antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? creep-shaming creepy dozens of upvotes false accusations gullibility misogyny MRA oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit shit that never happened

If you stand for Men’s Rights, you’ll fall for anything

Gullibility, thy name is Men’s Rights Subreddit.

So, a day or so ago, a troll graced r/mensrights with a tale of imaginary woe about a bad breakup and its aftermath that seemed was designed to push a whole bunch of Men’s Rights hotbuttons all at once.

Lo and behold, the locals bit, and in the process revealed not only their incredible gullibility but also what you might call a highly blinkered view of modern relationships and social etiquette.

Today the troll fessed up, but not before the r/mensrights crowd, taking his tale for the truth, offered him some truly terrible advice laced with lots of righteous indignation.

Here’s the not-exactly-believable story the troll told them:

A few weeks back I was casually seeing a woman (a FWB, really) and let’s just say she was hirsute. Hirsute to the point where when I was doing her doggystyle and looked at her back it kinda seemed like a guy and it really turned me off. I broke it off, telling her that I simply wasn’t attracted enough to fulfill my end of the bargain, she freaked out and asked if it was because of the hair. I should have lied, but I didn’t.

If this had been real, it would of course have been a textbook example of how not to break up with someone. (Hint: Don’t ever tell anyone you’re breaking up with them because you think they’re too hairy, even if they are the dog-faced boy. Especially if you are literally having sex with them at the time.)

But that was not the part of the story that enraged the r/mensrighters. This was:

Fast forward to today. I was chatting up another woman and asked her if she wanted to go out for dinner some time. Turns out she is a friend of woman #1 and read me the riot act about how I was a pig and a pedophile for wanting a hairless partner. Of course, I never said that I wanted a hairless partner, just that a bunch of body hair doesn’t do it for me. There was no reasoning with her (and I obviously wasn’t going to get the date) so I tried to end the conversation, but she actually yelled after me “Watch out for the pedophile!” …

I really don’t get it. I was upfront with the original woman and she went apeshit, going so far as lying to her friend who then made a whole damn Starbucks look at me like I was a criminal. Now I can’t go back there because it was just too damn embarrassing. It shouldn’t OK for women to accuse men of things like this when they feel they’ve been wronged, especially when the “wronging” came down to a matter of taste.

Cue the angry mob!

Well, not quite yet. The OP also included a helpful summary at the end of his post:

TLDR: Gave a girl the boot over her barbaloot suit, then her friend wouldn’t give me the loot. Shoot!

Ok, NOW cue the angry mob. Some highlights from the thread; click on the yellow comments to see them in their original context.

A few commenters refused to join the mob, and were downvoted for showing signs of sense:

Evidently Dale Carnegie is some sort of mangina.

Advice from ladies was especially unwelcome:

The only dude in the thread who doubted the OP’s unbelievable tale was the MRA and r/mensrights regular who calls himself C0CKPUNCHER – and you can see what that got him.

Guys, if a dude called C0CKPUNCHER is your voice of reason, your “human rights movement” may have a problem.

Any MRAs reading this who want my CONFIDENTIAL REPORT on how to become less gullible, please send $50 to my Paypal account.

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12 years ago

steele made me lol.

12 years ago

Also, here are some butterflies on a curry leaf plant. But they’re tiger butterflies, so…

12 years ago

For the record, SRS ignores MR because they’re low hanging fruit since they were declared a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

12 years ago

Lettuce-loving kitties are adorable.

Cthulhu's Intern
12 years ago

This is late, but am I reading this wrong, or does Steely think that “manslaughter” means “killing a male person?”

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

CI, I was wondering why he chose “manslaughter” and not just “murder.” Now that you bring it up, it seems plausible that he might be using it that way.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

For the record, SRS ignores MR because they’re low hanging fruit since they were declared a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Can this meme die already? That’s not what happened. The SPLC just pointed out that there are some hateful fucks writing a large portion of the loose collection of blogs that like to call themselves the Men’s Rights Movement. That’s it. There isn’t even enough to the MRM to call a group, let alone a hate group.

12 years ago

2-D Man, you are way too reality-based for the Internet.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

CI, I was wondering why he chose “manslaughter” and not just “murder.” Now that you bring it up, it seems plausible that he might be using it that way.

To be fair, if one were to get charged for encouraging a depressed person to commit suicide, they’d probably be charged with manslaughter as opposed to murder because intent is hard to prove and manslaughter would more likely result in a conviction, assuming that such a situation resulted in a trial.

So maybe behind that repetitive droning from Steele lies a keen legal mi-ahahahahahahaHA!

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

I ‘aspose it’s a character flaw, cloudiah.

Cthulhu's Intern
12 years ago

2-D Man, I don’t really see how that is relevant to what either of us were saying, but I’m “encouraging a depressed person to commit suicide” not manslaughter or murder? Now, I’m no legal expert, most of my knowledge of the law comes from one Criminal Justice 101 class, but I’m pretty sure that manslaughter has to be when someone actually kills someone, as in, does the act that causes the victim to be dead, but without malicious intent of murder. I’m not even sure if what you said would cause someone to be charged with anything in a court of law. Which is definitely not a good thing, though.

12 years ago

Here, have a kitten adorably attacking a man’s hand. Seems to be a female kitten too, so bonus misandry.

12 years ago

Or, for maximum aww value…

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

::turns to little puddle of awwwwws::

12 years ago

This kitten is sad because its person is making it listen to such shitty music. See how it tries to escape?

12 years ago

Trolls come in to /mr all day long and 99.9% of them are smoked out immediately.

Your movement is nothing BUT trolls

Paul Elam is a miserable troll

r/mensrights is moderated by a women-hating troll named AnnChrist

You yourself are trolling this website right now, because thats the closest thing MRAs know to real activism.

12 years ago

Adorable kitty plays fetch.

Note that it appears to be smarter than most of our trolls.

12 years ago

In case Cloudiah is still depressed, let’s bring out the big guns.

Maru gets a manicure:

12 years ago

I feel like we could use this one as a counterargument to trolls of the sky-is-falling-feminism-ruins-everything persuasion.

12 years ago

Bookmarked for kitties, to be held in reserve for a time of great need.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I really hope this embeds … my first attempt to upload to YouTube. This is Maddie playing in February last year. The fad for that toy has long since ended …

Cthulhu's Intern
12 years ago

I’m not sure how to embed, and this isn’t a cat, but look at how excited this dog is!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

LOL only a dog would run into those cascading tennis balls!

12 years ago

The cat snuggling the baby, their feet intertwined, is about to make me cry at work. (Cry of cuteness)

Nathan Hevenstone
12 years ago

Am I the only one who thought this would be a follow-up post to the MGHOW who had a “good relationship with call-girls” and a really long non-sexual relationship with another girl and one-night-stands with married women on long trips?

I mean, I knew his tale was bogus, but I was wondering if it was bogus on purpose…

Guess not…


Led Zeppelin – Earl’s Court (1975) – “Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp”

(I don’t know how to embed YouTube videos here… how do you do that?)