a voice for men antifeminism girl germs hate homophobia misogyny MRA oppressed men

On A Voice for Men, a gay MRA takes on the real enemy: stubby-fingered lesbians

Over on A Voice for Men, much-beloved commenter andybob, an honest-to-goodness gay MRA, confronts what he apparently sees as the real enemies of โ€œreal gay menโ€ like him: stubby-fingered lesbians and the โ€œnoisy, spangled disco versionโ€ gay men who donโ€™t hate lesbians enough.

Lesbians barged into gay menโ€™s spaces in droves jabbing their stubby fingers at everyone. Predictably, they proceeded to boss everyone around, making the gay rights movement about them. Note that homosexuality was a criminal offence for MEN ONLY. Lesbianism was never against the law. They had jackshit to whinge about, but they made gay rights about them anyway, and used it as a propaganda vehicle to support feminism.

Notice that GLTT [sic] became LGTT? [sic] Howโ€™s that for petty entitlement? Gay men should have fought back, but, to our everlasting shame, we didnโ€™t. The only gay men who remained in GLTT were slimy political types seeking personal aggrandizement, zeta poodle carriers and moronic party boys who donโ€™t give a shit about anything except the pattern on the umbrella in their drinks. Of course, the MSM focus entirely on this noisy, spangled disco version of real gay men like me: men who know exactly how greedy, relentless and downright shady those lezziefems are and donโ€™t trust them one iota.

Truly an inspiring vision of solidarity!

In the comments, Perseus seconds andybobโ€™s hatred of “lesbian femmies.”

Iโ€™ve come across a lot of people over the course of my life, a whole range of people, a wide variety.. different cultures, different backgrounds, different types and different temperaments. Shady people, adversarial people, etc..

I can tell you that where I have experienced the most uniquely sinister, hating and conspiratorial sensation has been from encounters with true-blood lesbian femmies. Itโ€™s as if they can barely contain their loathing. They have that look of someone who has been talking insane shit about you, conspiring and plotting intensely against you, and would stab you right on the spot if they could get away with it.

Project much?

Lesbian feminists place themselves behind the scenes, using hetero-females as their curtain. They regard hetero-females as immature, naive useful idiots, the former using the collective sexual and feminine power over men, of the latter, as the levers of manipulation that they wield. How far do you think a bunch of gumballs like Naomi Wolf could really have taken this thing?

Lesbian femmies, weโ€™ve got an eye on you, youโ€™re on notice.

Considering how utterly disposable regular females regard males as, how amplified does that disposability become to a creature which doesnโ€™t even see that shred of value in him as a heterosexual mating utility?

Their hatred for males manifests in two objectives: 1) to injure and destroy and 2) to manipulate and control, to the fullest extent possible.

Nuttin wrong with bein gay. Somethin wrong with acts of evil..

Naturally, both andybob and Perseus received only compliments for their clear thinking from the assembled AVFMenners.

Andybob only dealt with the first two letters of the LGBT acronym; I shudder to think what he must feel about the other two.

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12 years ago

I can tell you that where I have experienced the most uniquely sinister, hating and conspiratorial sensation has been from encounters with true-blood lesbian femmies.

So…lesbians who also happen to be undead and residing in Louisiana, then?

I suppose I can see why one might find them sinister. Not so sure about the vast majority of non-vampiric lesbians, though.

12 years ago

I can tell you right now they don’t think bisexual people exist.

12 years ago

Wah there are lesbians in my treehouse, wah I don’t want them there, wah it’s all so unfair.

12 years ago

Considering how utterly disposable regular females regard males as, how amplified does that disposability become to a creature which doesnโ€™t even see that shred of value in him as a heterosexual mating utility?

More seriously, we’ve seen lines like this a million times, but they simultaneously depress and baffle me every time. How is it possible that MRAs are so consistently unaware of concepts like “families” and “friends” and “neighbors” and “coworkers” and “normal human interaction”? Dudes, I promise you it is 100% possible for the vast majority of people to care about people based on traits other than “I want to make use of their genitals” (or indeed “I want to make use of them,” period). It’s really just you schmucks you value people only based on their “utility,” and it’s fucking creepy.

12 years ago

Er, “you schmucks that,” not “you schmucks you.” Typing while tired is hard.

12 years ago

This dude is seriously ignorant about the history of LGBT rights. Gay men and women worked together, socialized together, and were friends with each other (and still are), and lesbianism wasn’t criminalized because it was too dangerous for women to even be out alone in the past, and because women had very little sexual agency and freedom.


12 years ago

@ Polliwog

There’s also the fact that most women have children, and about half of those children are boys. Is the next argument going to be that mothers don’t love their sons, since no sex is going to be happening there?

12 years ago

jabbing their stubby fingers at everyone

Heh, what is that, finger envy?

12 years ago

So glad a serious writer like you, is tackling andybob’s sarcasm. Feminism needs you desperately.

12 years ago

Dudes, I promise you it is 100% possible for the vast majority of people to care about people based on traits other than โ€œI want to make use of their genitalsโ€

Projection. So much PUA stuff regards women as little more than holes with legs. I guess there’s an ironic justice when men like Perseus believe that women might regard men in a similar way.

12 years ago

Sometimes I read this and wonder what the authors would make of me– I consider myself a genderfluid lesbian (that is, my partner and I are both FAAB and present female about half the time, while presenting androgynous or male the rest of the time).
But I’m pretty sure that kind of nuanced interpretation of gender and relationships has never even occurred to dudes with such rigid gender ideals.

12 years ago

I thought lesbians didn’t exist according to MRAs, now they’re controlling everything. Consistency is too much to ask for with these idiots.

12 years ago

LGTT? I know LGBT but what happened to bi-people and what is the second T in the first?

12 years ago

Having encountered this kind of man and his attitude towards queer women before, I wouldn’t be surprised if the extra T meant “two-timing bisexual sluts”. The misogyny is almost always paired with contempt for bisexual people of either gender.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

Maybe the second T is for ‘try-sexual.’

Anthony Zarat
12 years ago

Wake up, bigots. Gay men are men first and gay second. They don’t like being discriminated against, humiliated, or denigrated because they are men. They don’t like facing hostile courts and second class health care because they are men. And they don’t like the feminists who are doing this to them.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago


Why did I read that as “LGBBQ?” I must be pretty hungry.

Also, where do you get your graphics from? It looks like all origonal stuff.

12 years ago

Stubby fingers? Is that the new way to tell apart lesbians from the rest of the women? I was asked once if I was lesbian because I have short hair and sport over 30 tattoos. Oh wait…I have short fingers, too. I MUST be lesbian according to the OP. shm ๐Ÿ™

12 years ago

I have short fingers and I am not a lesbian. But I play one on tv

It’s kind of amazing how even a supposedly gay man is convinced that all women everywhere are focused every waking minute on subjugating men, regardless of any individual woman’s preferences for sex, dating, friendship, etc.

These guys project so much they could power a multiplex.

12 years ago

They really could. As for me, I’m too busy worrying about schoolwork to use up all of my waking hours on conquering every man I see.

12 years ago

This is not kitties, but I think you all can forgive me:

A shark fell onto a golf course, and the employees rescue it and get it back to the ocean.

12 years ago

Poor shark. ๐Ÿ™ I’m glad someone saved it. ๐Ÿ™‚

12 years ago

The misogyny is almost always paired with contempt for bisexual people of either gender.

What’s with that anyway? Serious question.

12 years ago

Not sure, but I’ve observed it in many cases. The only explanation I can think of is that for a gay man who’s a misogynist the idea that anyone would fuck a woman when they could be fucking a man is both baffling and vexing. Maybe it threatens their sense of superiority.

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