$MONEY$ creepy disgusting women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny music YouTube

Sunday Challenge: Shadow of a Doubt meets Aksak Maboul

Let’s celebrate this lazy Sunday with a famously creepy scene from Hitchcock’s Shadow of a Doubt. I haven’t seen the whole thing yet, but after watching this scene I think I’ll have to. So NO SPOILERS PLEASE. All I know, and all I want to know, is that Mr. Misogynist here may possibly be a serial killer.

Meanwhile, I can’t stop listening to this song, which most normal human beings are likely to find exceedingly annoying.

I think if I put this on a loop and listened to it for two days straight I would either achieve enlightenment or lose it completely.

So here’s my challenge to you: Watch the Hitchcock clip again, while simultaneously playing the second clip. (I’ve set it up so you can do that automatically at YouTube Doubler here.)  Joseph Cotten just got about five times creepier, didn’t he?

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12 years ago

Eh, the first video is way creepier with the Bananaphone song.

12 years ago

Aw look, an MRA who cites Tom Leykis shows up in the comments of the first video!

Hey you know what totally makes me sympathetic to men’s issues? hearing from them day after day about how much they hate me on the internet for simply having a vag. Yeah…that’s really the way to lure women away from feminism- accuse them of stealing your money and questioning if they are human.

MRAs: convincing women that misogyny still exists since whenever the fuck they started stinking up the internet.

12 years ago

uh David are you okay

12 years ago

It is profoundly creepier particularly if, while listening to both at once, you look at the skull-in-the-eye picture.

I’m gonna go out in the sunshine and play with baby bunnies to ward off the heebie-jeebies now.

12 years ago

Well, I am freaked out now. 0_0

12 years ago

I remember seeing that film on teevee when I was maybe ten. I could never watch a film with Joseph Cotton in it ever again after that.

12 years ago

My Android won’t open the clips, but I remember the picture. Also, I have worked with pathological cases, both in a psychiatric setting and, years later, on the *other* side of cases I was litigating. If they talk like that, they’re not just blowing off steam. They may have killed; they are likely to kill in the future. Take them seriously.

12 years ago

Of course you will, David, since you are a legion of kitties. I know that the real DF died in the great kitty litter factory explosion of 1996. This can be our little secret.

12 years ago

oh shit i said too much

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I keep seeing that moment in Coppola’s Dracula where Gary Oldman turns into a human-shaped collection of rats. If only it’d been cats, it would be the perfect clip for Kitteh David Takes Over World.

12 years ago

Oh please David, I once had to spend an entire WEEK listening to Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” over and over and over again.


12 years ago

@princessbonbon I see your week listening to Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” to 6 years in work setting where our supervisor played Sade’s Smooth Operator at least twice a day.

12 years ago

That is not that bad because at least you had other music in between it. This was during summer break from school, I could not drive and it was a 700 sq ft house with paper thin walls. And it was not by choice.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

What most “normal” human beings find exceedingly annoying includes plenty of great music, whereas a lot of songs that they really ought to find exceedingly annoying end up being hits. On a different note, Bill Maher played that Alfred Hitchcock clip tonight. Coincidence? I think so.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

That is not that bad because at least you had other music in between it. This was during summer break from school, I could not drive and it was a 700 sq ft house with paper thin walls. And it was not by choice.

Sounds like a real L7 assclown.

12 years ago

Ah, but ask me what the other music was. 😉 Sade was probably the best of it, but on constant rotation everything gets maddening. There was a lot of “blues” played by white people, some Enya, some truly terrible country music, and oh god my brain is rebelling at trying to remember the rest of it.

But I don’t envy you your Whitney Houston week, not at all. At least I could get away from it when I got home.

12 years ago

I spent a weekend with nothing but, “Whip it” being played (as a 45). But even that paled in comparison to a lot of work over Christmas 2 years ago… five versions of “Baby it’s cold outside” and, about every three hours, “Santa does the mambo”.

Oh my god that was awful.


Oh, well that might be different as I like a lot of soft rock, Enya, Enya wannabes and other dreadful music.

12 years ago

There was a period of time where my neighbor had Katy Perry’s Firework on loop for hours at a time. I could hear him singing along (badly) too. That was pretty painful. Funny, but painful after a while.

12 years ago

I once went on a seven-day roadtrip with two people who insisted on listening to “I Touch Myself” over and over and over again.

12 years ago

Meatloaf, played by a dorm neighbor, over and over again in a row. I hate Meatloaf to this day.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Bing Crosby Christmas songs on repeat through a five-hour road trip to a funeral.

12 years ago

Another monster has shot and killed several people in a public place trying to kill his estranged wife. It hasn’t been confirmed if she is one of the fatalities. Three dead (plus the murderer), four injured. He also set the place on fire. His ex wife had a restraining order.

It is believed that Haughton worked alone, a belief that authorities stressed to worried citizens. “Our community can feel safe, southeastern Wisconsin can feel safe in this matter, that we are not seeking any additional suspects,” said Tushaus.

Really? Our community can feel safe when angry, bitter, entitled men find this level of violence justified again and again and again? I for one do not feel safe. Those women went to work yesterday morning and got shot by some asshole who thought he still owned his wife.

12 years ago

“Baby it’s cold outside”

Merry Christmas, honey, I got you some date rape.