alpha males antifeminism grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic melodrama men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reactionary bullshit self-congratulation

Melodramatic MGTOWer: “Though they may deny it, [women] are, in essence, overgrown children crying out for leadership.”

Women love manly men!

Here’s a bit of, er, “wisdom” about women, plucked from the “Best Of” forum on NiceGuy’s MGTOW forum, and highlighted by our dear friend MarkyMark on his blog. Forgive the melodramatic phrasing; All MGTOWers Are Like That.

Take it away, TQR:

Your eyes are open now. You have finally put 2 and 2 together and realized the “modern woman” and everything about her is an illusion. Everything you, me, and millions of other men, both young and old have been raised to believe is a lie. Women really are the weaker sex. They aren’t equal and the worst part? They never were. …

For those who have the courage to face the truth about modern society, women, relationships, and marriage there is an upside. You’ll begin to gain a greater sense of self as a man and you will begin to understand your own worth. You’ll no longer find desperate fulfillment in the arms of a woman, but instead you’ll find fulfillment in your beliefs, your faith, your principles, your intelligence, your strength, and your natural authority. You are a man. You are the Father, the Husband, and the Adult. You lead, women follow. …

You are like a parent that has realized how spoiled, selfish, and arrogant the children have become. You begin to see them for what they are and instead of giving in to their selfish demands, whining, and temper tantrums you start setting rules, defining boundaries for behavior, and exacting discipline. You become a rock that cannot be moved or manipulated by them. Naturally the child will kick and scream and yell and fight you. But ultimately, the child will appreciate the fact that you have given their life what they’ve needed all along – order. Modern woman are no different . Though they may deny it, they are, in essence, overgrown children crying out for leadership because order brings comfort, security, and safety – everything women today desperately seek. Ironically, the very thing women rage against the most – submission – is the very thing they need.

Also, as you regain your manhood, don’t be surprised if women actually find you more attractive now. We are men. We have been raised to believe that being a man is bad – that masculinity is offensive. That testosterone is a disease men need to be cured of because it offends and scares women. No. Masculinity only scares women because it reminds them of what they aren’t and what they will never be….MEN. We already are what women want – by birth. Unfortunately, once you see women for what they are, it’s hard to say the same about them.

Yeah, I’m sure women are totally beating down TQR’s door, hungering for his manly mixture of misogyny and desperate self-delusion.

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12 years ago

How many of these guys would crumble when faced with a female leader like Hillary Clinton, Madeline Albright, Shirley Chisholm, or Jeannette Rankin?

12 years ago

Unfortunately, once you see women for what they are, it’s hard to say the same about them.

So you guys are going to piss off and stop bothering us now, right?

12 years ago

I actually like so-called masculine men. But I abhor assholes. HUGE difference. I wonder if they know the difference? Nahhh.

12 years ago

Houseplants of Gor.

I have read it, yes.

12 years ago

MGTOW rants make me think more of the Bejeweled Gay Bikers of Gor. Especially the bit about how he used to punish his slave girl by making her copy edit his books.

12 years ago

I’m thinking about everybody in New York City and the larger East Coast of the USA right now. I hope Hurricane Sandy has been overestimated.

12 years ago

Shorter TQR: The fact that women fail to recognize my innate superiority shows that they are spoiled whiny children. Wanking to my own greatness now.

12 years ago

Sorry, I probably just ruined the thread.

12 years ago

Actually, this is a pretty unhealthy way to regard children, as well.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

You are the Father, the Husband, and the Adult.

None of these seem like good descriptors of any MGTOW representative I’ve seen.

12 years ago

When people roll the ideas of father and husband together like this, and invoke the idea of disciplining little girls to describe a relationship with an adult woman, my pedobear detector starts shrieking like a fire alarm.

12 years ago

Can I just say that equating women to children (and therefore “wife” to “daughter”) is suuuuuuuper squicky for reasons that are obvious to anyone who’s not a pedophile?

12 years ago


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

You’ll no longer find desperate fulfillment in the arms of a woman,

Oxymoron. (Or just moron, generally.) If one is fulfilled, how can one be desperate?

He might as well have left intelligence out of his list, because anyone subscribing to these beliefs isn’t using theirs. What a nincompoop this bloke is. He reminds me of the male pigeons strutting around being totally ignored by the females.

12 years ago

Yeah, he is not gross or horrifying AT ALL.

(I lied, he is very gross and horrifying.)

12 years ago

I actually like so-called masculine men. But I abhor assholes. HUGE difference. I wonder if they know the difference? Nahhh.

Oh heck yes. There’s a universe of difference between a guy who possesses traditionally masculine traits (assertiveness etc), and machismo. That’s an act used by insecure bullies who honestly do think that loutish, disrespectful behaviour and generally throwing their weight around makes them ‘alpha’. (And that women will fall at their feet accordingly.)

12 years ago

Actually, this is a pretty unhealthy way to regard children, as well.

Yeah, absolutely. These ideas seem to go hand-in-hand, though. I’ve been researching the Quiverfull/Patriarchy movement recently, reading their child-raising manuals and self-help books/websites (not enough brain bleach in the world) and I’ve been really disturbed by how common these attitudes are. Unfortunately, it’s not just from delusional men; a lot of the wives and mothers talk about how they are just too emotional to make good decisions and once they submitted to their husband’s leadership, everything just started working perfectly. One site showed this perfectly: there was an article in the child-raising section that talked about how children should always submit without question or complaint, but when they were older they could, if their parents allowed, submissively and respectfully ask to make one petition. If the parents graciously allowed it, they could (again, respectfully, humbly) bring up an opposing point. Of course, if the parents didn’t agree, they had to “joyfully submit” to the command. Okay, creepy and domineering, but par for the course. However, in the section for advice to wives, there was an article that said almost the exact same thing. If your husband makes a decision you don’t agree with, you can humbly and respectfully bring up your point of view (if he is open to hearing it, and don’t take advantage of this too often, of you’ll undermine his self-esteem–self-esteem, I swear to God). And if he doesn’t agree with you, you must joyfully submit to his headship. Just like your fucking kids, and how do these women not see that?!

And, yeah, whenever I read all the “girls learn how to be good wives by submitting to their fathers totally” stuff, my squick meter goes to 100.

12 years ago

Funny, I always thought MGTOW and their tantrums were childish. Project much, TQR?

12 years ago

In my experience, submitting to male leadership means less ‘working perfectly’ and more “everything is shit but it’s shit the way he likes it and he thinks it’s working perfectly because he gets his way all the time without having to have basic human interaction”.

Squick Meter: 10,000

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Squick is the word. And if it wasn’t skin-crawlingly creepy on its own, to me it just screams of a setup for incest.

These slimeballs have no idea what self-esteem or self-respect are about. They’re not fucking dependent on dominating/owning other people!

12 years ago

I think that is a fairly accurate description of the abusers world view.
I am not surprised that it results in MGTOW since absolutely no one wants to go anywhere with them. Especially their ex wives and estranged children who hopefully escaped living with a terrorist.

12 years ago

Wow, some chest pounding going on there….bit creepy too…yeah, pretty much this guy’s rant is one big reason I’ve always been so uncomfortable in my chromosomal gender.

12 years ago

Though they may deny it, they are, in essence, overgrown children crying out for leadership because order brings comfort, security, and safety.

And I will bring them that order mister Bond, and there’s nothing you can do about it! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

If I’m gonna submit to Leadership and Order it’ll be when I sell my soul to Basement Cat, and not before.

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