alpha males antifeminism grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic melodrama men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reactionary bullshit self-congratulation

Melodramatic MGTOWer: “Though they may deny it, [women] are, in essence, overgrown children crying out for leadership.”

Women love manly men!

Here’s a bit of, er, “wisdom” about women, plucked from the “Best Of” forum on NiceGuy’s MGTOW forum, and highlighted by our dear friend MarkyMark on his blog. Forgive the melodramatic phrasing; All MGTOWers Are Like That.

Take it away, TQR:

Your eyes are open now. You have finally put 2 and 2 together and realized the “modern woman” and everything about her is an illusion. Everything you, me, and millions of other men, both young and old have been raised to believe is a lie. Women really are the weaker sex. They aren’t equal and the worst part? They never were. …

For those who have the courage to face the truth about modern society, women, relationships, and marriage there is an upside. You’ll begin to gain a greater sense of self as a man and you will begin to understand your own worth. You’ll no longer find desperate fulfillment in the arms of a woman, but instead you’ll find fulfillment in your beliefs, your faith, your principles, your intelligence, your strength, and your natural authority. You are a man. You are the Father, the Husband, and the Adult. You lead, women follow. …

You are like a parent that has realized how spoiled, selfish, and arrogant the children have become. You begin to see them for what they are and instead of giving in to their selfish demands, whining, and temper tantrums you start setting rules, defining boundaries for behavior, and exacting discipline. You become a rock that cannot be moved or manipulated by them. Naturally the child will kick and scream and yell and fight you. But ultimately, the child will appreciate the fact that you have given their life what they’ve needed all along – order. Modern woman are no different . Though they may deny it, they are, in essence, overgrown children crying out for leadership because order brings comfort, security, and safety – everything women today desperately seek. Ironically, the very thing women rage against the most – submission – is the very thing they need.

Also, as you regain your manhood, don’t be surprised if women actually find you more attractive now. We are men. We have been raised to believe that being a man is bad – that masculinity is offensive. That testosterone is a disease men need to be cured of because it offends and scares women. No. Masculinity only scares women because it reminds them of what they aren’t and what they will never be….MEN. We already are what women want – by birth. Unfortunately, once you see women for what they are, it’s hard to say the same about them.

Yeah, I’m sure women are totally beating down TQR’s door, hungering for his manly mixture of misogyny and desperate self-delusion.

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Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

@EEB I hope you’re taking care of yourself and being gentle with respect to your needs.


The lord is my hairdresser
He maketh me to lie down at the basin: he leadeth the shampoo and conditioner through the flowing waters
He restoreth my colour; he leadeth me in the paths of tones and highlights for his name’s sake.
Yea, though I look like the shadow of death with foils in my hair, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy trashy magazine and thy instant coffee they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies (narrow tooth combs and curlers): thou anointest my head with product; my parking meter time runneth over.
Surely natural colour and permanent body shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will return to the the house of the hairdresser for ever, for the results are merely temporary.


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

EEB – that stuff is so fucked up words just fail.

Melody – cyber hugs if you want them.

Why can’t all the humans who do this stuff just turn into cats?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

OMG kiwigirl, you win an internet!

12 years ago

@the Kitteh’s unpaid help
But if they turned into cats you would never know if the cat you have was a sweet lovable cat or a monster.

12 years ago

Yea, though I walk in the valley of formaldehyde-based products, I shall fear no evil, because thy holiness shall cure the resulting cancer.

12 years ago

Thank you so much for the Visionary Daughters site, EEB. This shit is comedy gold.

Some might say that since your universe is a fantasy universe, God’s ethical system does not apply. But if His moral standard doesn’t have jurisdiction over this film – if, since this film isn’t a “Christian” film, we shouldn’t require it to line up with the Bible – then who could dare say bumping your mother out of the way would be wrong? Who’s to say any other solution would be morally better? Are we admitting that there is some overarching standard after all?

We’ve got good news for you: You, Rapunzel, imaginary creature though you are, are not ultimately under the lordship of Disney Studios, but of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 commands all men to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” – which means every imagination, every script page, and every film frame. Christ demands that every man’s mind and the stuff in it bow the knee, and that would include you. And His moral system – His law – is still the standard by which your moral system must be measured. In other words, stabbing your mother would be wrong, not because it’s not the sort of thing a nice girl with a dream would do, not because it would be politically incorrect, not because it would disturb children – but because it breaks one of His commandments (Ex. 20:13). And that’s why, even though you’re a fairy tale creature, we’re going to respond to you as though you were a real person.

You know, Disney tend to be rather, um, enthusiastic about enforcing their copyright. If it comes down to Disney versus Jesus, my money’s on Disney winning that lawsuit.

12 years ago

@ EEB and Melody: I’m so sorry to hear what happened to you. {{{healing hugs}}} if they’ll help and you want them.

For quiverfull research, those sites are probably some of the best (worst?) to start with. Once you delve into some of the odder adherents, it gets really hair raising. The high risk unassisted home births with no prenatal care, husbands deciding to quit their jobs to read the Bible for years leaving their enormous families in abject poverty, the “frugal fever” with children sleeping on Costco shelving, rather than in real beds. It’s pretty sick and disturbing.

(TW for pedo yuckiness.)

Voddie Baucham and Maranatha Chapman are pretty interesting, from a pedo squicky standpoint. Voddie stated, point blank that men leave their wives because they want the affections of younger women and that God gave them a daughter for that. No, seriously. He actually said that:

Maranatha Chapman was married to a 27 year old at the ripe old age of 15 ( I may be wrong on the ages, but not by much.) He’d noticed her and expressed interest in her a few years prior, making her somewhere around… 12. Their daughter was also married as a teenager to a man almost twice her age.

Those thinking that this is a cover for pedophilia don’t seem to be too far off the mark, in some cases.

12 years ago

Kiwi girl – I love the hairdressing psalm!

Not nearly as funny as yours, but still pretty good, I read that if you take that psalm, translate it into Inuit, then do a literal translation back to English, it starts “The Lord is my great keeper, he does not want me. He shoots me down on the beach and pushes me into the water.”

12 years ago

This thread has simultaneously made me cry and laugh.

Quiverful movement sounds terrifying. This is the exact reason why, in case of home schooling, I say f*ck freedom of choice and applaud my country for making regular, public elementary education obligatory.

Makes me hopeful it weeds out the worst of this sh*t. *rages on*

12 years ago

“The Lord is my great keeper, he does not want me. He shoots me down on the beach and pushes me into the water.”

…and that’s why there was really only one set of footprints in the sand…

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

But if they turned into cats you would never know if the cat you have was a sweet lovable cat or a monster.

I think the all-encompassing ebil of Basement Cat, and the all-encompassing goodness of Ceiling Cat, combine to wipe out the human monstrousness and replace it with kitty monstrousness/cuteness.

I had one cat who was a real health hazard. He left such gouges in my arm once (not long after I got him and didn’t know he had a thing about being patted from the front) that my workmates said I looked like I’d been got at by a vampire with bad aim.

12 years ago

@ Nova

I kept thinking that nope, the dude couldn’t literally have said that God gives men daughters to that they can deal with their attraction to younger women – come on, really? Pedo apologists are usually a bit more subtle than that.

But nope, not only did he say it, when (politely and respectfully) called out on it he just doubled down and started accusing the people who objected of wanting to kill him. Wow.

12 years ago

Ugh, these people have such messed up relationships with their bodies. From an article about “modest” clothing.

To wear inadequate clothing is to deny that you are a sinner and that you need a Saviour. Immodesty is actually a denial of the gospel, and it has no place in the life of a believer. Wearing inadequate clothing says that you don’t need God’s covering, that you don’t think you’re sinful, or that you are content in your sin. Calvin said that immodesty was an expression of despising the Master, “who intended clothing to be a sign of shame.”

And to think that I used to think the “dirty pillows” thing from Carrie was a bit over the top.

12 years ago


Wasn’t God angry at Adam and Eve FOR starting to cover up?

What is consistency.

12 years ago

Quiverful movement sounds terrifying. This is the exact reason why, in case of home schooling, I say f*ck freedom of choice and applaud my country for making regular, public elementary education obligatory

I don’t quite agree. Homeschooling can be a hellhole of ideological indoctrination, but I’ve known quite a few people who’ve homeschooled or are homeschooling their children because the local public schools weren’t giving their children a good education. Either because the children in question had learning disabilities (namely dyslexia and AD/HD) that the local systems couldn’t really deal well with or because the kids were too far advanced of their peers in at least some subjects, and the school systems wouldn’t bump the kids up a grade – thus resulting in board, troublemaking kids. And in one instance, my cousin was homeschooled for a year to avoid having to be in classes with her rapist. The school didn’t believe the rape had occurred, and thus wouldn’t switch their classes.

So yea, while homeschooling can be bad, I don’t think it’s fair to say it *always* is.

12 years ago

I just finished reading the story by Millipede over on No Longer Quivering about how she got into and out of the Patriachy movement (

What a twisted setup. Her husband was not in any way capable of being the head of a household, and yet there he was insisting he was better than her at making decisions and she should never argue with him. If it had been left up to him, they’d have starved to death.

I had always assumed that in those sort of systems, the men would at least have to answer to each other if they were being crappy at supporting their families, but no. It seems like they all just assumed him being a man meant that he always knew what to do and shouldn’t be questioned.

It was a fascinating story though, about how a woman can get sucked into something so bad for her. I’m glad she managed to get out though, and that she is hopefully happy finally.

12 years ago

I didn’t say that it *always* is. I’m just basing my assumption on my experiences (which are not from US anyway). I am personally very vocal against home schooling because I think the amount of bad it can create simply outweighs the amount of good.

Granted, I’ve also seen the amount of work/preps that is required for kids who, as you say, wouldn’t normally fit in. I guess our schooling systems are different?

In short, from my perspective, I do not want kids removed from the reach of trained professionals and social services, because the kids I see most typically unable to fit in are the ones that require the social services the most.

12 years ago

Wasn’t God angry at Adam and Eve FOR starting to cover up?

Not really. Before the fall they were naked and felt no shame about it. After the fall they became embarrassed and covered up in leaves. If I remember correctly, God then gave them clothes, which are presumably a more efficient way of covering up than merely wrapping some leaves around you.

Covering up and being embarrassed about nudity is described as a psychological consequence of becoming a sinner. It’s not like God tells them “now you’re sinners, so now you OUGHT to cover up whether you like it or not”.

12 years ago

Hugs for everyone who wants them.

This has nothing to do with anything, but do any Wonder Woman readers know who the Tim she’s referring to in the image for this post is? The only Tim I know of in DC Comics is Tim Drake, and I really don’t want to imagine Diana falling in love witha Robin…

12 years ago


Ah, fair enough. That’s pretty much my dad’s view too, mostly because he grew up in Atlanta GA, and he remembers when they desegregated the schools and suddenly a whole bunch of people were homeschooling so their precious little white kids didn’t have to go to school with the ‘dirty colored folk’. >.<

Here there are at least pretty strict homeschooling standards to make sure everyone's getting the same basic level of education at least. I

12 years ago

I was raised according to the principles described in comments here about (hitherto unknown to me) new patriarchal movements. However, my childhood was ages ago, and my parents were very traditional Roman Catholics. I escaped abuse, although approached a few times by male authority figures, because I was a naturally suspicious child. I hated the way my family was run. My father was the supreme authority, answerable in theory to the priests but in practical terms only to god. My mother answered to him, and we numerous children were to be seen and not heard.

I hated to defer to male authority. I hated my father and the priests. Every day was an exercise in unfairness and male privilege. To this day, I cannot work for a male boss. It brings back all those feelings of submission, oppression, and powerlessness.

12 years ago

I’m not a Wonder Woman reader, but some searching reveals that she is talking about Tim Trench, a detective from the pre-crisis era. In this synopsis of The New Wonder Woman issue 181 we can see a description of that exact panel:

By the time they arrive it is night fall and the tired trio make their way to their bedrooms. But Diana cannot sleep…not immediately…as she muses that she is becoming quite fond of Tim Trench. He is crusty but he is also strong and decisive…a man! At times he almost makes her forget about Steve…almost.

12 years ago

From the Millipede story, this sums up most of the married MRAs I see:

What it did make me realize is that for all of my ex’s attempts to forbid me from leaving, he really wasn’t that attached. I think that this is true with a lot of men who don’t want to let go. The wife that they have come secretly loath is still a bastion of support and comfort. They hate loosing the safety net; that’s all.

They do not care about their wives, they just want someone to keep doing the housework and be there when needed.

12 years ago


Yeah, the modesty movement is incredibly fucked up in a lot of ways. Sierra wrote a really good post about how it creates life-long issues for both boys and girls (using the Duggars as an example), and I would add that it’s also a product of and supports rape culture.

A while ago, a group with several members who are part of the new Patriarchy movement, put out the Modesty Survey. Lots of parents and youth groups use this to teach their daughters how to dress and act. Basically, they asked a bunch of teenage boys what tempts them, what is a “stumbling block.” It takes two twisted ideas–1) That you sin whenever you have a lustful thought, and 2) That girls have the responsibility to not incite lust in boys, causing them to “stumble”–and takes them to their logical conclusion. The survey created a huge list of behaviors and clothing choices that girls need to avoid because the surveyed boys said they were a problem (apparently, everyone involved forgot what it was like to be a teenage boy, when the right kind of wallpaper can cause an erection. I mean, Jesus, I lived with three younger brothers who all went through puberty, and going hiking on a mountain with a rock formation that kind of looked like boobs if you squinted made them think sexual thoughts).

If you’re interested, things girls need to avoid if they don’t want to be immodest and cause their “brothers” to sin: sitting cross-legged if you’re wearing pants; wearing pants at all; not wearing nylons (but not nude-colored nylons, those are a stumbling block); putting on lipgloss in public; lying down; stretching; the lines of your undergarments being visible under your clothing (VPL, y’all, are not just ugly–they incite lust!); adjusting your bra in public; and, my personal “favorite”, your boobs bouncing when you walk (and this is why so many girls I know–myself included–absolutely hated the fact that we started devloping and tried everything we could to hide our breasts). Oh, yeah. That’s not going to create horrible stress and terrible body images, much less contribute to any sort of “victim-blaming” mentality. I mean, if nude nylons and visible panty lines are slutty, the girl in the short skirt was definitely asking for it. And if a girl stretching is a stumbling block for the boys around her, of course a girl dancing seductively at a club (especially if she’s *gasp* wearing eye make-up or tight pants) is just going to cause uncontrollable lust in the guys around her. What could they do? It’s not their fault she tempted them! They’re helpless victims of hormones!

Gag me with a spoon. So glad I’m out of that toxic environment, but I feel horrible for the kids who are still trapped.