debate off topic open thread

Oh, wait, there’s a debate open thread


Talk amongst yourselves.

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12 years ago

Oh yeah, well I’m filing an amicus curiae brief and since I used Latin first that means I win. QED. Op. cit. WTF.

12 years ago

One of the sad consequences of having 17 of Bushes advisers now working as Romney advisers is that he thinks the Iranian route to the sea is through Syria.

My mistake to blame this on Mitts advisers. He has been claiming that Syria is Iran’s only path to the sea since February. So he knows he is lying, he just doesn’t care as long as it works.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Inurashii, you will be getting an Op Ed from my lawyer.

12 years ago

The weird thing about Omega’s second to last post is the fact he is ignoring that families can be families without kids.

He also is whining that the woman who supports him does not support him in the exact way he wants to be supported therefore she is evil and wrong. *sighs*

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

lowquacks – I just showed your pic of Romney to my workmate. It was a dangerous move, he nearly snorked his coffee all over my desk. The word “awesome” was used when he could breathe again.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

It’s like the joke about how the U.S. needs to bomb other countries in order to know where they are, except incredibly sad and scary because it’s about a guy who has a shot at the Presidency.

12 years ago

Secret tunnel!
Secret tunnel!
Through the countries,
Secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel!

12 years ago

I haven’t derailed a thread in a while, so here are some bouncing cats.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

That is so Terry Gilliam … 😀

12 years ago

cloudiah has the best kitteh vids 😀

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

That’s one creepy expression even without the captions!

12 years ago

This is an open thread, so…

Guess what I’m playing next Sunday at 3!


and this

and this

and finally this

It’s gonna be great!

12 years ago

Aaaah! That’s a kickass line-up Falconer. What instrument?

I’ve played everything but the Harry Potter suite (can’t imagine it’s too much different than the rest of Williams’ oeuvre though) and they’re even fun on the viola.

Dumpster Jedi
Dumpster Jedi
12 years ago

Ooh, Danse Macabre! One of my favorites.

My town does a Thriller reenactment/zombie parade every Halloween, but every time I hear Danse I wish we’d also have some kind of skeleton dance too; the plot for it sounds like it’d be a lot of fun to pay homage to.

12 years ago

Falconer, that sounds amazing!

Skyborn Rocket
Skyborn Rocket
12 years ago

@Tulgey Logger
Well, to be fair, in many states in the US are consolidating libel and slander into a single common law charge due to the internet likely to make slander spread via reporting in papers,

12 years ago

Thanks, everyone! I play the trombone. Dearly Beloved plays the viola.

@Nepenthe: The Harry Potter is mostly in 3/4, 6/8 and 9/8. Occasionally the composer went mad and wrote a phrase in 4/4 (the horror!). I’ve played a little bit of Williams, mostly arrangements of the Star Wars Main Theme and the Theme from Superman the Movie, but my impression is he looooooooooves threes. Specifically, he loves to leave an eighth-note rest at the start of a measure, which always trips me up despite the fact that I’ve been playing ‘bone since, like, 1989.

12 years ago


I love you for that reference. Best. Cartoon. EVAR.


“Danse Macabre” is one of my favorite classical pieces. It’s part of my Halloween lineup, which I am listening to on Shuffle at work right now!

12 years ago

I used to play the cello. Now I play the penny-whistle, and I just started the bagpipes. In theory I am also working on the banjo (as it’s a friendlier instrument).

12 years ago

Now I play the penny-whistle, and I just started the bagpipes. </blockquote.

Are you trying to win the hearts and minds of your neighbors? 'Cause boy, have I got news for you. /snark

(Not to be taken seriously or by mouth.)

12 years ago

Shaka, when the walls fell!

Elam, on CNN!

I borked those quotes but good.

12 years ago

Falconer: As I said on my twitter, when I move from practice chanter, to pipes… I can terrorise entire neighborhoods. 😀

12 years ago

I’m sorry, I don’t have a Twitter account 🙁 I figure youse guys don’t need a play by play of my boring ol’ life. And anyway, it goes so fast, I couldn’t keep up.