Let me second Cloudia in the comments, and say that I hope all East Coast Manboobzers (and their loved ones, and everyone else in the area) is safe and sound and braced for Sandy.
East coasters, use the comments below to check in and let us know how you are! The rest of you, discuss!
Alex – thanks for the info (I just texted it to my boss) and the good wishes!!
More evidence of male superiority.
I’m done for the night.
Or, you know, men getting more credit for less work. (Which is what I see in newsrooms.)
Voting for Otis and Owly to be on moderation for the night.
Also for both of them to eat shit and die.
Rahu, they blow up a lot where I live. The sound and the light can be freaky, but they often cause no damage or minimal damage. I can’t be sure that is what your boss saw, but I did see the sky light up on the weather report and I would guess that is what he was talking about.
Good luck!
Well, I mean no damage other than the power dying and the transformer being in pieces.
Alex – thanks! Yes, I’m sure that’s what he saw – it matches his description exactly.
Fuck moderation, Otis and NWO should be banned. They clearly have no boundaries and cannot tell when their brand of bullshit is not necessary, wanted, or welcome.
I’ve been wondering a while why NWO wasn’t banned long since. Some of the older threads where he’s making outright attacks against members here are unbelievable. Or would have been, before I saw this sort of stuff.
Once trolls reveal themselves to be trolls and not just people that hold a different viewpoint they should be perma banned. Wanting to engage in conversation, play devil’s advocate or debate is one thing, trolling is just fuckery and attention whoring for it’s own sake.
Rahu, I just found this video via Weather.com and I bet this is what he saw:
The devil’s advocate thing falls right into trolling on this site. It’s only a few days since we saw one who proclaimed himself to be playing “intellectual” (pfft) games and trolling with his devil’s advocate garbage. It boiled down to the usual shit from MRAs: women’s experiences don’t count, our words don’t count, and we have no right to exist except as receptacles waiting for a dick. I’ve very little time for devil’s advocacy on the sort of subjects that are the mainstays here.
Yeah, devil’s advocacy is usually a shitshow from the jump around here. Like Kitteh’s said, the topics just don’t lend themselves well to that and devolve into fuckery.
Alex – VERY impressive! Thanks for the vid!!! My apartment has a great view…of the brick wall of the building next door, so the most I’m really getting of this storm is the loud wind.
Hellkell – and it usually turns out to be a sockpuppet doing it anyway. Which in some cases has the entertainment value of a meltdown, but that’s about all there is to be said for it.
Yeah, no trolls in the are-people-all-right thread, please.
I’ve put Otis on permanant moderation and won’t let through any more of his crap in this or any thread. NWO is also on permanant moderation, though I usually let through his comments because no one takes anything he says seriously. But I’ll keep him out of this thread.
And a kitty high-five for David!
Wow, okay, thought storm was over, been quiet for a few hours. Wind is now worse than it was earlier in the day, and not letting up – steady blowing, not gusts. Stom must have turned back.
Wow! Just wow! Our thoughts (and kitty purrs and ferret snuffles) are with the East coast (and Midwest) Boobzers. Hopefully this will pass sooner, rather than later.
Mother Nature must be in a really shit mood this weekend. Tsunamis, hurricanes… damn.
And thanks for neutralizing the troll problem, David. This really just isn’t the time or place for their shenanigans.
So am I correctly reading this as a ban? Because that would be the best thing ever.
And bushfires here in Queensland.
House collapsed, I’m a zombie now, just in time for halloween. I hope they still let me vote.
Morbid humor aside, me and just about everybody else I know in meatspace seems to be fine (minus the one woman I know from campaigning who got a really bad spider bite, but that’s not storm related). We still got power and all that good stuff.
Thanks for caring.
So, the storm turned and didn’t quite hit high enough north to hit me. But from the sounds of it everybody south of me is having a very bad day.
Howardbann1ster – I think it’s supposed to turn east again after turning and running north a bit – will you be ok?