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American women: Monopoly capitalists of the vagina?

Men are tired of masturbating with the dead hand of capital!

Most manosphere misogynists lean to the right. But every once in a while I’ll run across an MRA who considers himself a man of the left. Today, while perusing the Spearhead, which generally appeals to some of the more reactionary MRAs and MGTOWers, I ran across a most intriguing example of the Manosphericus lefticus.

“Davani” describes himself as “a socialist and a supporter of women’s rights,” explaining that

the last thing I want is some kind of uneducated, barefoot-and-in-the-kitchen woman who I can’t even have a conversation with on any intelligent topic.

But Mr. D is a most unusual sort of socialist-feminist indeed. You might call him a Socialist of the Penis. Or, rather, a Socialist for the Penis. As he explains,

I am all for egalitarian culture (e.g., expanding women’s rights), but only if the women themselves are egalitarian. In the US, much more so than anywhere else, they are not.

So what exactly is wrong with these American women, in Davani’s mind? Well, he reports sadly,

The women here are very shallow, and use their rights to penalize, rather than include, the majority of “average” men who don’t make the cut in terms of their looks. Susan Walsh, the author of “Hooking Up Smart,” reports that on US college campuses, 80% of the girls have sex with 20% of the guys.

Oh dear, not this again.

In effect, giving American women contraception enables them to jump on the sex carousel but not with most guys — only with a small number of ‘alpha males’ at the top. This is the problem right here. Moreover, this is at no cost to themselves, because they can abort any pregnancy, while discriminating against the “lesser” males.

Davani is outraged by this blatant elitism on the part of women. He would prefer a far more egalitarian form of pussy distribution – from each, according to her pussy; to each, according to his penis’ needs.

[I]n other countries, women wouldn’t use contraception to essentially eliminate 80% of the guys. Family planning would benefit BOTH the guy and the girl. The girl isn’t looking to hook up with the top athlete or celebrity, she’s also very interested in other, regular guys, who have other good qualities, even if they don’t necessarily pass the “looks” test.

But in America, alas, women have become monopoly capitalists of the vagina.

American women are more shallow and discriminatory in their preferences than most other women, and this has to be taken into account. “Feminists used to get support from men by promising we’d all be getting laid for free” — in a normal society, yes; in this country, only the 20% at the top would be getting laid for free in this context.

So, false advertising, as well.

To the barricades, men! Vive la penislution!

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12 years ago


The only purpose in his mind is to punish women who have sex. It’s like the religious argument against contraception and abortion: having a baby is your punishment, and contraception prevents that. (Simultaneously, having a baby while married is perfectly fine, so only have sex while married)

12 years ago

Doosh V has a new blog. This one isn’t really a PUA thing, just a “blog for masculine men who like to have sex with thin feminine women.”

12 years ago

Cassandra: See, if you didn’t have contraception, you would only fuck men who would make good fathers, i.e., upstanding and productive members of society that contribute a great deal to the common welfare.

(Now everyone play “spot the fallacy!”)

12 years ago

Just managed to catch up on this thread.

OK ladies. If you’re using contraception, you need to pay for it by having sex with men to whom you are not attracted. Of course this will make you sluts, so accept the slut-shaming that goes with it.

Because if you don’t give sex to men who want it but you’re not attracted to them, these men will drop out of society, be non-productive slugs and society will collapse.

Teh Stoopid, it burns!

12 years ago

@cloudiah, that was awesome

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

See, if you didn’t have contraception, you would only fuck men who would make good fathers, i.e., upstanding and productive members of society that contribute a great deal to the common welfare.

(Now everyone play “spot the fallacy!”)

Is the fallacy where I’d use my vibrator a lot and have many very close friendships with my fellow vagina-havers, shunning all with penises, as a form of birth control?

12 years ago

the last thing I want is some kind of uneducated, barefoot-and-in-the-kitchen woman who I can’t even have a conversation with on any intelligent topic.

I’m interested in the fact that Mr. Lefty-Liberal is primarily interested in women’s rights because HE wants a woman who can intellectually stimulate him. In his actual comment he does next make a brief mention of an equal society being better, but still – got to keep the priorities straight!

12 years ago

Anon: Are you actually trying to tell me that Detroit is a shithole because women in Michigan don’t put out enough? Because there are a lot of problems and a lots of causes, and I’m pretty fucking sure that ‘hot girls won’t have sex with beta males’ is not even on the list. Please provide supporting evidence for your case.

Also: GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

Seriously, if you want to move women like me from the bisexual category into lesbian in practice, all you need to do is remove our access to birth control. Though I guess the guiding principle here is that if the author can’t get laid then nobody else should be able to either.

12 years ago

You manboobz can keep denying it to your graves, but the fact of the matter is that a pussy redistribution policy is no less important for the healthy functioning of a society than a money redistribution policy. Men are the ones who create and maintain society, and men who feel like they don’t have a chance (an increasing number) simply drop out.

From each according to their vaginas, to each according to their dicks. Otherwise, the laissez faire pussynomics leads to suffering. Alrighty then.

I can’t resist! What is a “pussy redistribution policy” and how would it work? Would it work like taxes? Arranged marriages? The system of sexual slavery imagined in The Hand Maid’s Tale but on a larger and more egalitarian (for the men, at any rate) scale?

This is kind of like how that one guy on the Spearhead forums brought up woman farms where oppressed MRA’s could someday “communize the c*nt”. The idea is horrifying, but it’s so far out there, I just laugh at it.

12 years ago

Now either be funny or fuck off Steelebutt.
[X] Funny
[ ] Fuck Off

@ Steele – You only post when I’m busy, are you avoiding me? 🙁

Also, you can’t say you’re right because… and then cite yourself. It makes you look saaaaad.

“Well and but”

STEEEEELE. Is English your first language?

“Well and hmm”

Twice? Twice???

“Seriously guys, can we put up some kind of Kickstarter to just buy him a fucking tutor already?”

If Steele would consent to a kickstarter for a tutor, I would donate actual money.

“I don’t think this is really arguable.”

That’s the problem, Steele. You can’t differentiate reality from your opinions.

“(Is there a word for a thing that is sexist against everybody?)”

Misanthropy? It doesn’t carry the same connotations as sexism, but I think it works.

“Does that mean I get to control whether society thrives or crumbles with my genitals?”

Sure. My vagina sunk Atlantis, remember.

I’ve taken to spamming threads with massive catch-all replies so I don’t quintuple post.

12 years ago

But nonetheless, there is certainly a wider plethora of (culturally-mandated) “desirable” female bodies, female faces, than there are for men. I don’t think this is really arguable.

Yeah, no.

Jack Black. Kelsey Grammar. Patrick Stewart. Sean Connery. Adrien Brody. Paul Giamatti. Danny DeVito. James Gandolfini. Forrest Whitaker.

Those are off the top of my head. All successful actors. All with a lot of women who adore the and find them sexy. And those are just actors, working in an industry that is entirely about how you look on a screen.

A cultural standard that includes everyone from Jack Black to Chris Evans and from Justin Bieber to Russell Crowe is the OPPOSITE of limited, you moronic nitwit.

Sorry had to get that out. (Obviously any of these guys may not be one woman’s cup of tea, but they are successful and recognized as such.)

12 years ago

What “normal society” is Davani talking about? Seriously curious to know what country he had in his delusional mind?

12 years ago

I just don’t understand these twits. Finding women to sleep with is not that difficult. Instead of bitching that women wont sleep with you, why don’t you try creating a better, more attractive life for yourself?

You know, shit like proper diet, exercise, have interesting hobbies, travel, learn transferable skills (like cooking and bartending), etc… Improving yourself will generally make you more attractive to more women.

Don’t act like a stupid nice guy. Don’t try to be everything to everyone. Stand your ground, don’t backpedal, don’t say you like shit just because she likes something. Don’t just act like a simpering twit.

Oh…and whatever type of woman you find attractive…go spend time doing that activity instead of bitching online. If you like surfer girls, then going to a goth club will probably net you zero results. Try the beach before posting stupid comments online.

If you think American women are shallow and uninteresting. Then go traveling and see if it is cultural or not. Maybe small talk is just shallow to you or maybe you will find another culture to be more suitable to dating.

If these men what to attract a woman, they actually have to you know be friggin attractive. Make yourself better before you start demanding others to change to suit your wishes.

12 years ago

So the problem with Detroit is the lack of sex on demand for the men who work there? That is not only the stupidest thing I’ve read today, but I doubt I’ll read anything dumber than that for quite a while. Congrats!

12 years ago

Every time some twit starts howling about the pussy cartel, monopolizing pussy, distributing pussy, or talking supply-and-demand, I wish I could remotely nuke that twit’s hard drive. Sexuality NEVER involves economics! I can’t even see sex as quid pro quo without feeling like I’ve corrupted myself. I believe that I’ve been implicitly taught or told myself that sex ought to stem from something beautiful or romantic. It cannot be an actuarial and mechanical transaction. There has to be substance behind it.

In this same vein, I shake my head at the term “hypergamy.” Every time I look at it I think that hypergamy would be defined as “hyper-promiscuity” to somebody who wouldn’t know MRA lingo, myself included.

Which then brings me to the concluding question: how badly do these people misunderstand women? What conditions or factors would make somebody more likely to become a MRA or hold these beliefs?

Why do they act without humanity as we perceive it?

Scott L.
Scott L.
12 years ago

I can overlook the whole Lars Ulrich thing but why oh why did you have to cancel Firefly you evil feminists?

12 years ago

What I don’t understand is where these guys live. I mean… I don’t see any of what they’re talking about (hypergamy in particular) in my local area. I’ll admit, not being in the dating market myself, I might not notice it, but I have friends who are, and it seems the men jump around more than the women in partners.

12 years ago

War. War never changes.

The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth to impress women. Spain built an empire from its lust for gold, territory and women. Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower to get laid.

But war never changes.

In the 21st century, war was still waged over the pussy that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons. For sex, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the last remaining supply of pussy on Earth.

In 2077, the storm of world war had come again. In two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to Detroit. And from the ashes of sexual devastation, a new civilization would struggle to arise.

A few were able to reach the relative safety of the MRM Islands. Your family was part of that group that entered Island Thirteen. Imprisoned safely across the vast ocean, under a mountain of blogposts, a generation has lived without knowledge of the outside world.

Life in the Island is about to change.

12 years ago

That is fantastic, Myoo!

12 years ago

Play spot the fallacy:

Would that be where I live happily as my asexual little self, continue working to support myself and my family, have a great time pursuing my interests and talking to friends?

Because um yeah, I decided a few years back that I’m a baby free zone, so sex will not be happening without contraception. Also, sexual frustration is not going to happen to me, so there would likely be some very unhappy men out there when I flatly refuse to date them and I’m not the least bit unhappy about that situation.

12 years ago

Biot, I wish I could nuke hard drives every time I hear the 80/20 percent thing.

Seriously, these people need to sit out in a park for a few hours each week.

12 years ago

Would pussy redistribution require lots of surgery? Not sure how you could take one persons pussy and give it to someone else 🙁

12 years ago

When will these guys figure out that the reason they don’t get laid is because women can sense their seething hatred of female people?

Also, if men wanted to get laid more often they’d stop using the word ‘slut’, a word of which these guys are particulary fond.

12 years ago

Myoo and Cloudia both deserve standing ovations for their outstanding contributions to this thread.

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