a voice for men antifeminism girl germs hate homophobia misogyny MRA oppressed men

On A Voice for Men, a gay MRA takes on the real enemy: stubby-fingered lesbians

Over on A Voice for Men, much-beloved commenter andybob, an honest-to-goodness gay MRA, confronts what he apparently sees as the real enemies of “real gay men” like him: stubby-fingered lesbians and the “noisy, spangled disco version” gay men who don’t hate lesbians enough.

Lesbians barged into gay men’s spaces in droves jabbing their stubby fingers at everyone. Predictably, they proceeded to boss everyone around, making the gay rights movement about them. Note that homosexuality was a criminal offence for MEN ONLY. Lesbianism was never against the law. They had jackshit to whinge about, but they made gay rights about them anyway, and used it as a propaganda vehicle to support feminism.

Notice that GLTT [sic] became LGTT? [sic] How’s that for petty entitlement? Gay men should have fought back, but, to our everlasting shame, we didn’t. The only gay men who remained in GLTT were slimy political types seeking personal aggrandizement, zeta poodle carriers and moronic party boys who don’t give a shit about anything except the pattern on the umbrella in their drinks. Of course, the MSM focus entirely on this noisy, spangled disco version of real gay men like me: men who know exactly how greedy, relentless and downright shady those lezziefems are and don’t trust them one iota.

Truly an inspiring vision of solidarity!

In the comments, Perseus seconds andybob’s hatred of “lesbian femmies.”

I’ve come across a lot of people over the course of my life, a whole range of people, a wide variety.. different cultures, different backgrounds, different types and different temperaments. Shady people, adversarial people, etc..

I can tell you that where I have experienced the most uniquely sinister, hating and conspiratorial sensation has been from encounters with true-blood lesbian femmies. It’s as if they can barely contain their loathing. They have that look of someone who has been talking insane shit about you, conspiring and plotting intensely against you, and would stab you right on the spot if they could get away with it.

Project much?

Lesbian feminists place themselves behind the scenes, using hetero-females as their curtain. They regard hetero-females as immature, naive useful idiots, the former using the collective sexual and feminine power over men, of the latter, as the levers of manipulation that they wield. How far do you think a bunch of gumballs like Naomi Wolf could really have taken this thing?

Lesbian femmies, we’ve got an eye on you, you’re on notice.

Considering how utterly disposable regular females regard males as, how amplified does that disposability become to a creature which doesn’t even see that shred of value in him as a heterosexual mating utility?

Their hatred for males manifests in two objectives: 1) to injure and destroy and 2) to manipulate and control, to the fullest extent possible.

Nuttin wrong with bein gay. Somethin wrong with acts of evil..

Naturally, both andybob and Perseus received only compliments for their clear thinking from the assembled AVFMenners.

Andybob only dealt with the first two letters of the LGBT acronym; I shudder to think what he must feel about the other two.

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12 years ago


PS and isn’t it flaming typical that so many men get all fevered about the idea of a bi or lesbian woman as if it’s entirely about putting on a show for them? Gah, pardon me while I puke.

Yeah. I’m a bit conflicted on this one… On the one hand, I don’t wanna say that it’s anything wrong with having this kind of, eh, fetish… On the other hand, I think it’s great that my husband sees me being bi as a completely neutral thing. Because it is somehow a bit disturbing when guys are all like “THAT’S SO HOT!”.

When I was having sex with women, I wasn’t having that AT MEN.

12 years ago


But don’t you understand? All female sexuality is for the pleasure of men. We certainly don’t get anything out of it.

/end sarcasm

12 years ago

I dunno Palmedfire, whenever I’ve tried to have sex with women, there were no men around to watch, so we just played Boggle instead.

Ms Getta Lode
Ms Getta Lode
12 years ago

Is “gumball” an actual slur, or a random insult? Because google turns up nothing clear, and if I’m free to call silly people gumballs, I want to know.

12 years ago

Btw… This was a huge blockbuster in Sweden when it came out. It’s about two girls in junior high school, Agnes and Elin. Agnes is sort of geeky and an outsider, and she’s in love with Elin who’s the most popular girl at school. Eventually, after lots of drama, they end up together.
Funny thing is that I’ve talked to LOTS of people who, for some completely mysterious reason, interpret Elin’s character as being straight, and as she’s just getting a girlfriend to be rebellious. We do see that Elin is really sick of her narrow-minded small town and wants to be a rebel SOMEHOW. Still, there’s NOTHING in the movie that indicates that she’s sexually or romantically interested in boys. She does date a guy who’s in love with her and even has sex with him, but she’s utterly “meh” about him.
And still lots of people interpret her character as being straight.

It’s not merely that the default assumption is that people are straight, it’s also the case that this assumption is SO STRONG that it takes LOTS and lots of evidence to convince people otherwise.

12 years ago

@Dvärghundspossen; I really liked that movie. Still surprised we went to see it on report card with our Catholic school. Seconding what you said as well.

12 years ago

“But to a straight male, the voice of the human female can be the most melodious sound. It’s why Japanese Eroge have live voice actresses…”

Yeah, its really not nice to know that there’s nothing about a woman body that’s not sexualized. Our sexy voices often try having serious conversations, but many men seem to just focus on the sexy. The only thing not sexy about the ladies is their free will and independant thought, amiright?

12 years ago

Said market also has quite a lucrative yaoi (man/man) niche too. One for women, other for gay men. So um… so much about that one.

And seriously, why does it seem to me that almost every time someone tries to be a misogynist idiot, they seem to invoke The Mighty Japan Where All Women Are Housewives And All Men Are The Salary Bringers. I mean, it’s not like there’s many nations in the world currently that can support the one-salary family unit (hell, mine can’t support a 2 salary unit, and it consists of two people exactly), and the only reason why Japan currently has that is because these men are expected to live for their firms, while leaving the actual other types of living and next generation upbringing to their wives. Aka, these men DO bring a double salary. It’s just that they seem to carry the workload themselves. That must seriously be FUN.

I mean, do these guys actually WANT a job where they have to be available 24/7, compete who’s coming to work first and who’s leaving last, partying with their coworkers, going to several year long business trips without being even asked if they could… It just baffles me. Is this something you want, just so you can keep your wife at home barefoot in the kitchen? Do you even know what it means working 15h a day 6 days a week? I mean, I do, and I’m trying to suppress that part of my life forever.

Then again, who am I kidding. For that amount of internet whining, there’s no freaking way these guys are holding 40 hour weeks. No friggin’ way.

12 years ago

@Ice, also in The Mighty Japan, it is traditional for the breadwinner husband to cede strict control of the family finances to his wife, and if they divorce the presumption is that children belong with their mother. Oops.

12 years ago

There’s also the fact that the women in Mighty Japan have been rebelling against the current model of societal organization for quite some time. It’s one of the reasons why the birth rate there is so low – once women have a child they’re stuck in the traditional model for what a woman’s life is supposed to look like, and many of them have concluded that that model sucks and not having kids is essential to avoiding it.

(It sucks for the men too. Seriously, my Dad spent a lot of time working in Japan when I was younger, and I know lots of people from there. If you’re as lazy as most MRAs seem to be, you definitely don’t want to be a salaryman.)

12 years ago

I’m amused that he’s spouting off about how lesbianism was legal. It’s true that it wasn’t criminalised, in ENGLAND†, in lots of the US it was just as criminal as male homosexuality.

† Please to recall that England =/= Great Britain.

12 years ago

@ pecunium

An American once asked me if Scotland was in England. Let’s just say that’s not a wise question to ask a Scottish person.

12 years ago

Cassandra: LOL I chortled out loud. Good thing the set had just ended (since I was sitting next to the videocamera).

12 years ago

Wake up, bigots. Gay men are men first and gay second. They don’t like being discriminated against, humiliated, or denigrated because they are men. They don’t like facing hostile courts and second class health care because they are men. And they don’t like the feminists who are doing this to them.

1. This is relevant how?
2. I don’t seem to recall having seen any bigotry here, beyond that the person quoted in the original post has something specifically against lesbians. Quick question: do you mean anti-man or anti-gay; it doesn’t matter (since neither is present), but I would like to know.
3. Neither lesbian nor feminist is a subset of the other, if that’s what you were getting at.
4. Again, relevant how?

12 years ago

Oh! Is that how The Mighty Japan works? The Spearheaders have made it sound like paradise for them. I don’t know how the divorce laws works, but the seem to believe the men aren’t required to support their kids in the event of divorce (just a lump sum). I suspect that just like here, a great many men would still choose to keep their children properly supported, because, you know, they love their kids.

I can’t imagine that Japanese culture wholeheartedly endorses letting children starve because the parents are divorced.

Anyways, the spearhead is busy fetishizing a culture I don’t think they know much about.

12 years ago

I had a pair of Americans drive up to the coffee shop I was working at to ask for directions to the local ski hill. It was thirty five degrees out.

And yes, they had a ski rack on top of their car.

Then they asked how far they’d need to drive to find snow when I pointed out that the ski hills were closed.

12 years ago

@ pillowinhell

It can be really hard for a man to get custody in Japan even if he’s very wealthy, or very famous. I can actually only think of one case that I’ve ever known about where a single guy had custody of a child, and that was his little sister, not his actual child.

(Parents were drug addicts and really didn’t have their shit together at all, which is why he was granted custody of his minor sister when he asked for it.)

It would be kind of funny to watch these guys try to navigate the actual way that married relationships tend to work in Japan. Not to mention what would happen if they spouted off their usual rhetoric in front of the in-laws. Anyone who thinks that being expected to be polite to people is a horrible imposition on their freedom of expression, like most MRAs seem to, is going to be very unhappy in Japan.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

My aunt visited the US in the ’70s and kept getting compliments on speaking “such good English”. The complimenters didn’t know the difference between Australia and Austria. And no, my aunt does not have the sort of accent that slurs “Australia” into “Orstraya”! 😉

12 years ago

My favorite “Americans don’t really get the rest of the world” incident was when someone asked me if we had running water and television in Scotland.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Going back to something Polliwog said near the start of the thread –

More seriously, we’ve seen lines like this a million times, but they simultaneously depress and baffle me every time. How is it possible that MRAs are so consistently unaware of concepts like “families” and “friends” and “neighbors” and “coworkers” and “normal human interaction”? Dudes, I promise you it is 100% possible for the vast majority of people to care about people based on traits other than “I want to make use of their genitals” (or indeed “I want to make use of them,” period). It’s really just you schmucks you value people only based on their “utility,” and it’s fucking creepy.

This is what gets me every time with MRAs and all their subsets. They seem incapable of feeling, or understanding the idea of, basic affection, or even just simple liking for other people.

12 years ago

Or even that there’s a lot of middle ground between “like” and “hate”, actually.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I met a tour guide in Paris in ’89 and she had some precious ones. There was the person who asked her, at Chartres Cathedral, where he could get the wine. (She told him he was too far north, it was Chartreuse he had in mind.) Or the visitors who wanted to know if Versailles was built in the 17th century AD or BC. I had one like that on my second trip, a few years later: standing in the palace of Fontainebleau, in a part built by Henri IV, and some genius pipes up with “Was that Henry IV of England or of France?”

I snarled “FRANCE” before the guide had a chance to.

12 years ago

Pictures Marie Antoinette in a fur bikini like Raquel Welch wore in One Million Years BC.

12 years ago

“Americans don’t really get the rest of the world” is playtime for junior Australians.

When my kids were touring America a couple of times in their early teens, they managed to keep a straight face informing their hosting families and their schoolfriends that yes, we do have banks in Australia, yes, Australian girls do have periods, yes, we do ride to school on the back of a kangaroo. I have a sneaking suspicion that the younger one spread the koala ‘drop-bear’ horror story a bit further too. Americans are so scared of the perpetual danger presented by our wildlife that they believe this one far too easily.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Ah yes, drop-bears!
