Most manosphere misogynists lean to the right. But every once in a while I’ll run across an MRA who considers himself a man of the left. Today, while perusing the Spearhead, which generally appeals to some of the more reactionary MRAs and MGTOWers, I ran across a most intriguing example of the Manosphericus lefticus.
“Davani” describes himself as “a socialist and a supporter of women’s rights,” explaining that
the last thing I want is some kind of uneducated, barefoot-and-in-the-kitchen woman who I can’t even have a conversation with on any intelligent topic.
But Mr. D is a most unusual sort of socialist-feminist indeed. You might call him a Socialist of the Penis. Or, rather, a Socialist for the Penis. As he explains,
I am all for egalitarian culture (e.g., expanding women’s rights), but only if the women themselves are egalitarian. In the US, much more so than anywhere else, they are not.
So what exactly is wrong with these American women, in Davani’s mind? Well, he reports sadly,
The women here are very shallow, and use their rights to penalize, rather than include, the majority of “average” men who don’t make the cut in terms of their looks. Susan Walsh, the author of “Hooking Up Smart,” reports that on US college campuses, 80% of the girls have sex with 20% of the guys.
Oh dear, not this again.
In effect, giving American women contraception enables them to jump on the sex carousel but not with most guys — only with a small number of ‘alpha males’ at the top. This is the problem right here. Moreover, this is at no cost to themselves, because they can abort any pregnancy, while discriminating against the “lesser” males.
Davani is outraged by this blatant elitism on the part of women. He would prefer a far more egalitarian form of pussy distribution – from each, according to her pussy; to each, according to his penis’ needs.
[I]n other countries, women wouldn’t use contraception to essentially eliminate 80% of the guys. Family planning would benefit BOTH the guy and the girl. The girl isn’t looking to hook up with the top athlete or celebrity, she’s also very interested in other, regular guys, who have other good qualities, even if they don’t necessarily pass the “looks” test.
But in America, alas, women have become monopoly capitalists of the vagina.
American women are more shallow and discriminatory in their preferences than most other women, and this has to be taken into account. “Feminists used to get support from men by promising we’d all be getting laid for free” — in a normal society, yes; in this country, only the 20% at the top would be getting laid for free in this context.
So, false advertising, as well.
To the barricades, men! Vive la penislution!
“Do not kiss the driver while the tram is moving”
“Do not kiss the driver while the tram is moving”
But what if Mr Kitteh’s driving? 🙁
YOU can kiss him, but nobody else 😉
This is very true! 😀
… suddenly I feel the urge to by some, er, soothing cream.
No no no, you guys are getting it all backwards. He is not so cruel as to expect women to have sex with guys they’re not attracted to. He just wants women to be more oppressed so they are happy with and grateful for his attentions, and have sex with him willingly.
(NB: this guy of guy might actually be worse than the regular old “women are completely inferior” MRAs. At least in their twisted world-view they think what they are doing is moral. This guy, he knows women deserve equality but that equality doesn’t benefit him. He knows oppressing women is immoral but he’s wants to do it anyway.)
Ugh. I despise the fact that I was sent home from the hospital because my contractions are not “true labor pain.” FUCK THAT SHIT. I feel like my pelvis has two people playing tug-of war with it while wearing barbed wires gloves, and it hurts like hell.
Luckily, I am set to be chemically induced in two days if this “horrible false labor” does not turn into “horrible real labor.” IT CANNOT GET HERE SOON ENOUGH.
Any MRA who gets within five cubic centimeters of me with his entitled whine about his being owed sex with any vagina he pleases is going to get incinerated by the burning lazer painvision emanating from my eyeballs. Because for serious, if you think that your dick not getting vag time is more important than a woman’s right not to have her body used like a fuck toy, you deserve to FEEL MY PAIN.
Also, if I hear “sex as commodity” jargon being posited as a REASONABLE point one more time, I might just have to shoot someone with my Point of View gun. Trust me, you don’t want to know the level of random, shooting pain I’m feeling.
Oh, poor Duality Heart! Virtual hugs if you want them! I hope babby comes soon.
@dualityheart Ouch. I hope it turns into “real labor” sooner rather than later. Meanwhile I will hope that your anti-MRA force field holds up and they are all deflected from your general vicinity.
Am I misremembering, or do you have a thesis to defend soon too? :O
Best of luck either way, best of luck from me and hopefully the rest of the Men Boobzer
Dudebro’s hamster must really be working overtime if he’s able to convince himself that he’s in favor of women having rights, but not in favor of them having the right to choose their sexual partners, and he totally respects women, but at the same time he thinks of them as orgasm vending machines. That much cognitive dissonance probably causes terrible migraines.
@lowquack$- I’m thankfully out of academia at the moment, so no, not defending a thesis, but at some point I think I may get myself back over in that frame of mind….
Still, every time I hear conservative pundits talking about how women ought not to have abortions or that “birth/pregnancy is easy” it reaaaaaaaaaaallly makes me want to figure out a way to record the pain that I am feeling and teleport said feelings into their brains so they can also experience it and realize that it is NOT trivial, easy or without immense physical consequence.
Pregnancy and childbirth isn’t even on the same plane of reality as child support.
That sucks, dualityheart, I hope the birth happens soon, good luck.
Dualityheart: Hugs if you want them, good luck, and if you want to have pain relief, advocate for yourself non-stop — don’t take “no” for an answer.
Incidentally, I think the only way to make one of those guys feel your pain is to have them swallow a giant pressure cuff. Then inflate it approximately 50,000 times over a period of many hours. Then have him pass it (inflated). Then instruct them to thank you for the experience.
@Amused- Don’t forget that they then must pay the $10,000 or higher bill for doing it in a hospital where they will be bullied and pushed into intervention after intervention and feeling like their agency is slowly being taken away.
Dualityheart – huge Virtual Pain Relief Hugs and thoughts coming your way!
One of the things that sickens me about this “you owe us sex” attitude is that these men expect other a woman to let someone into her body regardless of whether she’s aroused or not, attracted or not, repelled or not. Have they any idea of what they’re demanding, of how horrible that is? (I’m speaking from the grey-a perspective of one man and one only, ever, but I doubt I’m unique in finding the demand to be given access to someone’s body that way utterly nauseating.)
*Virtual and only if you want them, of course! Should have said that.
Duality, if you know where to get an herb called dog fennel or wild dill (though it is neither), eat a salad with that in it. It will induce (use enough to get a distinct dill flavor, but not more, at this stage).
Actually, as I indicated before, this man is expressing an attitude that was very common among the beats and lefties pre-Second Wave. It was supposed to be variously bourgeois, selfish, unfeminine, and castrating not to “give yourself” to such superior beings. Nowadays, you rarely hear this kind of goo from the left wing, but I can remember when this was virtually enshrined wisdom among artsy lefty types.
Amused, a simpler approximation was the Below-the-Border suggestion that a man could better understand his wife’s ordeal by swallowing a whole coconut and waiting for it to work its way out the other end.
Reymohammed – wasn’t that one of the criticisms of the so-called sexual revolution as well, that it benefitted men, not women, in many ways?
Pineapple. Worked for my flatmate.
Hope you’ll be meeting the wee one soon!