a voice for men antifeminism girl germs hate homophobia misogyny MRA oppressed men

On A Voice for Men, a gay MRA takes on the real enemy: stubby-fingered lesbians

Over on A Voice for Men, much-beloved commenter andybob, an honest-to-goodness gay MRA, confronts what he apparently sees as the real enemies of “real gay men” like him: stubby-fingered lesbians and the “noisy, spangled disco version” gay men who don’t hate lesbians enough.

Lesbians barged into gay men’s spaces in droves jabbing their stubby fingers at everyone. Predictably, they proceeded to boss everyone around, making the gay rights movement about them. Note that homosexuality was a criminal offence for MEN ONLY. Lesbianism was never against the law. They had jackshit to whinge about, but they made gay rights about them anyway, and used it as a propaganda vehicle to support feminism.

Notice that GLTT [sic] became LGTT? [sic] How’s that for petty entitlement? Gay men should have fought back, but, to our everlasting shame, we didn’t. The only gay men who remained in GLTT were slimy political types seeking personal aggrandizement, zeta poodle carriers and moronic party boys who don’t give a shit about anything except the pattern on the umbrella in their drinks. Of course, the MSM focus entirely on this noisy, spangled disco version of real gay men like me: men who know exactly how greedy, relentless and downright shady those lezziefems are and don’t trust them one iota.

Truly an inspiring vision of solidarity!

In the comments, Perseus seconds andybob’s hatred of “lesbian femmies.”

I’ve come across a lot of people over the course of my life, a whole range of people, a wide variety.. different cultures, different backgrounds, different types and different temperaments. Shady people, adversarial people, etc..

I can tell you that where I have experienced the most uniquely sinister, hating and conspiratorial sensation has been from encounters with true-blood lesbian femmies. It’s as if they can barely contain their loathing. They have that look of someone who has been talking insane shit about you, conspiring and plotting intensely against you, and would stab you right on the spot if they could get away with it.

Project much?

Lesbian feminists place themselves behind the scenes, using hetero-females as their curtain. They regard hetero-females as immature, naive useful idiots, the former using the collective sexual and feminine power over men, of the latter, as the levers of manipulation that they wield. How far do you think a bunch of gumballs like Naomi Wolf could really have taken this thing?

Lesbian femmies, we’ve got an eye on you, you’re on notice.

Considering how utterly disposable regular females regard males as, how amplified does that disposability become to a creature which doesn’t even see that shred of value in him as a heterosexual mating utility?

Their hatred for males manifests in two objectives: 1) to injure and destroy and 2) to manipulate and control, to the fullest extent possible.

Nuttin wrong with bein gay. Somethin wrong with acts of evil..

Naturally, both andybob and Perseus received only compliments for their clear thinking from the assembled AVFMenners.

Andybob only dealt with the first two letters of the LGBT acronym; I shudder to think what he must feel about the other two.

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12 years ago

You know, it makes sense to me that Brits think of Australia as full of terrifying things, given that our most fearsome native creature is the badger. For Americans though, well, there are grizzly bears, polar bears, mountain lions, 3 different species of sharks known to attack people (great white, tiger, bull), rattlesnakes, and at least 2 different kinds of very nasty spiders (black widow and brown recluse). There have been multiple shark attacks and mountain lion attacks in the Bay Area just in the time I’ve been here.

I’m just glad we don’t have any large bears locally.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Closest I’ve come to any dangerous wildlife here was being piddled on by a possum …

12 years ago

Actually possums freak me out. Not sure why, I like racoons and they’re bigger.

12 years ago

Like, to put this in perspective, I won’t get in the water here, partly because shark attacks are a fairly regular thing (also because the water is freezing). Whereas I quite happily swam in the ocean in Saudi Arabia, Thailand, etc.

12 years ago

Closest I’ve come to any dangerous wildlife here was being piddled on by a possum …

Hahaha. A wallaby once tried to have sex with me.

12 years ago

Our landlords assured us that we would never see a snake in the garden… about 2 weeks later we saw a red belly black snoozing on the wood pile. We got that wood pile moved pronto. And then there was the time I discovered nests of redback spiders infesting various plant pots and banisters. Having 2 small kids, i went mediaeval on those spiders’ asses.

On the plus side, we have watched kangaroos, possums and bandicoots frolic in the garden.

12 years ago

I currently have what I think is a brown recluse hanging out in front of my living room window. It likes to hang out right by the window screen – I think it may be taunting me.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Hahaha. A wallaby once tried to have sex with me.

Reminds me of what a friend said once: “I hate emus. Rotten things are always either trying to steal your sandwiches or root your leg.”

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

AAAAAa spiders! Even the harmless ones …

12 years ago

Oh gods no, emus are scary, nothing that stupid should ever be that big.

12 years ago

I’ve heard a few people say that about basking sharks. It’s not that they have any desire to hurt you, it’s just that they’re very big and very stupid, and if you’re in a small boat/kayak/etc they can accidentally tip you over if they bump into you.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

If I could swim, I’d like to swim alongside a whale shark. They’re gorgeous.

12 years ago

For Americans though, well, there are grizzly bears, polar bears, mountain lions, 3 different species of sharks known to attack people (great white, tiger, bull), rattlesnakes, and at least 2 different kinds of very nasty spiders (black widow and brown recluse)

Well yeah, but you have to remember, the US is a huge ass place, and it really depends where you are. For example in New England (one of the most densely populated areas) the most we’ve got is the black bear.

12 years ago

They are! And unlike basking sharks they seem to prefer to hang out in water that a person can swim in comfortably.

12 years ago

Cassandra: Brown recluse live up to their names; they hide. You forgot the Wolverines. And Badgers, can be fearsome. I’ve seen bears in the wild (and four types of rattlesnake), as well as deer, and turkeys, and ravens, and kites, and hawks, and … I like the outdoors.

In Kuwait/Iraq I saw vipers, and an Iraqi Brown Snake and Too Fucking Many Scorpions.™

12 years ago

I forgot the tarantulas, scorpions, tarantula wasps and coyotes I’ve seen in the States.

But for all that, it’s the plants that give me pause. Animals I can deal with, the sneaky plants which attack one are evil.

12 years ago


True, but California has plenty of scary wildlife. You can see the Farallon Islands from Ocean Beach in San Francisco, and they film documentaries about great whites there, so…

This is why I describe the people who surf off of Ocean Beach as lemmings.

12 years ago

In Libya I had a scorpion crawl on my leg and sit there for a while. I was maybe 6 or so at the time, and it was so scary that I still remember it quite clearly.

12 years ago

So they bought the teachers’ story of sharing a bed because they were feeling cold.

Which could have been true-I hear Scotland is chilly once in a blue moon. 😛

12 years ago

The ginormous ones that make huge webs outside the windows so you are totally trapped in the house without a weapon and look like brown recluse are usually what they call aggressive house spiders or hobo spiders. They come in from the woods this time of year looking for a mate. I am currently surrounded and cannot take out the trash without a broom.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Just occasionally! 😀

Actually the weather in Edinburgh when I stayed there in September (I think it was) 2000 was odd. Or maybe not, but it seemed odd to me: it was humid rather than cold. Plenty of light rain, but warm enough that if you put on a raincoat or poncho, you ended up dripping with sweat.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Thebewilderness – strewth, and people worry about our spiders! I think the worst ones are further north (funnel webs and the like) but it sounds like you’ve some nasty characters over the pond. Here in Melbourne I’ve encountered white tails (nasty but with a probably overblown reputation), redbacks (potentially fatal but there’s antivenene readily available) and huntsmen (not a dangerous bite, but so bloody big they scare you to death).

12 years ago

Luckily this spider has only built webs around the one part of the house, by the living room window. Horrible looking thing, though. Earlier in the week I was staring at it for a while and it moved away, but I’m sure it’s hiding there just out of sight, and that if I open the windows it will end up inside.

12 years ago

Actually the weather in Edinburgh when I stayed there in September (I think it was) 2000 was odd. Or maybe not, but it seemed odd to me: it was humid rather than cold. Plenty of light rain, but warm enough that if you put on a raincoat or poncho, you ended up dripping with sweat.

Only if you were one of the ones who lives in an area with things like cold temps. Today we are in very late October and it is like 85 outside so I would still be chilled.

12 years ago

If I ever experienced warm weather in Scotland I’d wonder if someone had beamed me over to a different country while I was napping. It’s one of the main reasons I refuse to live there as an adult.