Most manosphere misogynists lean to the right. But every once in a while I’ll run across an MRA who considers himself a man of the left. Today, while perusing the Spearhead, which generally appeals to some of the more reactionary MRAs and MGTOWers, I ran across a most intriguing example of the Manosphericus lefticus.
“Davani” describes himself as “a socialist and a supporter of women’s rights,” explaining that
the last thing I want is some kind of uneducated, barefoot-and-in-the-kitchen woman who I can’t even have a conversation with on any intelligent topic.
But Mr. D is a most unusual sort of socialist-feminist indeed. You might call him a Socialist of the Penis. Or, rather, a Socialist for the Penis. As he explains,
I am all for egalitarian culture (e.g., expanding women’s rights), but only if the women themselves are egalitarian. In the US, much more so than anywhere else, they are not.
So what exactly is wrong with these American women, in Davani’s mind? Well, he reports sadly,
The women here are very shallow, and use their rights to penalize, rather than include, the majority of “average” men who don’t make the cut in terms of their looks. Susan Walsh, the author of “Hooking Up Smart,” reports that on US college campuses, 80% of the girls have sex with 20% of the guys.
Oh dear, not this again.
In effect, giving American women contraception enables them to jump on the sex carousel but not with most guys — only with a small number of ‘alpha males’ at the top. This is the problem right here. Moreover, this is at no cost to themselves, because they can abort any pregnancy, while discriminating against the “lesser” males.
Davani is outraged by this blatant elitism on the part of women. He would prefer a far more egalitarian form of pussy distribution – from each, according to her pussy; to each, according to his penis’ needs.
[I]n other countries, women wouldn’t use contraception to essentially eliminate 80% of the guys. Family planning would benefit BOTH the guy and the girl. The girl isn’t looking to hook up with the top athlete or celebrity, she’s also very interested in other, regular guys, who have other good qualities, even if they don’t necessarily pass the “looks” test.
But in America, alas, women have become monopoly capitalists of the vagina.
American women are more shallow and discriminatory in their preferences than most other women, and this has to be taken into account. “Feminists used to get support from men by promising we’d all be getting laid for free” — in a normal society, yes; in this country, only the 20% at the top would be getting laid for free in this context.
So, false advertising, as well.
To the barricades, men! Vive la penislution!
Steele buddy that link is not the hail mary you think it is
Balding, middle-aged men complain about the lack of “super-model types” at professional conferences, but women are the shallow ones? That is…unconvincing.
Also, further down the page:
Steele, you are just wrong.
Women control the media, seriously? Clearly, through media owners such as who is well known for his extreme left wing views.
Actually I think it’s less “comically inflated expectations” and more that men tend to overestimate their own good looks, and judge other men’s looks more kindly than they would a woman’s.
Also, what inurashi said. Women expressing their sexuality via sexual preferences? OMG, how dare they, those evil hypergamous bitches. Kiwi girl’s point is relevant too – if a person is able to find sexual partners who meet their expectations, that indicated that the expectations were not comically inflated. If however a person keeps stating strongly held preferences and is consistently unable to find anyone who meets them who actually wants to have sex with them…well, as inurashi said, there you have a huge chunk of the gaming community.
If women with “comically inflated expectations” are sexually active with their partner(s) of choice, then I suggest that their expectations are not inflated at all.
Well and but, here’s the rub – if one then complains about how she can’t find a long-term partner, while simultaneously also only looking at the most dominant of men, I believe the Movement is perfectly entitled to point and laugh.
Steele: “women generally are harder on men, in terms of looks, than men are of women.”
It was on this very blog that I first saw the phrase “fractally wrong” and it would seem to apply to Steele here.
Well and but, here’s the rub — because MRAs complain about how they can’t find any kinds of partners whatsoever while simultaneously bitching about ugly women they can’t stand, manboobz is perfectly entitled to point and laugh.
And we will.
Well, this is clearly true. I mean, I for one can’t tell you how many times I’ve marveled at the amount of hair and skin care products my man uses as part of his regular grooming regimen. And don’t get me started on all the make up and clothes!
“the Movement”… heh… so very fitting and unfitting simultaneously. 🙂
@Kirbywarp Thanks for that, I knew I’d heard those results but couldn’t find them.
This is Steelebutt’s definition of ‘subtle misandry’, according to his pre-written breathless huff-wank:
Steeley, did your entirely fictitious English teacher tell you that subtle meant ‘imaginary super-epic globe-wide conspiracy’ as part of a further conspiracy to make you look unimaginably fucking dim on the internet 15 years down the line or something? Was this before or after she was twirling her armpit hair and cackling like a Victorian villain at how much she was planning on ruining the lives of all men?
At least you provided the on-demand lulz.
Were that to happen, I would agree.
Would you also point and laugh at men who complain about not getting women to have sex with them while also only looking at the top percent in terms of physical beauty?
I wonder if there’s a special phrase for citing a source that concludes the exact opposite of what you claim… Cause that would apply great here.
So, then you agree we should be mocking the subject of the original post? Because, you know, we’re not the people complaining about not being able to get laid.
Actually I think it’s less “comically inflated expectations” and more that men tend to overestimate their own good looks, and judge other men’s looks more kindly than they would a woman’s.
Well and hmm, this is an interesting statement, Says. I both agree and disagree. I think that the cultural standards of beauty for men are significantly narrower than they are for women. For those men who do fit said standards, I would agree. However, for the men who don’t fit those standards, I think many believe themselves far uglier than they actually are.
@kirbywarp, Yes that would be an “appeal to authority (who disagrees with you)” I think.
Seriously guys, can we put up some kind of Kickstarter to just buy him a fucking tutor already? This shit is unbelievably painful. I will even specify the tutor has to be male, so he has no excuse.
*wanders off muttering “well and but?!”…”WELL…AND BUT?!?!?”* *collapses, twitching*
I assume you’ll be running off to find a blog on which that’s actually happening, then?
Aside – can someone please clearly define what “hypergamy” is supposed to mean? Because I see people using it to mean women going for men on the basis of money or status most of the time, but then sometimes they seem to mean looks, when that happens to be convenient. Most of the time it seems to mean “women sleeping with men who aren’t me, which is unfair”.
“Well and hmm” is the name of my band. I’ve trademarked it. Stop using it Steelepole!
@Steele citations needed. I don’t care what you think, I want evidence. What you think does not automatically translate into what happens in reality.
Thanks for the transcription. So many wrongs!
Obviously. I mean, look at how music videos cater to teenage males with images of sexy, video games portray women as secondary and sex-interests, and so many movies faile the beschel test. Totally feminism.
Yeah… this is basically a result of women only being useful in their capacity as mothers, and so therefore are the nannies, primary school teachers, and nurses. How many college professors are women?
… Ok, not even gonna touch this one. I’d get conspiracy all over me and that doesn’t come off in the wash.
Isn’t it well-established that feminists use cats to control the world?
I’ll bet you can already taste the thousand troy ounces of gold.
When the record companies went after Napster that was totally feminism at work. I mean, we run everything, right?
It was feminists who made Lars Ulrich want to sue his own fans. We’re just dastardly that way.