abortion misogyny politics

Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock: When rape victims get pregnant, “it is something that God intended to happen.”

Here’s Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock, who apparently has some sort of direct line to God, talking about abortion and rape at a debate earlier tonight:

I just struggled with it myself for a long time but I came to realize: Life is that gift from God that I think even if life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.

Mourdock has now put out a statement trying to sort of retract what he said, and a spokeswoman for Romney, who has endorsed Mourdock, has distanced the presidential contender from Mourdock’s remarks.  See Politico for more details.

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Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Weirdly, and partially off topic, I found out yesterday that ASDA’s own brand soy milk isn’t vegan – or even vegetarian – they put fish in it!

So, the list of people who drink soy milk:
– Vegans
– Some vegetarians
– Lactose intolerant peoples
– Health detox-y type peoples
– Strange folk (it tastes like cardboard, why does it taste like cardboard?!)

And they’ve cut out two major groups. Possibly three if the health detox-y type peoples can’t eat fish because detox-y. WTF?

12 years ago

How do I get adults who are loud and obnoxious to shut the fuck up? I don’t think giving them paper and pens will help. (Adults are almost always more poorly behaved than a 2 year because we should all know better. A two year old, not so much.)

12 years ago

Dani Alexis, I’ve always thought the same! I started calling the Feast of the Annunciation (March 25, 9 months before Christmas on the liturgical calendar) the Feast of Mary’s Consent after a conversation with a girlfriend of mine who said “You know, maybe Mary’s house was like the sixth house on the block the angel went to, and the other girls he talked to were like ‘you know, I don’t really think I want to be pregnant, but thanks for asking” and the angel was like “Ok cool beans” and then Mary said yes and the angel and God were like ‘awesome! ’cause we don’t want to make someone miraculously pregnant without their consent.” which is a lot of added speculation to a mythical origin story anyway, but I like that addition to the narrative.

12 years ago

I mean, some days I feel like “BAN CHILDREN FROM PUBLIC FOREVER”, generally in the presence of loud, painful children, but then I realise I am being unreasonable.
And this is a very good reason for me to not have kids.

I disagree with that-being someone who wants to keep kids out of inappropriate places in public (for instance, I doubt you want to ban them from places like Chuck E Cheese) does not automatically make you a person who should not have children.

Your simply not wanting to have kids is good enough reason for me. I know it should be for everyone else but we all know people are busy body nose pokers into business not theirs.

Those aren’t OK to force people to do, but forcing someone to carry a baby is?

Because baby. That is why! (Never mind it is not a baby but it could be a baby and who cares what women think? Not like they are people amirite?)


12 years ago

can we please get the feminist version in more churches?

That reminds me of a substitute pastor my church had while I was in college. I made it home in time for the Maundy Thursday lunchtime service that year, and on the way to church my mother was telling me about how up-in-arms some of the parishioners were about the possibility that the diocese search committee might send us a woman pastor. The substitute pastor (who was male) had obviously heard some of the same bluster. So during the sermon, which was supposed to be reflection on the Last Supper, he broke off for a moment to ask why Paul’s letters were the only Biblical source anyone ever quoted on the subject of women in church leadership. He asked us to cast our minds ahead a few days to when we’d be reading the resurrection story in Matthew, and then quizzed the assembly:

To whom did the angel in the tomb reveal himself?

To two women: Mary and Mary Magdalene.

And what did the angel tell them?

That Jesus had risen.

And did the angel tell them to go home and wait for some men to figure it out?

No, he told them to tell everyone.

Now, the pastor concluded, does that sound like a God who doesn’t think women are capable of ministering and spreading his word?

I loved that guy.

12 years ago

I will never, never understand this sort of mentality. If I believed that God personally intended for women to be impregnated through rape, I would not worship that God. I find it unfathomable that anyone would. Maybe you still believe in that God – fine. But why would you want to worship or love or praise or obey a rapist God, any more than you’d worship the devil just because you believe he exists? (And really, how the fuck is a God who goes around instructing rapists to rape people superior to the common conception of the devil in the first place?)

12 years ago

Polliwog: But you see, it’s good because God did it.


12 years ago

And the American Taliban goes mainstream. Remember folks, Iran was also a modern country before her religious freaks went hog wild.

12 years ago

The only way to top this is for these Baptist dumb fucks to start speaking in tongues on the campaign trail during the 2014 midterm elections.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

At best, Mourdock’s comment is basically “in the case of legitimate rape, God has a way of shutting that whole thing down”.

12 years ago

Or maybe people believe in an evil God, but say that he is good and praise him for fear of his punishments.

12 years ago

I’ve always had a problem with the way Mary was represented. It always came across as a woman severly lacking in personality or free will. Her whole life revolved around being Christs mother and nothing else. I had that thought even as a little kid.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


The Nativity story is pure nightmare fuel for me. It’s one of the things I’ve hated most about Christmas. Thank goodness I’m an atheist so I can focus on things like family and friends and shiny things and CAKE.

12 years ago


I’ve always had a problem with the way Mary was represented. It always came across as a woman severly lacking in personality or free will. Her whole life revolved around being Christs mother and nothing else. I had that thought even as a little kid.

Leo Taxil, however, put a very funny spin on the story.

12 years ago


I will never, never understand this sort of mentality. If I believed that God personally intended for women to be impregnated through rape, I would not worship that God. I find it unfathomable that anyone would. Maybe you still believe in that God – fine. But why would you want to worship or love or praise or obey a rapist God, any more than you’d worship the devil just because you believe he exists? (And really, how the fuck is a God who goes around instructing rapists to rape people superior to the common conception of the devil in the first place?)

In Judaism, God is the source of both good and evil. Or rather, that dichotomy does not exist, at least not the way it does in Christianity. God is just God — an all-powerful, all-knowing entity whose motivations are shrouded in mystery. But you are required to be good in any event.

(The Coen Brothers’ “A Serious Man” is centered around that principle. The movie is brilliant.)

12 years ago

@palmedfire if you can’t have furred babies, how about a feathered baby? If you can give them enough attention and stimulation, you can have a really great relationship with a parrot – even the small and common ones, like parakeets (budgerigar) and cockatiels, are loving, very smart, and can be hilariously entertaining. And there are plenty of them in sanctuaries and rescues, waiting to be adopted…

12 years ago

If God is simply God, and no dichotomy exists, then why the hell are Christian scholars so intent on twisting themselves into mental preztzels to explain a non existant problem?

We borrowed rather liberally from the Jewish peoples, couldn’t we have kept the sensible explanations too?

Does anyone else here get the feeling that when the stain of original sin was removed from Marys’ soul, her free will was removed as well? What would be the point of removing THE sin, if she could simply choose to defy Gods wishes at any time that pleased her?

12 years ago

Oh just fuck off you awful human being

12 years ago

Sen. Richard Mourdock, your Ialdabaoth god-dog can shove his “gifts” up his rot-tooth lined asshole, shit them back out, & feed it to you.

“Holy shit! Shit! Lord’s shit!”

“Balasti! Ompheda! I spit on your crapulous creeds!”

12 years ago

Not to go back to the OP, but I have a sort of round-up post on the subject of Republicans and Rape

12 years ago

Pomme d’Anna…. OMG! Almost worth the money to get a Mauviel pan which is good for that (and Tarte Tatin) primarily.

What’s a couple of hundreb bucks, weighed against baked, crispy, goodness?

12 years ago

Because 1: Christians were not immune to the other culture in their millieu.
2: Judaism, at the time, was having some of that problem too.
3: Zororastrianism was a big thing.
4: Duality based religions were a big source of the non-Jews being converted from the Roman Empire.

12 years ago

In doing that post on the OP, I found a Catholic-based site with some stupid logic on abortion.

“Abortion wasn’t an issue before the Greeks, because no one complained about it. It wasn’t an issue in Canaan, or among the Jews, or Moses would have talked about it.”

It fails to consider that Moses, etc. might not have complained of it (the way Hippocrates did) because, to the Jews, it wasn’t a moral issue.

12 years ago

… Do these people tend to support the death penalty?

‘Cause, y’know, killing a human entity in order to [avoid/punish] the death of another human entity?

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Yes, well, criminals are bad and evil and wrong and expensive, where as babies are pure and sweet and innocent and punishment for those vile sluts.

Now, I’m going to have a shower using my hydroclauric acid scrub to get the ickky off me.