off topic open thread

Hurricane Sandy Open Thread

Let me second Cloudia in the comments, and say that I hope all East Coast Manboobzers (and their loved ones, and everyone else in the area) is safe and sound and braced for Sandy.

East coasters, use the comments below to check in and let us know how you are! The rest of you, discuss!

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12 years ago

Checking in from Boston. Barely drizzling here, and it looks like Sandy will mostly miss us, but a lot of stuff’s been cancelled tomorrow anyway.

It looks like Vermont might get slammed again like they did with Irene, which makes this ex-Vermonter nervous and sad.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Stay safe out there, everyone.

12 years ago

This isn’t about Sandy (obviously the new kind of woman-hurricane going for the alpha city of New York, what’s wrong with Fort Lauderdale?), I just want to complain about something and this thread is OPEN:
Why, oh why are DVD releases in Japan so delayed after the cinema release? I need my hit of (actual name) Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha the Movie 2nd A’s 🙁 I*m in need of some trashy stuff that I like, rather than the trashy stuff that populates the current anime season. As an additional woe, my current favourite manga (Sweet Blue Flowers, which is awesome) got licensed by JManga, and I*m pretty sure they don’t have the license to distribute it to Europe.

Now that I’ve gotten my never-been-hit-by-a-natural-disaster whining out of the way, I really hope everyone here and everyone else make it through Sandy ok, it’s a bit wild to see the projections given my own calm corner of the world.

12 years ago

Baltimore city here. Barely a drizzle, but it’s pretty cold out.

12 years ago

If memory serves me correctly, this is the second time a big storm has whomped the East coast. Heck, I’ll leave this post from Pharyngula here since it’s relevant to this thread:

The article mentions that voting will be complicated due to power outages that could last through election day, which is just splendid (end sarcasm).

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Hoping the East Coasters here are okay!

12 years ago

Some Hurricane Sandy links:
The last link in a more readable form (from the National Weather Service):

This has the potential to be an historic storm, with widespread wind
damage and power outages, inland and coastal flooding, and massive
beach erosion. The combination of the heavy rain and prolonged wind
will create the potential for long lasting power outages and serious

Preparations should be wrapping up as conditions are expected to
worsen tonight and especially on Monday.

Some important notes…

1. If you are being asked to evacuate a coastal location by state
and local officials, please do so.

2. If you are reluctant to evacuate, and you know someone who rode
out the ’62 storm on the barrier islands, ask them if they could do
it again.

3. If you are reluctant, think about your loved ones, think about
the emergency responders who will be unable to reach you when you
make the panicked phone call to be rescued, think about the
Rescue/recovery teams who will Rescue you if you are injured or
recover your remains if you do not survive.

4. Sandy is an extremely dangerous storm. There will be major
property damage, injuries are probably unavoidable, but the goal is
zero fatalities.

5. If you think the storm is over-hyped and exaggerated, please err
on the side of caution.

We wish everyone in harm’s way all the best. Stay safe!

12 years ago

Who chooses these names? And when did they start giving them women’s names? (Yes I could google these things but I’m making conversation).

12 years ago

Checking in from Mass, things seem fine here.

(Then again, I busted my knee a few days ago and live in an uninsulated attic, so, y’know, if the roof shingles get hauled off, I’ll be sure to let you guys know that I got snowed in the face while indoors.)

12 years ago

Kim, it was only in 1979 that they started giving tropical storms men’s and women’s names. Initially the were named only after women.

12 years ago

Check in from coastal Maine…nothing at all yet here, although there was some panicked restocking of food in my area, making work almost as busy as mid summer, as opposed to almost November (I work at a supermarket).

On a completely unrelated note, are any of you fellow MB regulars going to do NaNoWriMo this month (or even know what the heck I’m talking about)?

12 years ago

I would like to do NaNoWriMo again, but I don’t have the time nor the sort of idea that could power me through a month of writing.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I know what NaNoWriMo is from a writing website I’m on. Can’t imagine putting myself through that, though – writing at speed and in bulk isn’t my thing! 😛

12 years ago

i’m writing a novel and i’ll probably try to complete it by the end of november 🙂

In brooklyn here, hunkering down, eating all the food from the fridge and freezer just in case 🙂 high winds and chilly out, no rain yet. subways are closed so no work tomorrow! 🙂

12 years ago

RE: Nano

A LOT of my buddies are doing it; I’m passing. I did it once before, but I have a bunch of other writing and comics projects right now; far more important is that I do edit and revisions than try and slam-bam out a new project.

WILL be revising a past Nano project, though!

12 years ago

Just dropped in to say, stay safe you lovely people <3 Looking forward to more snark, hilarious commentary, and kitties once the storm passes.

12 years ago

Doing NaNoWriMo for the 4th time this year; I’ve got something a little more serious than 2010’s time-traveling cyborg teen romance. If anyone wants to natter, my username is Katz.

Stay safe, everyone!

12 years ago

I may live in the Midwest now, but I used to live on the East Coast. I know how bad these storms can get. For all of you East Coast folks, please stay safe. Also, *giant hugs* 😀

Nano? Yes, I myself decided to be insane enough to attempt it. Thanks to my recent breakup, I have plenty of material to use for a novel. I don’t know if I’ll actually finish, between school and everything else, but it’ll be crazy fun to try. 🙂

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Hey David. I know you’ve written about her before, but there is a newish scandal revolving around skepchick and this year old video she made regarding the situation of being approached in an elevator by a guy at 4am. It’s sent a large wave of misandry cries back to the youtube video. I’ve been on there off and on trying to reason with these idiots to no avail. They’re convinced that she’s saying no man should ever want sex and they are horrible for doing so. So just in case you’re hurting for material, here are the links

And here is an excellent comment worth noting because it was a great burn

On topic. of school gets canceled for the week I’m gonna be the happiest woman alive.

12 years ago

My NaNoWriMo handle is the same as this one.

12 years ago

Going to face a direct hit here, methinks… After the hurricane last year, I’m beginning to question my love for the east coast.

12 years ago

Hope everyone gets through the hurricane all right.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I wish I had the perserverence (not to mention time and energy) to get that much writing done! I’m doing memoirs and they’ve been bogged down for the better part of a year. Every time I look at ’em I just think YUCK.

12 years ago

In my case, since I’m already writing school papers, I might as well take more time and try to write a novel. I figured getting my feelings over recent events on paper would be good for me. What I’ve written so far isn’t too bad for a first draft. 🙂

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