Over on the A Voice for Men forums – yes, they have forums – one Man Going His Own Way spells out exactly what he means by His Own Way. Here’s misterbill:
For me, MGTOW has three major components:
1. Refusal to cohabitate with a woman
2. Avoidance of fatherhood like the plague
3. Avoidance of being alone in a room with a strange woman (for fear of false accusations)
These are the core elements, IMO.
I’m not celibate, I get sexual satisfaction from several call-girls that I’ve built good rapport with over a few years. I’ll visit one of these women whenever I feel like it, usually once a month or so.
I have what I would describe as a female companion who others would describe as my girlfriend. We don’t have sex, not because I’m not attracted to her, but because my fear of possibly getting her pregnant petrifies me beyond belief. So we hang out 2 days a week and have very nice times together, going on about 5 years. She understands my beliefs and that we will never live together and that I don’t believe in the myth of love.
So I’m MGHOW, but not without women.
I’m 41 and fairly wealthy. In my 20s and through to of my early 30s ( although I wasn’t a PUA) I studied game theory and in combination with other aspects of my life, I had no trouble getting laid. Then a woman made a false accusation against me (and was further slandered by another), and I began to wake up to the perils of having sex with (and interacting with) strange women. The risks outweighed the benefits, and I turned to going my own way.
I travel on business frequently and the one exception to my rule with being alone with strange women is the easy pickings while traveling. There is a rule amongst many women that if you’re 500 miles away from home, it’s not cheating. I see this a lot with many married women. Gents, her vows mean NOTHING once she gets on a plane without you. Although I wouldn’t allow any of these women into my home, I accept the risk when I’m traveling. And there is always a risk of running into a psycho who is ready to explode.
I don’t really have any jokes here. But I will note that his story doesn’t make a lick of sense; I find it literally unbelievable.
He’s so paranoid about women because of a “false accusation” leveled against him back when he pursued women using “game theory” that he literally refuses to be in the same room with “strange women” – or even interact with them. Yet when he’s traveling he suggests he routinely has sex with “strange” married women. Huh? These women could still get pregnant; these women could still make accusations, false or otherwise, against him. Does he feel safe because he can skip town in a hurry to avoid the possible consequences of his actions?
He’s (allegedly) been involved in a 2-day-a-week relationship, for five years, with a woman he’s sexually attracted to. But he refuses to have sex with her because he’s terrified of getting her pregnant. If he’s that worried about getting her pregnant, and generally wants to “avoid … fatherhood like the plague,” why doesn’t he get a vasectomy? If, after he sleeps with a married woman in a strange city, she gets pregnant with his child, does he simply assume she’ll never be able to track him down?
I’m going to assume that most if not all of what misterbill is saying here is bullshit. But if he does indeed live his life in way that even vaguely resembles how he says he does, it’s a rather sad and strange and paranoid way to live.
OTOH if his presence here is making Amanda uncomfortable/less likely to comment then sure, banhammer him, just because she’s more interesting to have around than he is.
Wow. Wow. And finally, WOW!
You certainly are delivering the truth, and handing us a resume of your many bans proves it. Once again, thanks. Also, I’m not certain what it is you want from the Man Boobz gang. I dunno, what, negative attention is better than no attention? Naw, never mind, I don’t care. Anybody else want a snack. I know I sure do.
pssh. Yeah right. Nobody is interested in anything Amanda has to say. She can’t write unless she’s plagiarizing Latina bloggers. If there was a secret ballot on who goes and who stays I would win even with this crowd.
Okay, I’ll bite. What is the Truth that you want to share?
Otis, my dishwasher is currently running, and it’s more interesting to listen to than you are. If you intend to stick around you might at least try to be more entertaining.
No, of course not. I mean, she’s only published on -what?- two or three different websites and has had two books published, right? And, obviously you don’t care what she has to say. It’s not like you were bringing up your obsession with her long before she showed up in the comments section or anything.
Cassandra, I dunno, his insistence that returning to someones blog nine-fucking-teen times after being banned is totally not stalkery was pretty amusing in that O.o sense.
But that’s totally standard behavior for misogynist dumbasses on the internet. Not that it’s nice or appropriate, but it’s not exactly unique or in any way original enough to be interesting.
True true. I’ll admit that I am extremely easily amused.
The first book she published was plagiarized. The other stuff nobody read (then again, nobody read the plagiarized one either, she can’t write even when she is stealing other people’s work). Her website is a joke that practically nobody reads and the other site she is published on is the ridiculous “XX” section of Salon, which even male libtards and most female SWPL’s don’t bother to read. She’s a hack, a liar and a coward who can’t write and hides behind using a bunch of swear words in a transparent attempt to seem edgy.
It’s not like you were bringing up your obsession with her long before she showed up in the comments section or anything.
I wouldn’t call it an obsession. More of a recognition that she is the 2nd worst person on the planet (the worst being the guy who runs DailyKos). If anybody actually knew who she was the wider public would hate her as much as I do.
Yes what exactly is this Truth Otis? If you have an argument to make then please go ahead and make it.
The Truth is that women are inferior to men. I am here to help you all see the error of your ways and embrace the light.
[citation needed]
Otis, your opinions about the quality/legitimacy/originality of Marcotte’s writing are absolutely irrelevant to your assertion that “…nobody is interested in anything she has to say…”. She’s earning a living as a writer. People care about what she has to say. You’re as jealous as you are obsessed.
No. Obviously not obsessed. Not a drop.
Can you state this as a logical argument? I assume this is the conclusion; what are your major and minor premises?
Okay. Assume for the sake of argument that you’re right and women are inferior to men. What am I supposed to do now? Drop to my knees and offer your gym-sock-scented self a BJ? Learn to knit and make sandwiches? Drop out of college because contrary to all other indications I’m inferior to my male classmates? (It’s probably because of my inability to do pullups, I know. It’s really hard to do field collecting without the ability to pull yourself from a dead hang on top of a tree branch. And if you can’t do that, well, you’re pretty much worthless as a scientist.)
Advise us stupid and weak ladies, oh moist one.
Not much of a debate, Otis. Have you considered going into politics?
Huh. Looks like the blog ate my comment or it’s in moderation. Is the slang for fellatio on the moderation list?
Don’t get him started on the pull-ups again.
Are we sure that Otis isn’t a POE? I mean, that last statement was so overly ridiculous.
You spend all that time explaining how irrelevant she is, then grant her the power of being the 2nd worst person on the planet. LOL.
No, we would …let me be clear… *i* would not hate Amanda based on the irrelevant nonsense that you listed. Sounds like you want to control Amanda for having the audacity to say stuff and you spin every move she makes like someone that might need to be watched by the FBI. I regret joking about you being banned, and now vote that based on what you have disclosed, Otis, that you are banned. You are clearly an Amanda stalker, harasser and slanderer. I didn’t want to comment on this, but I feel guilty for my previous comment joking that you should be out of moderation.
“More of a recognition that she is the 2nd worst person on the planet (the worst being the guy who runs DailyKos).”
Man, if your list of “worst people on the planet” has some blogger anywhere in roughly the top several thousand or so, you really need to to better things with your Internet time than loafing around feminist sites bloviating about male supremacy, because your knowledge of the planet and the worst people upon it is, to put it mildly, a bit limited.
(Points up)
This comment is particularly funny given that I watched a movie about Idi Amin last night, and then after the movie we had a conversation about Stalin.