Most manosphere misogynists lean to the right. But every once in a while I’ll run across an MRA who considers himself a man of the left. Today, while perusing the Spearhead, which generally appeals to some of the more reactionary MRAs and MGTOWers, I ran across a most intriguing example of the Manosphericus lefticus.
“Davani” describes himself as “a socialist and a supporter of women’s rights,” explaining that
the last thing I want is some kind of uneducated, barefoot-and-in-the-kitchen woman who I can’t even have a conversation with on any intelligent topic.
But Mr. D is a most unusual sort of socialist-feminist indeed. You might call him a Socialist of the Penis. Or, rather, a Socialist for the Penis. As he explains,
I am all for egalitarian culture (e.g., expanding women’s rights), but only if the women themselves are egalitarian. In the US, much more so than anywhere else, they are not.
So what exactly is wrong with these American women, in Davani’s mind? Well, he reports sadly,
The women here are very shallow, and use their rights to penalize, rather than include, the majority of “average” men who don’t make the cut in terms of their looks. Susan Walsh, the author of “Hooking Up Smart,” reports that on US college campuses, 80% of the girls have sex with 20% of the guys.
Oh dear, not this again.
In effect, giving American women contraception enables them to jump on the sex carousel but not with most guys — only with a small number of ‘alpha males’ at the top. This is the problem right here. Moreover, this is at no cost to themselves, because they can abort any pregnancy, while discriminating against the “lesser” males.
Davani is outraged by this blatant elitism on the part of women. He would prefer a far more egalitarian form of pussy distribution – from each, according to her pussy; to each, according to his penis’ needs.
[I]n other countries, women wouldn’t use contraception to essentially eliminate 80% of the guys. Family planning would benefit BOTH the guy and the girl. The girl isn’t looking to hook up with the top athlete or celebrity, she’s also very interested in other, regular guys, who have other good qualities, even if they don’t necessarily pass the “looks” test.
But in America, alas, women have become monopoly capitalists of the vagina.
American women are more shallow and discriminatory in their preferences than most other women, and this has to be taken into account. “Feminists used to get support from men by promising we’d all be getting laid for free” — in a normal society, yes; in this country, only the 20% at the top would be getting laid for free in this context.
So, false advertising, as well.
To the barricades, men! Vive la penislution!
I wonder if it’s not so much goalpost shifting as that he has been a douche for so long he can’t even imagine a relationship starting any way except by creeping on every woman he knows.
Meh, blockquotes.
Well, I typically just treat everyone the same in public and I wouldn’t really walk up to someone and “insta-flirt” with them. Seems rude. However, I would get more flirtatious if I thought she was attracted to me. You never know, and you don’t want to let opportunities pass you by. Seize the day and what have you.
Wait, shouldn’t your slogan be more like “seize the sex tapes before a judge can get to them”?
Nothing quite like the staggering sense of entitlement from a dude who expects all women to be amenable to and compliant with his demands for their attention.
How is Ashley doing? I hope she is doing okay and found someone better than you Brandon.
And then Brandon notes down on his clipboard how his approach went, what his rate is, and which women appear to own more assets than liabilities.
Nothing creepy at all.
Cassandra, it’s “seize the sex tapes obtained without consent and encase them in lucite.”
Hallo everyone, I’m back and I have sushi! Anyone want a piece?
:3 (O) *nom*
What I miss?
Yeah, some of the numbers were estimates, which, since I did this on the back of an envelope, is fair I think.
Ashley was alright, but then she applied for a mortgage and her value just plummeted.
Seize the sex tapes before someone with a court order does!
In terms of interactions on the street I’m surprised his motto isn’t “seize the ass”.
Well, let’s be honest, if you’re essentially going to make up some numbers out of thin air to support an MRA troll’s misanthropic view of human relationships, It think it’s actually not all that fair.
Assigning ‘objective’ value to people is one thing guaranteed to make you a very bad risk as a partner, because you have no reason not to ‘trade up’ as soon as you have the opportunity.
“If I thought she was attracted to me” – yeah, women are SO often likely to be instantly attracted to some strange man who’s talking to them, and SO impressed if he suddenly starts acting like they’ve invited him into their pants. If you really do talk to all people the same way, how about just talking to women as if we’re people and not potential sex vending machines?
Hi kirby! Do you have any maguro?
Better guard that sushi, though, since Brandon is back and talking about seizing things.
It’s called body language. If I bumped into someone like hellkell, the conversation wouldn’t last long anyways. Negative and miserable people are people I tend to avoid.
Someone grunting at you = stop talking to them
Someone giving you a big smile = keep talking
It’s not that hard. The other persons reaction to you tells them their mindset and what they want you to do.
No thank you but you have not quite missed Brandon yet. He has not told us about Ashley.
I should eat something now that the zombies have all left me alone for the night.
And, of course, a member of a misogynist hate movement will always be totally respectful of women’s body language and not creepy or threatening at all.
Also, if you’re hitting on a total stranger, and she says no, and you back off, you’re still being an asshole because it shouldn’t be her job to have to dissuade you from bothering her while she’s going about her business.
Even when at a sex club, still polite to say “hi” before you stick your dick into someone.
Kirbywarp, you missed me accidentally summoning a pernicious troll.
Bye, bye, Brandon!
Labeling people with a number to indicate their worth to you is… very impersonal and self-centered. It shows no interest on your end of communicating with the other person, of a give-and-take that all relationships are. It says you probably aren’t going to bother doing something you didn’t already want to do to make the other person happy. But in return you are going to expect the other person to cater to your whims; if they don’t, they become less valuable to you. It shows you have no interest in the other person save for what they provide to you.
Not much of a relationship if you never actually relate to the other person…
Princessbonbon – lol!
Ugh – exactly. Creeps never, never protest that “She didn’t say no! How am I supposed to understand body language?” Or call women negative for not being amenable to being hit on.
Brandon just illustrated what you said about the creepiness of hitting on strangers in the first place.