drives at my condo complex so no way of cooking food.

Nachos it is and the truth is out there.

12 years ago


But can anyone explain Mr Elam’s forum signature to me? It’s this:

“Zeta masculinity is the radical notion that women are adults.
Fortunately, Zeta femininity has the same notion.”

And I haven’t a clue what that’s supposed to mean.

12 years ago

@Falconer, why is Wikipedia an Octopus? Does “magnificent octopus” = “magnum opus”?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

OMG Ken Burns doing a series on this! Mindboggling.

Prohibition just finished here this week – another great series of his. But the Civil War … I still think that’s one of the best pieces of television I’ve ever seen.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

“A Vagina for Mangina” – we’ll, it’s nice to see they’ve learnt simple rhetorical techniques.

Also: kittykittykittykittykitty! *squee*

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

That “vagina for mangina” thing is so laughable – they are such utter women-hating losers that they get wound up calling each other manginas, and screaming about the one part of our anatomy they hate and want access to … gods, can’t we just shove them all into an arena and let them fight it out gladiator-style?

Keeping them in gladiator quarters underground would have its advantages, too – removing shitstains like this from society could only be a good thing. 😛

12 years ago

Wait, wait, wait.

So is this evidence of Owly’s Theory of Evolution? I mean, look at the dogs! Clearly superific, what with all the hovering.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Can’t be … there was no evolution before Darwin and those are seventeenth-century superdogs!

12 years ago

It was on the first of July that the MGTOWs concluded that “going their own way” would lead right through an obscure internet forum called “” The few local residents were chased away when discussion threads about period-specific costume design and park clean-up were forcibly re-purposed as spaces to complain about the injustices of scented candles and “ladies only” nights. The invading army quickly dug in that night, as their scouts had reported a disturbing piece of news: Battle would soon be upon them.

It was one of the great strategic coincidences of the war – Elam’s Army of the Brotomac was in fact only a few miles away, and their cavalry had made initial contact that morning. Almost immediately, fierce fighting occurred between two skirmishing divisions over the merits of the “neg” and the futility of hitting on American women. Hundreds of feelings were wounded on both sides, but this initial phase accomplished little. The real fighting would begin on the following day, and set the stage for the greatest and most decisive single battle in the entire war…

(sad violin music as camera pans over pictures of smashed keyboards)

12 years ago

Zeta masculinity, WTF?

The infighting between MRAs is so cute, but not as cute as Sweetie Pie Jonas. I always picture the MRA fights as kittens hissing; it’s cuter that way and has about as much real world impact.

12 years ago

“Zeta masculinity is the radical notion that women are adults.
Fortunately, Zeta femininity has the same notion.”

Let me give it a shot.
Those who rigidly conform to the comic book stereotypes of my youth are the only real true Zetas.

12 years ago

“Army of the Brotomac.” That is excellent.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

But can anyone explain Mr Elam’s forum signature to me? It’s this:

“Zeta masculinity is the radical notion that women are adults.
Fortunately, Zeta femininity has the same notion.”

And I haven’t a clue what that’s supposed to mean.

It’s one part “Alpha males and Beta males? WELL HOW ABOUT ZETA MALES!!!” (I think we’re supposed to think Zeta=Z and hence it is the lowest possible social status, but Zeta is only the sixth letter of the Greek alphabet)

and one part super-crummy attempt by MRAs to rip off the line “feminism is the radical notion that women are people.” Not content to wear the anti-feminist nature of the MRM on his sleeve, Elam decided to combine them both in a super-obscure exercise in pointless meme-masturbation for his MRM pals.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“Army of the Brotomac” – brilliant.

Now there’s got to be a way to incorporate Lincoln’s “if you’re not using the army could I borrow it for a while” letter.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I do love the adolescent-style meme ratcheting the MRM likes to engage in. Red Pill isn’t cutting it anymore? Try the BLACK PILL! Have you decided that “Beta male” isn’t adequate to describe the sheer weight of the feminist boot on your neck pushing you into the mud? Try “Zeta Male” on for size!

What’s next? NNNNAWALT as a rejoinder to NAWALT? Will the term Hypergamy prove insufficient to describe the penis-lust of cock-carousel riding she-devils—forcing the wordsmiths of the MRM to coin Ludicrousgamy?

Mark my words: it’s only a matter of time before the MRM goes plaid.

12 years ago

I get the “feminism is the radical notion…” ripoff. Still not sure what Zeta femininity is supposed to be.

Who are the Zeta feminists? Is it Girlwriteswhat?

12 years ago

oh look they’re eating each other, how cute

12 years ago

Oh, they did some script flipping!

First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then you turn on eachother
Then you’re a meaningless footnote on Wikipedia

However will my ladybrain deal with this unexpected turn of events?

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

It’s like zombies! Except zombies are legitimately adorable.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Apparently, it’s defined here:

This is one of the people promising to finally deliver the “real” empowerment feminism has purportedly failed to deliver:

Choice quote:

So if we’re going to talk about human male potency it should be spoken of in terms of the type of sexuality male humans actually have, not the artificial sexuality they are expected to have. In that sense male potency is about its effect on human female psychology, it’s elevation of the human female from livestock to co-creator. That’s human male potency.