a voice for men antifeminism girl germs hate homophobia misogyny MRA oppressed men

On A Voice for Men, a gay MRA takes on the real enemy: stubby-fingered lesbians

Over on A Voice for Men, much-beloved commenter andybob, an honest-to-goodness gay MRA, confronts what he apparently sees as the real enemies of “real gay men” like him: stubby-fingered lesbians and the “noisy, spangled disco version” gay men who don’t hate lesbians enough.

Lesbians barged into gay men’s spaces in droves jabbing their stubby fingers at everyone. Predictably, they proceeded to boss everyone around, making the gay rights movement about them. Note that homosexuality was a criminal offence for MEN ONLY. Lesbianism was never against the law. They had jackshit to whinge about, but they made gay rights about them anyway, and used it as a propaganda vehicle to support feminism.

Notice that GLTT [sic] became LGTT? [sic] How’s that for petty entitlement? Gay men should have fought back, but, to our everlasting shame, we didn’t. The only gay men who remained in GLTT were slimy political types seeking personal aggrandizement, zeta poodle carriers and moronic party boys who don’t give a shit about anything except the pattern on the umbrella in their drinks. Of course, the MSM focus entirely on this noisy, spangled disco version of real gay men like me: men who know exactly how greedy, relentless and downright shady those lezziefems are and don’t trust them one iota.

Truly an inspiring vision of solidarity!

In the comments, Perseus seconds andybob’s hatred of “lesbian femmies.”

I’ve come across a lot of people over the course of my life, a whole range of people, a wide variety.. different cultures, different backgrounds, different types and different temperaments. Shady people, adversarial people, etc..

I can tell you that where I have experienced the most uniquely sinister, hating and conspiratorial sensation has been from encounters with true-blood lesbian femmies. It’s as if they can barely contain their loathing. They have that look of someone who has been talking insane shit about you, conspiring and plotting intensely against you, and would stab you right on the spot if they could get away with it.

Project much?

Lesbian feminists place themselves behind the scenes, using hetero-females as their curtain. They regard hetero-females as immature, naive useful idiots, the former using the collective sexual and feminine power over men, of the latter, as the levers of manipulation that they wield. How far do you think a bunch of gumballs like Naomi Wolf could really have taken this thing?

Lesbian femmies, we’ve got an eye on you, you’re on notice.

Considering how utterly disposable regular females regard males as, how amplified does that disposability become to a creature which doesn’t even see that shred of value in him as a heterosexual mating utility?

Their hatred for males manifests in two objectives: 1) to injure and destroy and 2) to manipulate and control, to the fullest extent possible.

Nuttin wrong with bein gay. Somethin wrong with acts of evil..

Naturally, both andybob and Perseus received only compliments for their clear thinking from the assembled AVFMenners.

Andybob only dealt with the first two letters of the LGBT acronym; I shudder to think what he must feel about the other two.

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12 years ago

@ Cassandra

It seems that every-fucking-thing threatens their sense of superiority. Seriously, what makes them secure? I’m pretty sure that even if they had a harem of mute women chained inside the house to give them unending blowjobs and maid service they would still find something to bitch about.

12 years ago

The TT is most likely supposed to be differentiating transgender and transsexual, which is ridiculous. It’s far more inclusive to have one T which stands for trans*. A Q for questioning would make more sense and I’ve never read any history that suggests at one point there was a widely accepted acronym that didn’t include a B for bisexual.

tl;dr This dude is a biphobic fuck-up who doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.

12 years ago

Did I read this correctly, that LGBT is misandry because it put lesbians before gays?

12 years ago

Cassandra: Yeah, that seems plausible, it may be so. So, I guess I could start reading some of these guys online to figure it out, but I have to ask myself, do I really want to know that badly? I kind of prefer my nasty arseholes in comedy form, filtered through manboobz if possible.

12 years ago

Because bisexual women are playing both ‘misandrist’ sides of the field. They both fuck and therefore use men, and ALSO ignore and therefore use men!

12 years ago

“I’m pretty sure that even if they had a harem of mute women chained inside the house to give them unending blowjobs and maid service they would still find something to bitch about.”

But to a straight male, the voice of the human female can be the most melodious sound. It’s why Japanese Eroge have live voice actresses…

12 years ago

This shit:
“Considering how utterly disposable regular females regard males as, how amplified does that disposability become to a creature which doesn’t even see that shred of value in him as a heterosexual mating utility?”

I always thought most MRA misogyny stemmed from a fear of women deciding they don’t need men. They’re singling out lesbians here, but that’s only because they’re afraid of the example lesbians are setting for other women. They seem to huff and puff a lot when it comes to child support or whatever, but they obviously want to be reassured at all times that we can’t live without them. They blame feminism for not doing well with the ladies, but it’s really because they’re hateful and assume everyone thinks like them. The dude I quoted above thinks it’s strange when women don’t regard men as a “mating utility.” That’s so sad. Why else would we want them around, in other words. Insecurity, self-hate….it’s all there.

12 years ago

For some reason I found tonight’s report from the Manosphere especially disturbing. Needless to say, it’s not true – when people think “gay rights” or “gay pride,” the image that comes to most minds is still of a gay man, even if he is stereotypically gay. True, lesbianism was never criminalized in the same way as male homosexuality, as far as I know anyway (I could be wrong about that), but that’s due to a cultural history of repressing and ignoring female sexuality except as it pertains to male sexuality. Plus, given our economic, political, and social disempowerment for most of history, women just had fewer opportunities to act on their homosexual desires and to create gay “safe spaces” for those desires’ acceptance and exploration in the same way that gay men, being male, had.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

This is not kitties, but I think you all can forgive me:

A shark fell onto a golf course, and the employees rescue it and get it back to the ocean.

*looks at picture of wounded shark* Awwh, bby! ; ;

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Wow. Internalised homophobia and rampant misogyny all in one ugly package.

I don’t have the book any more, but I’m sure there’s a description of a trial in the early 1800s in Scotland of two women for lesbianism. They owned/ran a school and one of the students claimed to overhear them having sex. I think the case went to a ‘not proven’ or similar result, but the point is that lesbians weren’t as safe from the law as this twerp claims. The book was “Surpassing the Love of Men” by Lillian Faderman.

That “Satan was a Lesbian” cover’s a classic, though. Got to be one of the funniest/most weird ones I’ve seen here.

12 years ago

The bi-hating people seem to believe something like this. All ‘bi’ men are secretly gay men who are in denial, or trying to kid themselves. All ‘bi’ women are straight girls doing it for attention.. EVERYONE WANTS THE COCK!

Also, the ‘you’re on notice, lesbian feminists!’ thing. Yea, cause lesbian feminists, up til now, just got away with everything in the public eye with no suspicion or side-eye! Right.

12 years ago

The bi-hating people seem to believe something like this. All ‘bi’ men are secretly gay men who are in denial, or trying to kid themselves. All ‘bi’ women are straight girls doing it for attention.. EVERYONE WANTS THE COCK!

I’ve always thought it was based on the premise that cock is so disgusting that anyone who had the option of not going with it would.

12 years ago

Back in the early 90s I worked in a mom and pop video store that had a porno section. They had the porn divided up by genre. Amature, gay men, gay women, weird stuff, porn movie riffs, and so on. The gay women section was probably the second most popular out of all the porn videos. You know who rented them? Men.

I know a LOT of guys who think two men getting it on is disgusting, but two women is just fine. This is probably why most of the homophobia is focused on gay men. Nothing to do with feminism or lesbians, just the people with the social power thinking two hot women going at it is sexy.

12 years ago

The burning times taught uppity women what would happen to them. More recently we have had lobotomy and electric shock therapy cures for lesbians.
I don’t even know what to think about this all women were oppressed and so lesbians weren’t oppressed the same way gay men were so it doesn’t count and they got their letter L in front of the letter G and that stands for D and that means dominance. Waaaah.
Maybe the two Ts are for Transwomen and Transmen. I don’t know what else it could be unless one of them is a typo and they meant bisexual. Or perhaps accidentally typed T twice because everyone knows bisexual people don’t exist or something. Criminy! I’m lost.

12 years ago

I don’t have the book any more, but I’m sure there’s a description of a trial in the early 1800s in Scotland of two women for lesbianism. They owned/ran a school and one of the students claimed to overhear them having sex. I think the case went to a ‘not proven’ or similar result, but the point is that lesbians weren’t as safe from the law as this twerp claims. The book was “Surpassing the Love of Men” by Lillian Faderman.

This story rings a bell… I think they were eventually set free because the court thought it terribly unlikely, statistically, that two lesbians would happen to work on the same school. The idea was that a woman’s normal state was to be pretty much asexual, and when women had sex with men they sort of just lay there and accepted it without enthusiasm. Being a lesbian and actively seek out sex was seen as this terribly rare and weird deviation from nature, and TWO IN ONE WORKPLACE…? Nah, that would be as unlikely as two people who both had three arms working at the same place.

So they bought the teachers’ story of sharing a bed because they were feeling cold.

12 years ago

The bi-hating people seem to believe something like this. All ‘bi’ men are secretly gay men who are in denial, or trying to kid themselves. All ‘bi’ women are straight girls doing it for attention.. EVERYONE WANTS THE COCK!

This is my experience to.

When it comes to the ideas of bi women, I think they are in part based off mainstream porn, where the idea that women can have sex with each other as a sort of warming-up to having sex with a man is pretty common, and in part based on the fact that there really are quite a lot of straight girls making out with other girls for attention, and even a few who goes as far as trying to convince themselves that they’re bi because it’s considered “hot” (and the reason it’s considered “hot” to be bi for a woman, and the reason it’s so easy to get attention from men by making out with another woman – well, that takes us straight back to mainstream porn).
My basis for the latter claim is really just a) a friend of mine who confessed that she’d been pretending (for herself as well) to be bi for some years, until she eventually had to face the facts and come out as straight, and b) a Jezebel commentator who told the same story.
Even if it’s not terribly common, I don’t think these two are completely unique either.

For me, that’s a bit weird to think about, since I had a really tough time accepting that I WASN’T straight but in fact WAS bi. A bit weird but not really surprising, considering how being a bi woman is made out to be THE COOLEST THING EVER in a lot of media.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

where the idea that women can have sex with each other as a sort of warming-up to having sex with a man is pretty common

That idea goes back a long way, too. I was looking on Amazon for the trial references in Faderman’s book, and while I didn’t find them, I did see a mention of the “warming up” idea being around in the Renaissance, at least in France.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

PS and isn’t it flaming typical that so many men get all fevered about the idea of a bi or lesbian woman as if it’s entirely about putting on a show for them? Gah, pardon me while I puke.

12 years ago

Had a bit of trouble reading the comments. My mind kept up a distracting refrain of ‘heterosexual mating utility’. Huh?!

Perhaps if I ask mrmagnificent he’ll be able to explain the concept in a way my fluffy ladybrainz will be able to cope? Or maybe not. I’d probably be stuck with trying to resuscitate him from choking while collapsed laughing on the floor.

12 years ago

Im sorry, stubby fingered lesbians and flaming drag queens have saved my twinky self from being beat up by the ‘phobes more than once. If they wanna be the rulers of the world, I fully back that.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Had a bit of trouble reading the comments. My mind kept up a distracting refrain of ‘heterosexual mating utility’. Huh?!

It sounds like some sort of computer program or an AI description of functioning bits, doesn’t it? 😀

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

@WeeBoy could they be rulers of the universe instead, and then the soundtrack would be by Queen? 🙂

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Considering how utterly disposable regular females regard males as, how amplified does that disposability become to a creature which doesn’t even see that shred of value in him as a heterosexual mating utility?

This reminds me of another MRA quoted on Manboobz who doubted that lesbians even exist—with no man to pay them, why would they have sex? I also recall something about them just paying each other in some sort of pantomime of their idea of heterosexual interaction. Sadly, even gay male MRAs are completely clueless about gay women. (Hint: it’s the MRA part.)

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Also? Don’t underestimate stubby fingers. Long fingers buckle easily under pressure, but stubby fingers stay firm when pressed into ribs and kidneys. Stubby fingers are the sword and shield of the dour, humorless gyno-shocktroopers of feminazism.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Stubby fingered lesbians? Holy crap, is this guy just making up his own stereotypes? That’s not how it’s supposed to work.

But then, you know what gay MRAs are like – they eat too damn many jam sandwiches, and are rubbish at unclogging shower drains.