So the other day, whilst poking around on Reddit, I took a look at one of its more charming subreddits: r/whiterights – a subreddit full of racists who spend a good deal of their time (as dedicated racists do these days) to pretending that they’re not really racists, just good-hearted folks really really concerned about the plight of white people facing “minority oppression.”
Amidst an assortment of posts complaining about evil brown immigrants, “Jewish Power,” and the internal politics of neo-Nazi organizations, I noticed a posting from our old friend JeremiahGuy — the latest Reddit handle of the dude once known as Things Are Bad, an MRA so obnoxious he’s been banned from r/mensights and A Voice for Men.
Jeremiah links to a post on MGTOWforums –- another familiar name! — lamenting the fact that a black “fattie” has just been chosen as Homecoming Queen at the University of Mississippi – that is, the famously racist, formerly segregated school known as Ole Miss.
The discussion over at MGTOWforums lives up (lives down?) to that site’s usual abysmal standards, with the regulars bashing not only the new Homecoming Queen, but also the first runner-up, a (white) woman whom the regulars have decided is “haggard.” As one commenter puts it:
Either the school is housed in radioactive isotopes causing deformation and them being the “Two best” beaties..Or they have that whole “Oh don’t worry you ARE beautiful!!” crowd surrounding them.
Honestly though since she is the “FIRST” African American winner shes probably a token winner like obama.
Either you vote for her or you are a racist kind of thing.. Or as I said before the thing I call “Oh don’t worry you are pretty!” White lie which is also part pity.
Jesus though. Either choice!! I had seen prettier faces on roadkill.
There’s a lot more where that came from in the MGTOWforums thread.
But I actually found myself more intrigued by the discussion over on r/whiterights, where some of the commenters expressed dismay that the folks on r/whiterights were being so obviously racist. No, really. To wit:
Elsewhere in the thread, another commenter expresses a similar concern:
These comments are some of the Reddit-est comments I’ve read in a long time.
I think there are two possibilities here. Either Paxmagister and Schuuugg are
1) Standard issue racist “white nationalists” worried that too-obvious racism will hurt their movement, or
2) Two people so entitled and narcissistic that they honestly believe that white people like themselves really do face oppression at the hands of minorities, yet who also honestly believe that they themselves aren’t racist, and have somehow failed to notice up until this point that they’re posting in a subreddit run by and full of neo-Nazis.
I think it’s door number two.
The parallel with “Men’s Rights” is fairly obvious here. The Men’s Rights subreddit is overflowing with guys who honestly don’t see themselves as misogynists — but who also regularly write and upvote stuff like the following, from a thread on “Why feminists shouldn’t complain about PUA: They created them [sic] by destroying the previous dating model.”
This is just one example of the casual misogyny that flourishes there, and not even a particularly egregious one. Obviously, as regular readers here know all too well, there are plenty more examples where that came from.
It’s kind of amazing how easy it is for bigots to convince themselves that they’re not bigots.
I think we can do without the people who are “on the fence” about the whole racism thing.
Ditto, Tulgey.
Sir Feldon – do you realise what you just said? That you’re undecided about whether to be a racist or not? That people saying MEAN THINGS about racists might just make you side with the poor put-upon racists after all?
And cut the concern-trolling and tone-trolling. “Oh you shouldn’t be so nasty to those poor racists/misogynists! You have to be NICE!”
Yeah, bullshit.
Naïf: And how many times have you been married?
I belong to a historical dancing community. I make a point that I only dance with my date once per set of dances. In part this is because there aren’t as many men as women. It’s also because it’s more historically accurate.
And it’s more fun.
(Varpole take note, this is an aspect of my sexuality)
Back when I was physically able to dance, I used to go to contradances (which are super fun – I miss them 🙁 ), and the prevailing expectation at most of them is that, if you come with a date (most people don’t), you can dance with your date for most or all of the waltzes, since waltzes are kind of intimate, but for all the other dances, people generally try to have a new partner every time. Anyone who tried to latch on to the same partner over and over outside of waltzes would be perceived as kind of strange, especially since over the course of a single dance, you’ll generally end up dancing at least as much, if not more, with people who are not your starting partner, so trying to keep the same person is pretty pointless, anyway.
Dancing as male sexuality! Oh, the horror!
Hey, does this mean Mr Darcy is suddenly not a Real Man, even if he did go around Firthing all the time?
Kitteh’s: Dancing with lots of women, as male sexuality. Waltzes even (the last dance of the evening is traditionally a waltz, and a very pretty one; that’s always reserved for my date).
The MRM version of dancing with lots of women would probablyl mean dancing with lots of women who didn’t want to dance. Because real men.
I love the dance in the Netherfield Ball scene in the Ehle/Firth version of P&P. It’s like a duel set to music. Wish they’d had the orchestral version of it on the CD instead of just the piano.
My dancing, alas, never got beyond the “cavorting best done in private” variety. Now the legs are giving out it’s more like “jiggling best done in private”. Though watching Mr Kitteh do a bit of a turn is more fun anyway. 😉
Dancing the PUA way – “kino escalate” by pulling a woman onto the dancefloor, and then insult her dancing prowess until her self-esteem is so low that she feels like she has to fuck you in order to redeem herself in your eyes.
MGTOW dancing: Take your partner by the hand. Tell her you don’t want to dance with her. Stick around and continue telling her this for at least an hour.
CassandraSays and lowquacks – ROFL to both!
This could be a whole new venture – the MRM Book of Dancing.
Or a text on the complexities of sexist dudes objecting to very sexualised dancing done by Kids These Days while some possibly genuine criticisms of the environments said dancing come from exist.
I’d call it The Protestan’ Twerk Ethic, by ‘Quacks Weber.
I was thinking the other day about how racist goal posts also vary from place to place… I live in Stockholm now, but grew up way out in the countryside in Sweden, and it was a TOTALLY white place. NO other colours. A colleague I work with now grew up in another small town a few miles from my village (although we didn’t meet until we started working at the same place in Stockholm). His father is from Greece, so he has naturally black hair. And he was bullied for his hair colour by racists at his school. You’d think that racists would be happy to live at a place where there’s no brown-skinned people, but then they’ll just focus on hair colour instead and whether that’s “too dark” or not.
I remember I saw some American talk show once where there was this guy from Ku Klux Klan who defended their ideology… and my first thought was “What’s that guy doing in the KKK? He’s got black hair!”. It really looked like it would be his natural colour too, he had black eyebrows as well and dark brown eyes. I was so used to thinking of naturally black hair as something that disqualifies you in the eyes of racists, but I guess that since Americans on average have a bit more pigment than Swedes, the racist goal post allows for a bit more pigmentation there.
yes, sitting on a fence might hurt the butt.
Dvärghundspossen: I think it’s a thing to do with the Other. Sounds to me like the vast majority of Swedes are blond-haired and so on, while there’s a lot more variation in the US or UK, and so dark hair just isn’t as noticable or Other.
As much as I love our culture, there are things about it I hate. Wanting to constantly put physical beauty on display is one of them, and then judging people harshly for not living up to a certain standard. As for Righties being racists, too many are. Some still believe de-segregation was wrong. Unbelievable!
But blue jeans are TEH AWESOMEST and prove you’re better than everyone else, amirite Ruby?
Or prove that you’re human?
Ruby, I thought Western culture was the bestest ever, according to you.
@Morkaischosen: Probably. Brown hair is common here, but very dark brown is rare, and almost no Swede has black hair unless you have a parent of more southern nationality, like my colleague. So it stands out.
Anything that stands out, people might pick on.
As much as I love our culture, there are things about it I hate. The fact that some people seem to think it’s OK for people in prison to commit crimes like rape is one of them.
(Sorry, but it’d’ve been a shame to waste that opportunity.)
Reminds me of my schooldays (Finland, 1970’s). A Jewish girl with straight black hair was quite exotic and different. Not a target of racism, AFAIK, but very distinctive.
When my best friends and I were in the third grade, we first encountered WWII history and the whole Hitler Aryian Race thing. So we came up with a game called “who would Hitler kill?” And we came to the conclusion that my friend K would be safe with her blue eyes and blond hair, that we could dye my friend S’s hair blond since she had blue eyes, and that me being both dark haired and hazel eyed would be sent quickly to the gas chambers. So predictably, we spent the reat of the day’s recesses playing “hide Nanasha from the SS so she wont be burned up.”
The joys of childhood- realizing that if a structure is in place and you are powerless to change it, the only thing you can do is confirm until you can escape!
Here at manboobz, we’re against kissing racist ass. If you don’t like it, you can leave.
I think the two people you are describing are named Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter.