off topic open thread

Hurricane Sandy Open Thread

Let me second Cloudia in the comments, and say that I hope all East Coast Manboobzers (and their loved ones, and everyone else in the area) is safe and sound and braced for Sandy.

East coasters, use the comments below to check in and let us know how you are! The rest of you, discuss!

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12 years ago

and that didn’t work at all!
maybe this is better?

12 years ago

When the forum first opened there were people in the chat alllll the time. We basically had a party ever night. XD

But then I got really busy and turned into a lurker… and I think everyone else did too? I don’t see the faces who were there as much any more.

It’s just started raining here. Everyone’s bracing for tonight.

12 years ago

(I’m from Washington DC)

And getting onto the private forum is a matter of personally knowing someone who is generally trusted and able to vouch for you.

In the past people have posted some very personal things on there, and David wants to keep it to trusted people. I don’t know who is personally in control of that these days, and I’m not around enough to speak to pretty much anyone on this thread.

origami isopod
origami isopod
12 years ago

Hello, peoples… hope everyone’s safe.

This article has been making the rounds. The author used to attend Amherst College, but she dropped out after she was raped… and after the school refused to go after her rapist but made her life hell instead.

Common story, sadly. It would make a nice companion piece to this nonsense, which started making the rounds again in the last week or so.

Yesterday, the author of this blogpost linked it in the comments to the Amherst Student rape article. I suppose I’ve seen enough to not have to ask this question, but… how does somebody other than a straight-up MRA not simply think this sort of thing, not simply write this sort of thing, not simply post this sort of thing publicly, but also flog it in the comments to a story about rape, filled with other commenters who have been raped, and not be absolutely consumed with shame?

(Yeah, I know… college students, young, sheltered, etc. etc. Still.)

12 years ago

On the secret room in the Forum, well, just don’t think that no response to a request to join means you’ve been rejected or you’re not trusted. As Lowquacks mentioned, a bunch of people left, many of whom were mods. Plus there were some things we were trying to iron out… It’s complicated.

But the regular forum threads are open for business and everyone should use them for fun and profit.

And stay hunkered down and safe, Sarah! Hope you don’t lose power.

12 years ago

A) Sandy is coming. Winds up here are beginning to pick up. One year after the total and complete devastation of Irene. Ugh. Day job was FUBAR after Irene. And the fire department stuff totally sucked too.


Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

Anyone getting a hurricane party together?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Sarah, Cloudiah – thanks for that info! 🙂

Hope everyone in the vicinity of Sandy is safe.

Diogenes, try not to be a complete prat. 65 people have already died in this storm, and you’re talking about “hurricane parties”?

12 years ago

I’m thinking about NaNoWriMo. Skipped last year. The previous two Novembers each featured a death in the family and I was unable to finish (first my MIL, then my sister). But thinking about it this time around.

12 years ago

Are all our East Coast folks still doing OK?

12 years ago

Lights starting to flicker and wind picking up. I sure hope this isn’t as awful as the governor predicted or we are in for it.

12 years ago

Is it cold over there? I hope not, if the power is likely to go out for a while.

12 years ago

Well, it’s 3:30 here in Central Virginia, so school would be out by now anyway, but they canceled it this morning just in case, so my sister’s had the kids at home all day, but the gym is open, and hopping. So far we’ve just had some rain, though I’m getting a blizzard warning on my phone right now.

12 years ago

I hope this isn’t seen as making light of the storm, but here are some dogs in raincoats.

12 years ago

Cloudiah, dog #20 looks like he’s ready to go up in the space shuttle!

I hope everyone in the path of the hurricane stays safe, and warm and cozy out of the rain if possible!

12 years ago

I thought I might take this opportunity to pick the brilliant minds of manbooberz (Booberites? Manboobicans?) on a topic that has nothing to do with manboobz, but lots to do with cats. I just adopted a(nother) cat and she needs a name. I name my pets after fantasy or sci-fi characters, but I’m having a hard time finding a name for this one. She’s a friendly cat, /completely/ white, long hair, and has one blue eye and one green. Also, an extra toe per front paw. I need a feminine name from a fantasy or sci-fi genre. No evil characters or characters who meet gruesome ends. I have already had (or currently have) an Arwen, Leia, and Vala. I like names that are fairly short, easy to pronounce and spell, and that do NOT sound excessively unusual or exotic. Any ideas?!

My power may go kaput, so if I don’t respond that would be why. Thanks for any ideas, I’ve had her a week and am still scratching my head on a name.

12 years ago

@ Alex: Would Janeway work? It’s from sci-fi, it’s fairly short, easy to pronounce AND spell. 😀

Hope you stay safe. *hugs*

12 years ago


Your description instantly reminded me of Pangur Bán, the cat in The Secret of Kells. No extra toes that I recall, but the cat is white and fluffy with blue/green heterochromia. And female. And named after the subject of the oldest surviving poem in Irish Gaelic, said poem being an ode to the poet’s cat. So maybe more fantasy-historical than straight fantasy, but will it do?

12 years ago

Or, how about Uhura? (I can’t help that Star Trek came to my mind when you said sci-fi.)

12 years ago

How about Kira (from The Dark Crystal)? It’s short and not too unusual-sounding.

12 years ago

How about Sioned from the Dragon Prince series by Melanie Rawn?

12 years ago

Or Tevra from Taming the Forest King, which may be my favourite book ever. I’m reading it atm for the 10th+ time.

12 years ago

Jill from the Deverry cycle is my suggestion! It’s the series I often poach names from 🙂

12 years ago

My Tea-Partying parents are convinced that the whole state of emergency is a liberal conspiracy designed to enable black people to break into and rob abandoned houses. So they have vehemently refused my offer to come and stay with us for a couple of days (I live on a hill 50 miles inland; their house is on wetlands less than 1/4 mile from the ocean). I feel really conflicted, especially after getting a dressing-down this morning. The daughter part of me hopes they will be okay, but there is a part of me that kinda wants Mother Nature to teach them a lesson.

Molly moon
Molly moon
12 years ago

How about Mary Sue?