a voice for men antifeminism girl germs hate homophobia misogyny MRA oppressed men

On A Voice for Men, a gay MRA takes on the real enemy: stubby-fingered lesbians

Over on A Voice for Men, much-beloved commenter andybob, an honest-to-goodness gay MRA, confronts what he apparently sees as the real enemies of “real gay men” like him: stubby-fingered lesbians and the “noisy, spangled disco version” gay men who don’t hate lesbians enough.

Lesbians barged into gay men’s spaces in droves jabbing their stubby fingers at everyone. Predictably, they proceeded to boss everyone around, making the gay rights movement about them. Note that homosexuality was a criminal offence for MEN ONLY. Lesbianism was never against the law. They had jackshit to whinge about, but they made gay rights about them anyway, and used it as a propaganda vehicle to support feminism.

Notice that GLTT [sic] became LGTT? [sic] How’s that for petty entitlement? Gay men should have fought back, but, to our everlasting shame, we didn’t. The only gay men who remained in GLTT were slimy political types seeking personal aggrandizement, zeta poodle carriers and moronic party boys who don’t give a shit about anything except the pattern on the umbrella in their drinks. Of course, the MSM focus entirely on this noisy, spangled disco version of real gay men like me: men who know exactly how greedy, relentless and downright shady those lezziefems are and don’t trust them one iota.

Truly an inspiring vision of solidarity!

In the comments, Perseus seconds andybob’s hatred of “lesbian femmies.”

I’ve come across a lot of people over the course of my life, a whole range of people, a wide variety.. different cultures, different backgrounds, different types and different temperaments. Shady people, adversarial people, etc..

I can tell you that where I have experienced the most uniquely sinister, hating and conspiratorial sensation has been from encounters with true-blood lesbian femmies. It’s as if they can barely contain their loathing. They have that look of someone who has been talking insane shit about you, conspiring and plotting intensely against you, and would stab you right on the spot if they could get away with it.

Project much?

Lesbian feminists place themselves behind the scenes, using hetero-females as their curtain. They regard hetero-females as immature, naive useful idiots, the former using the collective sexual and feminine power over men, of the latter, as the levers of manipulation that they wield. How far do you think a bunch of gumballs like Naomi Wolf could really have taken this thing?

Lesbian femmies, we’ve got an eye on you, you’re on notice.

Considering how utterly disposable regular females regard males as, how amplified does that disposability become to a creature which doesn’t even see that shred of value in him as a heterosexual mating utility?

Their hatred for males manifests in two objectives: 1) to injure and destroy and 2) to manipulate and control, to the fullest extent possible.

Nuttin wrong with bein gay. Somethin wrong with acts of evil..

Naturally, both andybob and Perseus received only compliments for their clear thinking from the assembled AVFMenners.

Andybob only dealt with the first two letters of the LGBT acronym; I shudder to think what he must feel about the other two.

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12 years ago

more northern than you! i’m in northern new south wales. Magpie, you are very welcome to our rain!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

LOL Just about everyone in Oz (except people in Tassie) is more northern than me!

12 years ago

I’ve got a long-standing Internet friend in Melbourne, and we’ve decided that we actually live in the same climate, just calendar-reversed–I’m in Los Angeles, and we have the same tendency toward hot summers and relatively mild winters with the occasional chill. The terrain seems similar too, and we even have eucalyptus trees in common. Ours are transplants, of course, and are actually left over from when this was a big orange growing region. It’s just kind of eerie how two cities half a planet apart can wind up so similar.

It was pretty funny when he came to visit me in August and temporarily forgot that the seasons were reversed and hoped I wouldn’t have to wait “out in the cold” for his bus from the airport.

Matthew Cline
Matthew Cline
12 years ago

But to a straight male, the voice of the human female can be the most melodious sound. It’s why Japanese Eroge have live voice actresses…

Errr, isn’t it that visual novels and dating sims have voice actors regardless of the game’s rating, and the voice actor tends to be the same sex as the character?

(Also, my inner editor wants to snark: “live voice actresses”? As opposed to undead ones?)

12 years ago

I miss the weather in Calif. (and I’m missing Sandy, because I’m at a convention in Ohio; it’s most unlikely our plane will be allowed to leave). I’ve lived in the Upper Midwest, wintered in Ontario, as well as Coastal Calif., and Seattle; and the inland deserts. I’ve summered in Utah and Arizona (N, and S) as well as in Iraq.

I love the desert (apart from the scorpions). I love Coastal Calif. with a burning in my heart, and I’m pretty fond of a decently cold winter.

The world, and all that’s in it. Boomdeyadda.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

@Karalora – one of my best friends lives in LA too. She’ll be here in a week and I’m counting the days!

I’ve noticed just the same thing about our climates. They really are similar. And those eucalypts … I think yours were imported from Australia. I know I was severely unimpressed when I visited LA for the first time a few years back. “I’ve flown however many thousands of miles to look at bloody GUM TREES????” 😀

12 years ago

They were imported. Leland Stanford heard about how they were used for railroad ties in Oz, and imported some, because the local lumber is totally unsuited for such. They grew well, so he had a 1/4 mile of track laid, and ran a locomotive onto it.

The ties promptly failed. The soil was so rich, and the water so plentiful that the trees were too soft.

But they were useful as windbreaks, and went native too. I dread (with a heartsick ache I can’t explain), the day the overdense Euky-forest which covers the slopes of Montaña de Oro finally catch fire. I love to ride through those woods, and breath the smell of the blue-gum trees.

12 years ago

I love the smell of eucalyptus trees. We had a whole grove of them on a hill behind my house when I was a kid, and I didn’t know they were a non-native species I just knew they smelled wonderful.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Pecunium – that’s the thing that throws me about planting eucalypts. They rely on fire, it’s part of their cycle. All that oil … it’s not just that they burn ferociously, they explode when it’s hot enough. The Black Saturday fires here in ’09 were utterly terrifying, they were firestorms.

Plus they are seriously crap trees in urban areas. They don’t provide shade, because their leaves turn edgewise to the sun; they shed all year round, and their roots wreak havoc on any drains in the vicinity.

12 years ago

And they drop limbs

12 years ago

Aren’t a lot of people very allergic to eucalyptus too? I love the smell, but if it’s making tons of people unable to breathe that’s not good.

12 years ago

Not many people allergic to gums. But heaps of people suffer dreadfully from wattle blossom.

Magpie’s right. The commonest issue with many gums isn’t the burning, it’s the dropping gigantic limbs on any day a tree decides it’s too warm, too dry, too windy, or just too much trouble to stay as it is. We had a big lemon scented near our old house, big for a lemon scented means gigantic by most standards. Smelled divine on a damp morning.

Other mornings we’d go out and get a huge jolt – thanking goodness none of us were out there when a branch as big as one of our other trees had come down. At least mrmagnificent got a good physical workout chopping up half a winter’s worth of firewood which had been ‘delivered’ to the back door.

12 years ago

The thing that makes Euky such a dangerous tree is the oils. The trees which aren’t burning are exhaling oils at a massive rate, then a spark hit it and you get, to all intents and purposes, a Fuel Air Explosive.

Which spreads the fire, something fierce.

What they are really good for is windbreaks. You can see them in stands around houses up and down the Central Coast of Calif.

In Calif. they are less regular at random limb-dropping.

11 years ago

Come now, feminists regard women as stupid, incompetent, brainless children much more than MRAs:

Ally S
11 years ago

You do know that ridiculing a campaign that is supposed to encourage people to protect others from being raped does nothing but show how you’re a terrible human being, right?

11 years ago

That is some quality tiny-type MRA poster defacing. No doubt you fit right in with your brothers-in-arms.

11 years ago

Yeah, Blah, seriously, the hell is your problem. Am I allowed to just go roofying guys at parties with impunity? Of course not. Nobody should get raped at parties. Piss off, necromancer.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Ah, an MRA-defaced image with introduced spelling errors and bad grammar.

Because stopping a female being sexually assaulted is *just like* fighting a medieval battle. And preventing sexual assault is all to do with chastity. And being wasted is a permanent condition.

What gives with the heavily xtian sentiment? Do they think* that male feminists are xtian and/or that the King Arthur legend is xtian?

*I am using this word in its broadest possible sense.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

And when a female gets wasted, that’s her signal that she’s giving consent to all males.

MRAs, spotting female interest in you, you’re doing it wrong.

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