abortion misogyny politics

Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock: When rape victims get pregnant, “it is something that God intended to happen.”

Here’s Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock, who apparently has some sort of direct line to God, talking about abortion and rape at a debate earlier tonight:

I just struggled with it myself for a long time but I came to realize: Life is that gift from God that I think even if life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.

Mourdock has now put out a statement trying to sort of retract what he said, and a spokeswoman for Romney, who has endorsed Mourdock, has distanced the presidential contender from Mourdock’s remarks.  See Politico for more details.

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12 years ago

Even giving this guy the most benefit of the doubt possible, he’s saying that a rape-baby is a gift from god that makes the rape less terrible. Which convinces me that he has never ever talked to a woman about pregnancy, or to a woman who was raped. At the very least he could understand that being constantly reminded of a horrific event in your life for the next 20 years, and that reminder being something you should be loving and caring for and that should represent one of the happiest and most fulfilling times of your life, would most likely be torture, right?

He “struggled for a long time” about how his god could allow (and could cause to happen) such a tragic event. His solution was to convince himself that getting pregnant makes the rape ok. *sigh*

12 years ago

@thenatfantastic… new friends? 🙂

12 years ago

Of course feminists would be for snakes! What’s next, planting apple trees!?!!?? You’re just godless communists, trying to destroy the American values of Freedom, Enterprise, Blue Jeans and Apple Pie!!!!!!!

12 years ago

Bud, when you say that a pregnancy conceived through rape is God’s will, then by logical extension you are saying that the rape itself was God’s will. No word twisting required, douchecanoe.

The next logical extension is that the rapist himself is merely an instrument of the Almighty, and therefore was just carrying out God’s great plan. The rapist isn’t a criminal, he’s a Giver of Life!

Excuse me, I need to go kick a wall now.

12 years ago

@Myoo – Where are we going to get the Apple Pie fixings if we don’t have some trees at the ready?

12 years ago

Yeah, what hellkell said. Look down at your shoes, fellas, don’t speak and just let the ladies figure out what’s going to happen to our own bodies.

I wouldn’t even give my two-bit opinion on how a proctologist should conduct exams…just saying.

12 years ago

Also, Myoo, aren’t snakes like totally penis representatives? Like, long, strong, and prone to eating mice? Wait…

12 years ago

There are many things I love about living in Indiana. This guy sure as hell isn’t one of them.

12 years ago

Rapists, doing Gods work!

Seriously, these guys act like rapists should be nominated for sainthood.

12 years ago

So, this God that Republicans worship is a benevolent rapist. Makes perfect sense.

12 years ago

The French have a thing called Pomme de Terre, or Ground Apples. Since they don’t come from trees, and God said you shouldn’t eat the fruit from the tree, then surely they are safe and therefore apple pies should be made from Ground Apples.


12 years ago

@heidihi I’m going to start handing out questionnaires about people’s suitability as rat-sitters before I befriend them from now on 😉

12 years ago


Potato pie? You should probably at least put leeks in there too.

12 years ago

So, when do we get the mandate that everyone has to donate the extra kidney they’re not using? Or a bit of marrow, or even a pint of blood they don’t need? They will, after all, be saving a life.

And blood donation is minimal time and effort. Minimal.

Those aren’t OK to force people to do, but forcing someone to carry a baby is?

12 years ago

Or put the potato on as a layer over mince, and suddenly(!) you have the best type of pie in the universe.

12 years ago

Sweet potato pie!

Om nom nom!!!

12 years ago


I’m vegan, I’ve never cooked a piece of meat in my life – I didn’t even think about mince! I still stick with my original suggestion of leeks, and possibly carrots and green beans, with a nice creamy sauce and shortcrust pastry. Or take out the potatoes and replace with deep-fried tofu, and just have mash on the side. Mmmmmm.

12 years ago

@thenatfantastic that’s what i do, but for snakes. don’t love my snake? GET OUT OF MY SIGHT! *overturns the table*

(kidding 🙂 mostly….)

12 years ago

nat, you should totes get rat-babies. Next to dogs, rats are my favorite pets.

12 years ago

thenatfantastic: I think you can easily make shepherd’s/cottage pie with a substitute, like quorn is the one people usually use I think. Whether it’s tasty or not, I have no idea.

Also if we’re going for wacky pie variants, then baked beans! They’re awesome in a shepherd’s/cottage pie, mixed in with the mince along with the other veg.

12 years ago

Hmmm… all of these frankly scrumptious Apple of the Earth pie variants aren’t going to bring a patriotic tear to Glen Beck’s eye. They sound quite British.

Of course, so is Apple of the Tree pie.

And Levi Strauss was from Bavaria.

Ray Kroc was U.S. born and bred, though. So the Golden Arches are uniquely American. This is both telling and depressing.

12 years ago

Nah, Quorn’s not vegan, it has milk and/or eggs in it. I only use meat substitutes about once a fortnight, usually seitan. I’ve been vegetarian for most of my life, and when I was a kid I only ate meat when I ate outside of the home, so it’s not something I’ve ever had to miss. Weirdly, and partially off topic, I found out yesterday that ASDA’s own brand soy milk isn’t vegan – or even vegetarian – they put fish in it! :S

12 years ago

And Levi Strauss was from Bavaria.

Don’t tell Ruby, it’s all she has!

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

and I would not have the nurturing instinct of a laundry basket.

I’m not sure I even have this much nurturing instinct. I mean, put a baby inside a laundry basket and set the whole thing on a table, and the basket will keep the baby from rolling off the table. Set a baby on a table in front of me, and I might neglect to do the same.

Related: On one of the mailing lists I read, someone suggested this morning that Christian conservatives are hung up on this “rape babies are God’s will” thing because the central myth in their religion is that God made a baby be born of a woman whose opinion was never consulted.

But I was under the impression that Mary *was* consulted and that she consented (see Luke 1:38, “I am the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be to me according to His will”). By implication, then, if Mary had been all “AHAHAHA FUCK OFF,” God would have found some other woman to carry His baby-self.

After comments like Akin’s and Mourdock’s, though, I’m beginning to think my interpretation is an unusually feminist one.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

PS: That said, can we please get the feminist version in more churches? “God wants all pregnancies to be consented-to pregnancies” is a WAY better moral lesson than “God uses rapists to knock you up so the walking incubators need to look grateful for it,” IMO.